前陣子我們曾提到一個令人振奮的消息,那就是Facebook決定要推出所謂「不讚」按鈕了!(前情提要) 而最近真的出現了除了「讚」以外的按鈕了!!!


看看這段示意影片,未來Facebook用戶們除了「讚」以外,還有其他6種按鈕選擇!分別是「Love (愛)」、「Haha (哈哈)」、「Yay (歡呼)」、「Wow (哇)」、「Sad (難過)」和「Angry (生氣)」!
Today we’re launching a pilot test of Reactions — a more expressive Like button. As you can see, it’s not a “dislike” button, though we hope it addresses the spirit of this request more broadly. We studied which comments and reactions are most commonly and universally expressed across Facebook, then worked to design an experience around them that was elegant and fun. Starting today Ireland and Spain can start loving, wow-ing, or expressing sympathy to posts on Facebook by hovering or long-pressing the Like button wherever they see it. We’ll use the feedback from this to improve the feature and hope to roll it out to everyone soon.
Posted by Chris Cox on 2015年10月8日
Meet the new Reactions.
Posted by Mark Zuckerberg on 2015年10月8日
