
1. 女生:「终于可以脱掉胸罩真的太爽了!」男生:「终于可以看到她脱掉胸罩真的太爽了!」    2. 跟别人一起笑到腹肌痛。 廣告1   3. 闹钟响了可是发现今天不用上班!    4. 洗完澡之后躺到干净的床铺上~ 廣告2   5. 你爱的人也一样的爱你。 廣告3   6. 冬天的时候洗

December 5, 2015

1. 女生:「终于可以脱掉胸罩真的太爽了!」男生:「终于可以看到她脱掉胸罩真的太爽了!」

Women: Taking off your bra for the rest of the night.  Men: Watching your woman take off her bra for the rest of the night.


2. 跟别人一起笑到腹肌痛。

Laughing uncontrollably with someone else.


3. 闹钟响了可是发现今天不用上班!

Having your alarm go off but then realizing that you have the day off and can go back to sleep.


4. 洗完澡之后躺到干净的床铺上~

Getting into a bed with clean sheets after a shower.


5. 你爱的人也一样的爱你。

Being in love with someone who loves you back.


6. 冬天的时候洗一场热水澡。

Taking a really hot shower after a cold day.


7. 终于吃到一直以来都好想吃的食物。

Taking the first bite of something you've been craving hardcore.


8. 挖下全新花生酱的一瞬间~

The first time using a fresh jar of peanut butter.


9. 将枕头转到比较凉的那一面。

Turning the pillow over to the cold side.


10. 被美景包围的环境下喝一杯啤酒。

Drinking a beer, in the shade at a sunny lake and a great view.


11. 卡在耳朵里的水终于流出来的感觉~

When the water that was stuck in your ear finally drips out.


12. 有时候打了一个很好的喷嚏会让人感觉神清气爽。

The satisfaction you get after a good sneeze.


13. 得到非常专业又舒服的按摩。

A really good, professional massage.


14. 维持同样的姿势很久终于可以伸展自己的背部的感觉。

Finally cracking your back after not being able to.


15. 餐厅终于把你点的菜送来的一刻。

Seeing your food coming in a restaurant.


16. 在看自己的银行户头时发现里面的钱比你想像中的还多!

Checking your bank account and having more money than you thought.


17. 终于写完报告之后把所有浏览器的分页关掉的感觉。

Closing all of your internet tabs after finishing a project.


18. 脱掉穿了一整天的长袜后终于能抓抓小腿的舒畅感。

Scratching your calves after a long day of wearing socks.


19. 滑雪一整天后脱掉滑雪鞋的感觉。

Taking off your ski boots after a long day on the mountain.


20. 好好运动一场结束后感觉。

A good post-workout high.


21. 初吻的感觉。

That first kiss.


22. 早上起床发现自己的病终于好了。

Waking up the first day you aren't sick anymore.


23. 用棉花棒挖耳朵。

Cleaning your ears with a q tip.


24. 跟小狗狗玩耍。

Playing with a puppy.


25. 怀旧感。

That nostalgic feeling.

来源:the Chive

穿了一整天内衣脱掉的感觉真的很舒爽啊~ 快分享出去给朋友们看看吧!



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