
1. 「我知道這是你幹的好事!你最好給我小心點!」 Reddit / AEIOwn_U   2. 「這樣的造型會不會讓我看起來很胖?」 Reddit / gootinberg 廣告1   3. 「媽~這個造型好三八喔!」 Reddit / Lady_Terminator_   4. 「好丟臉喔,我還是等毛長回來再出門好了!」 Instagram

April 19, 2015

1. 「我知道這是你幹的好事!你最好給我小心點!」

"I know you're responsible for this. And I also know where you sleep."
Reddit / AEIOwn_U


2. 「這樣的造型會不會讓我看起來很胖?」

"Does this blowout make me look fat?"
Reddit / gootinberg


3. 「媽~這個造型好三八喔!」

"Like, I don't know, Mom. I, like, think I kind of like-like this look."
Reddit / Lady_Terminator_


4. 「好丟臉喔,我還是等毛長回來再出門好了!」

"I'm just going to lie here until it grows out."
Instagram / danejah_playboy


5. 「我最討厭綁沖天炮了!」

"I told them not to touch my manbun after you left."
Instagram / calvinthemaltipoo


6. 「天啊!真赤裸,要保養好水嫩皮膚等等就來塗防曬啦!」

They're going to need to stock up on puppy sunblock.
Reddit / wifewithalife


7. 「我身上怎麼補丁補成這樣?!」

"I look like the dog chewed me up and spit me out."
Reddit / MsMoongoose


8. 「你不知道落腮鬍已經退流行了?!」

"What? They told me muttonchops were coming back!"
Reddit / epic_sammich_maker


9. 「如果朋友問我在哪裡,你千萬別跟他們說喔,我這樣子太見不得人啦!」

"Please don't let the other Huskies see me like this."
Reddit / Degospectacular



To be fair, he looks like he was <em>born</em> to rock a mohawk.
Reddit / SweetbabyFudd


11. 「我快哭了啦,這樣的造型根本是狗啃的嘛!」

This at-home attempt perfectly illustrates the phrase, "You get what you pay for."
Reddit / thejohnblog


12. 「朕一定要毀了你!(瞪) 」

"You TOLD them to make me look like this??"
Reddit / aiello22


13. 「你好!我是小甜甜布蘭妮!」

I'm guessing they call this look the "Flying Nun."
Reddit / Azumooo


14. 「我是要去報名參加馬戲團嗎?」

"Now I finally look like all the other cheerleaders!"
Reddit / snackmasterflex


15. 「現在青少年就是要瀏海遮住眼睛才夠帥!」

He wanted to look like Grandpa (who has a comb-over).
Reddit / MisterScientist6


16. 「咦?我視力是不是退化了?!」

At least he can't see himself in the mirror.
Reddit / mmshaw448


17. 「我都大露胸前愛心示愛了,你還不接受我嗎?」

"I hate wearing my heart on my sleeve."
Reddit / brahno_722


18. 「欸樓上的!你算哪跟蔥?」

"You got off lucky, man."
Reddit / Mr_tAway


19. 「別把我當陌生人大驚小怪啦!我只是換造型啊!」

"Stop following me, Fitz! I swear, I'm still me!"
Reddit / rbean44


20. 「我感覺自己頭快要爆炸了!」

"Maybe I should have thought twice before saying, 'Surprise me!'"
Reddit / m1ndweaver


21. 「你竟然花了錢把我修剪成這副德性?!」

"You mean you actually paid money for this?"
Reddit / lizerati


22. 「貝克漢沒有我帥啦!」

"I feel like such a poser."
Reddit / apollo_c


23. 「我長的真像雞毛撢子啊!」

I used to have a rug in my living room with that exact pattern.
Reddit / kcirvam


24. 這是要參加時尚秀嗎?

...I'm honestly speechless.
Instagram / anais_hayden




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