
或多或少,大家都有看過孩子跟父母長相差很遠的案例。但這一次,事情發生在有狗狗的身上!Jacqueline Arguello有兩隻可愛的白色狗狗,但生出來的孩子的顏色竟然和他們是兩個極端?!   「當我看到她生小孩時被嚇到了!首先是黑色的,然後接下來的都是黑色的!」主人回憶

January 9, 2017

或多或少,大家都有看過孩子跟父母長相差很遠的案例。但這一次,事情發生在有狗狗的身上!Jacqueline Arguello有兩隻可愛的白色狗狗,但生出來的孩子的顏色竟然和他們是兩個極端?!

“When I saw her first baby be born, I thought it was funny that [the baby] was black,” said Arguello. “And then the next one was black, and the next, and the next!” she recalled.



Here's the mama dog with her new beautiful black puppies. However, as you can imagine, the situation has raised a huge question: Was the mom dog faithful?



Arguello claims her poodle was the first male dog to interact with her female dog, Mocca. Nonetheless, the color of the puppies have lead the family to think Mocca might have been secretly sneaking out at night to interact with other male canines.



There is the possibility that Mocca was loyal and this was all just a case of genetics. Two white dogs can create black puppies if they just so happen to both have the dominant "black" gene.



“I’m just happy we have beautiful healthy pups and eventually we’ll see if they look like daddy,” jokes Arguello.

來源 : Lifebuzz


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分類:世界, 動物
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