
1. 西裝外套套在白色優雅洋裝外,外剛內柔恰到好處! Justin Tallus / Getty Images   2. 牛仔褲配上側腰封,不對稱的完美! Timothy A. Clary / Getty Images 廣告1   3. 今夏流行的平口露肩款式,女神穿搭你學會了嗎? Robyn Beck / AFP / Getty Images   4. 每個跟上

July 19, 2015

1. 西裝外套套在白色優雅洋裝外,外剛內柔恰到好處!

When she wore this blazer with a dress and commanded everyone's attention.
Justin Tallus / Getty Images


2. 牛仔褲配上側腰封,不對稱的完美!

When she paired simple jeans with a side sash and somehow still looked flawless.
Timothy A. Clary / Getty Images


3. 今夏流行的平口露肩款式,女神穿搭你學會了嗎?

When she bore her shoulders and looked like a damn snow angel.
Robyn Beck / AFP / Getty Images


4. 每個跟上時尚潮流的女生衣櫃裡都要有的金屬系配件,細細的腰風她就穿出了滿滿的品味!

When she rocked a metallic waist belt.
Eduardo Munoz Alvarez / Getty Images


5. 一身黑,再以誘人紅唇點綴,誰都抗拒不了這樣的誘惑啊!

And when she wore all black and paired it with a red lip.
Thomas Samson / Getty Images


6. 蕾絲配上機車夾克激出的火花只有「酷」一個字可以形容!

When she wore a lace ensemble with a leather jacket like a goddamn badass.
Pascal Le Segretain / Getty Images


7. 俐落簡單的黑衣黑褲黑包,美美的V領則凸顯了脖子線條的長度!

And when she looked literally perfect in a simple black shirt.
Pascal Le Segretain / Getty Images


8. 看到這,她的穿搭簡直是零失誤率啊!

When she dared to impress with this fancy little black dress.
Pascal Le Segretain / Getty Images


9. 天啊,哪有人這麼美啦,是要逼死全天下女生就對了…

When she taught us all how to step up our casual chic look.
Chris Jackson / Getty Images


10. 別以為她只會黑白配,穿上粉色上衣,她的甜美氣質馬上展露無遺!

When she looked pretty in pink.
Michael Loccisano / Getty Images


11. 這件美死人不償命的洋裝,艾瑪·華森根本就是雪地裡的公主啊! (小編看了真覺得,都不會冷耶,超強的!)

And when she made us all want to wear white after Labor Day.
Dave J Hogan / Getty Images


12. 對於細節,艾瑪·華森可一點也不馬虎。看看頭髮別上的珠寶,美呆了!

When she had JEWELS in her hair.
Anthony Harvey / Getty Images


13. 緞面長洋裝下擺好夢幻喔!

And when her satin black dress flowed behind her on the red carpet.
Pascal Le Segretain / Getty Images


14. 旁分頭配上金色手鐲,不愧是時尚女神!

When she rocked a side part and a gold bangle and made us want to go shopping immediately.
Carlos Alvarez / Getty Images


15. 而當你更仔細看看她的那雙鞋…只能說WOW!

And let's talk about these shoes for a quick second... 😱
Gabriel Solera / Getty Images


16. 頭髮全部往後一梳,美麗的臉蛋更是吸引人!

When she slicked her hair back and paired it with a red lip and black dress.
Andreas Rentz / Getty Images


17. 在紅毯上又有誰能搶奪她的光彩呢?

When she LITERALLY shimmered on the red carpet.
Christopher Polk / Getty Images


18. 除了百變髮型,髮飾也是一大重點!

And when she rocked jeweled stars in her hair.
Jason Merritt / Getty Images


19. 她這樣出席重大場合,就是要跟大家說「小黑洋裝就是這樣穿的!」

When she gave the "little black dress" a SERIOUS upgrade.
Anthony Harvey / Getty Images


20. 網面以亮片點綴,美背還有更好的詮釋方法嗎?

When she wore mesh and sequins.
Jason Merritt / Getty Images


21. 一襲紅色洋裝,裙擺兩側的口袋增添了些休閒俏皮感!

Then there was this time she stunned in red... and had POCKETS.
Frederic J. Brown / Getty Images


22. 但等到她一轉身,我們才發現這就是女神與凡人的差別啊!

And then she turned around and BAM... surprise!
Frederic J. Brown / Getty Images


23. 那這件短版上衣呢?再也沒人能否認艾瑪·華森前衛時尚的地位了吧!

And the time she wore a crop top that made us all bow down to the queen of style.
Tim P. Whitby / Getty Images



23 Times Emma Watson Proved She Is A Style Icon
Via reddit.com




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