
1. 黄金制大富翁。   这个大富翁是由18克拉的黄金所制,在中间镶入珠宝,是出自一位旧金山的珠宝商Sidney Mobell的手,价值超过6,500万台币 (200万美金)。   2. 黄金背包。   这是Billionaire Boys Club所发行的限量版黄金背包,价值超过台币5.3万元 ($1650美金)。 廣告

October 19, 2015

1. 黄金制大富翁。

Gold Monopoly   The 18-karat gold and jewel-encrusted Monopoly crafted by San Francisco jeweler Sidney Mobell in 1988 was estimated to worth $2 million.
这个大富翁是由18克拉的黄金所制,在中间镶入珠宝,是出自一位旧金山的珠宝商Sidney Mobell的手,价值超过6,500万台币 (200万美金)。


2. 黄金背包。

Gold Rucksack   The Billionaire Boys Club released a limited golden rucksack, priced at $1,650.
这是Billionaire Boys Club所发行的限量版黄金背包,价值超过台币5.3万元 ($1650美金)。


3. 超奢华冰块。

Luxury Ice Cubes   Sold by Gläce Luxury Ice Co, these hand-carved ice cubes are completely clear and sold in bags of 50. Each bag will run you no less than $325.
这是Gläce Luxury Ice Co纯手工刻制的冰块,一包只有50块冰块。让人惊讶的是,这些冰块一包要价台币超过一万块 ($325美金)!


4. 皮制奢华飞盘。

Luxury flying disc   Made by Geoffrey Parker, this premium leather flying disc will cost you about $305.
这皮制飞盘价值台币近一万块 ($305美金),至少比冰块便宜啦~


5. 黄金版的iPhone。

Golden Cell Phone  If you find iPhones expensive, you have probably never heard of the iPhone 5 model recreated by Stuart Hughes, a British luxurious jeweler. Coming in at $16,764,000, the phone is made from 24-carat gold, 26-carat black diamond and 600 precious stones.  If you are dumb enough to buy this phone, we hope you get mugged.
如果你觉得一支iPhone很贵,那你一定会觉得这个经过Stuart Hughes所改造的iPhone 5 的价格高不可攀了~这个利用24克拉黄金、26克拉黑钻及600种罕见石头所造的手机,要价台币超过5.4亿 (1675万美金)。


6. 白松露披萨。

White truffle pizza  Priced at $150 at Gordon Ramsey’s Maze restaurant in London, the most expensive commercially available pizza has a topping of onion puree, fontina cheese, baby mozzarella, pancetta, cep mushrooms, wild mizuna lettuce and a rare Italian white truffle.
这是来自伦敦一家餐厅的披萨,堪称世界最贵,价值台币近5千 ($150元美金)。


7. 水晶滑鼠。

Crystal covered computer mouse   The running price for this luxurious mouse which is decorated with white Austrian strass and Swarowski crystals is $34,000.
看到满满的水晶吗?那些都是来自奥地利Strass及施华洛世奇 (Swarovski)的水晶,要价台币超过110万 ($34,000美金)。


8. 黄金脚踏车。

Gold Bike  Manufactured by Goldgenie, this racing bike is covered with a lustrous layer of 24-karat gold. For the exquisite price of $500,000 you can own this equally exquisite bike.
这是镀上了24克拉黄金的脚踏车,要价超过台币1,600万 ($50万美金)。若你享受万人瞩目的感觉,这是不错的选择。


9. 价值千万元的香水。

Million dollar perfume  Containing almost 3,000 precious stones arranged to the shape of New York City skyline, this bottle of DKNY Golden Delicious Million Dollar Fragrance costs exactly 1 million dollars.
这个DKNY的瓶身是由近3000颗稀有宝石所做的,它的价格更是超过台币3200万 (100万美金)。


10. 黄金衬衫。

Gold Shirt   Pankaj Parakh, an Indian textile magnate, had a custom-made pure gold shirt worth $213,000 for his 45th birthday. The shirt, made entirely out of 18-22 carat gold, weighed 9 pounds.
这位堪称印度的纺织界巨头Pankaj Parakh,身穿的衣服是他在45岁订制的纯黄金衬衫,价值台币近700万 ($21.3万美金)。它是由18-22克拉黄金所造,重达9磅 (约4.1公斤)。


11. 亮晶晶的狗狗专属浴缸。

Diamonde bathtub for puppies   Available at a price of $39,000, the bathtub is encrusted with 45,000 Swarowski crystals.
没错!狗狗也有专属浴缸~浴缸周围布置满45000颗施华洛世奇的水晶,要价超过120万台币 ($39,000美金)。


12. 天竺鼠的盔甲。

Guinea pig armor  An elaborately fashioned guinea pig suit of armor became the hit of e-Bay auctioning in 2013. The final bid was a stunning $24,300.
这个曾经在e-Bay造成一阵轰动的超时尚盔甲价,到最后以台币79万 ($24300美金) 的价格被竞标走。


13. 火星岩石。

Martian rock   There are over 60,000 meteorite specimens known to scientists but only 132 of them come from Mars, which is why getting Martian rocks will cost you $450,000.
这世界上的60000多种的陨石范本里,只有132颗来自火星的,这也是为什么火星岩石的价格将近1,500万台币 ($45万美金)。


14. 钻石狗项链。

Diamonde dog collar   Wealthy dog owners can get their pets these diamond collars created by I Love Dogs Diamonds. At a price of $3.2 million, the most expensive model features 3 tiers of diamonds.
你没看错喔~这是I Love Dogs Diamonds所制的钻石狗项圈!如果你认为台币超过1亿 ($320万美金) 的价格不会太贵的话,不妨买来溺爱一下你的狗狗喔~


15. 价值三千多万的鱼饵。

Million dollar fishing lure  Made of three pounds of gold and platinum, and encrusted with 100 carats of diamonds and rubies, this fishing lure costs 1 million dollars.
这个鱼饵是由重达1.4公斤的黄金与白金所制,并镶入100克拉的钻石及红宝石,价值台币3,250万 ($100万美金)。


16. 钻石外套。

Diamond hoodie  Produced by Konquest, this diamond-studded hoodie costs $10,000.
这件衣服要价32.5万台币 ( $10,000美金)。


參考資料:The Chive


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