
前陣子樂高 (LEGO) 和BMW合作,製造了樂高史上第一件重機積木「BMW R 1200 GS Adventure」,讓一眾樂高迷非常興奮。除了做工細膩之外,一共有603 件積木之外,這也是樂高第一次跨界與機車廠合作,因此很有收藏價值。   不知道大家有沒有想像過坐一台會飛的重機?今天二

February 26, 2017

前陣子樂高 (LEGO) 和BMW合作,製造了樂高史上第一件重機積木「BMW R 1200 GS Adventure」,讓一眾樂高迷非常興奮。除了做工細膩之外,一共有603 件積木之外,這也是樂高第一次跨界與機車廠合作,因此很有收藏價值。

The BMW R 1200 GS Adventure Lego replica was launched in January, as part of a challenging 603 piece build. It is the first Lego model to be created in cooperation with the motorcycle manufacturer 


不知道大家有沒有想像過坐一台會飛的重機?今天二月,樂高與BMW再度合作, 創造了一台以未來飛行為概念的重機,命名為「Hover ride」(暫譯:懸浮重機) 。

Designers from BMW have brought a Lego model to life, creating a concept vehicle for a flying motorbike called the Hover Ride. The vehicle is a concept and does not really fly


原來BMW覺得概念很有趣後,便參照了「BMW R 1200GS Adventure」的設計,把一台1:1的懸浮重機做了出來!

Speaking about the design, Alexander Buckan, Head of BMW Motorrad Vehicle Design, said: 'It was a great idea and a superb creative challenge to develop a fictitious model from the parts of the Lego Technic BMW R 1200 GS Adventure set'



The concept incorporates the BMW Motorrad design with typical elements such as a boxer engine, and the GS silhouette, but also draw on Lego style


「BMW機車與樂高集團有合作的想法,是因為兩家公司有很多共同點,像成功地把創新和傳統結合在品牌和產品中,向世界任何年齡的人提供令人難忘的的經驗。」BMW銷售和市場部主管Heiner Faust表示。

Inspired by the Lego model, engineers at BMW Junior – a training unit – decided to challenge themselves to re-create the model as a concept vehicle


BMW機車設計部負責人Alexander Buckan表示:「從樂高積木開發出一個真人大小的虛構模型,是一個偉大、有創意的挑戰。」

Pictured is the Lego model for the Technic Hover Ride



Pictured is the concept vehicle for the Lego Technic Hover Ride


不過「Hover Ride」只是一個概念模型,雖然很多人都期待它會不會有一天真的可以飛起來,但BMW對此並沒有說明。

The futuristic concept vehicle draws on the creative flair of both BMW and Lego. It went on public display for the first time at Lego World in Copenhagen last week, and will soon move on to be showcased at various BMW bases

來源 : Dailymail




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