
大家知道結婚是很重要的終生大事,準新人在籌備婚禮的時候有很多小細節要規劃,有時候意見不合一定會吵架,鬧不好可能連婚都還沒結就要分手了。 廣告1 住在加州洛杉磯,30歲的空中藝術舞者Cheetah Platt和他32歲的未婚妻Rhiann Woodyard也同樣經歷了不知道到底要用誰的

March 20, 2015



住在加州洛杉磯,30歲的空中藝術舞者Cheetah Platt和他32歲的未婚妻Rhiann Woodyard也同樣經歷了不知道到底要用誰的主意的困擾。他們兩個都有很多自己想要的婚禮主題。


於是在2月8日,準夫妻倆揹了兩個大背包飛到了哥倫比亞首都波哥大 (Bogota),穿著同一套白色禮服,開始他們為期三個月的旅程,他們要在83天內舉辦38場婚禮。

So on Feb. 8, the couple packed two big backpacks and flew out to Bogota, Colombia, to start their three-month journey, where they would have 38 weddings in 83 days.



"A lot of women spend a whole lot of time and stress and money on their one day, and then it's over," she continued. "I love that I get to marry [Platt] over and over again. It's exciting that it's not just done in one day."



"When we were looking at prices for a traditional California wedding, they were so expensive and nothing felt special," said Woodyard, who lives in Los Angeles.


當然為了經濟和預算的考量,他們找到總共降落在11個國家、每個人不到3000美元 (台幣9萬塊) 的「環遊世界航班」機票。

Through budgeting and research, the couple said they were able to find 'round-the-world flights landing in 11 countries for less than $3,000 per person.



"Every day we come back to the hotel after another amazing adventure and see tons of comments and responses, people liking our photos and talking to us, and sending us messages and good wishes," said Platt.
"We basically haven't parted since then."



The couple met in 2013 at a partner meet-up for people who practice aerial, acro, and pole arts.



They're planning to get married on every continent except for Antarctica, because according to the couple it was too expensive.



Both Woodyard and Platt got ordained from the church of Spiritual Humanism online so they can perform their own self-unifying ceremonies.



They committed to wearing all white for their entire trip (except when they went on a safari) and are also wearing the same outfits during every single ceremony.


Even though Woodyard and Platt are traveling alone, they've been posting pictures on Facebook so others can follow their journey.


So far they've been to Colombia, Spain, Ireland, Kenya, Egypt, Morocco, India, and Thailand.


And when they get home, one of their family members is also going to officiate a ceremony. That's when they'll file paperwork for their marriage to be legally recognized in the state of California.


"When we get back to America in April, we're going on a motorcycle trip and doing many, many ceremonies in national parks in the Western U.S. and at one of ceremonies our entire family is going to be present," the groom continued.




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分類:藝術, 世界
加入粉絲團! 這對新人認為傳統的婚禮太沒有意義了,83天內在38個國家舉行超完美婚禮!留言按此 好友人數分享! 好友人數加入好友