
1. 小甜甜布蘭妮   布蘭妮家有一間房間專門用來放情趣用品。   2. 布萊德彼特   布萊德彼特是一個同志肥皂劇演員 Thom Racina 的清泳池男孩。布蘭德彼特負責替Thom遛狗、送劇本到攝影棚。Thom事後談到這段關係時表示他們當時交情相當好到就像家人一樣。布萊德彼特堅持他

November 24, 2015

1. 小甜甜布蘭妮

Britney Spears has a room in her house dedicated to all of her sex toys.


2. 布萊德彼特

Brad Pitt was a gay soap opera star's pool boy. Thom Racina put up a sign at the Screen Actor's Guild that read: "Needed: an actor to be a personal assistant. To walk the dog when he needs it. Drive the scripts to the studio."  Brad Pitt handed his resume and was hired, "He had his own life, and yet we became good buddies. My parents loved him, they became the new family he had away from Missouri," said Racina, but despite Pitt said they were friends and that's it. Others claim their relationship extended far beyond his "assistant duties."
布萊德彼特是一個同志肥皂劇演員 Thom Racina 的清泳池男孩。布蘭德彼特負責替Thom遛狗、送劇本到攝影棚。Thom事後談到這段關係時表示他們當時交情相當好到就像家人一樣。布萊德彼特堅持他們之間的關係僅止於友誼,但還是有人說他們發展出比朋友還要更親密的關係。


3. 蕾頓·米絲特

Leighton Meester was in prison...still in her mother's belly. Connie was arrested for drug trafficking while pregnant with Leighton. What a way to start a mother-daughter relationship.
蕾頓曾經做過牢… 當她還在媽媽肚子裡的時候。她的母親 Connie 懷著蕾頓時因運送毒品被逮捕。


4. 麥莉賽勒斯

Billy Ray Cyrus has two children who aren't twins. Hard to achieve with one woman? You're right, Billy Ray needed two. He had a little fling with a waitress so he had a son born on April 8, 1992 and daughter Miley Cyrus born in November of 1992. The kid did not get a piece of the cake, he works part-time at a electronics store for less that $10 an hour.


5. 珍妮佛洛佩茲

Jennifer Lopez is the biggest cheap skate in Hollywood. On screen Lopez looks like the most kind and enjoyable person, but people in her inner circle have spilled the beans about her being really cheap to the point where she rarely tips. Also she cannot make eye contact with people below her status, source say the when her new mansion in San Fernando, California was being built, she "made it clear that if any of the contractors, drivers, domestic help made eye contact or speak to her, she will not be impressed."


6. 祖昆·馮力士

Joaquin Phoenix was in a cult, or at least his parent were because little Joaquin had no understanding of what he as involved in. His parents left the cult when he was about four years old, changed their last names to Phoenix, and encouraged young Joaquin to begin an acting career.


7. 可可香奈兒

Coco Chanel was a Nazi agent. And she so good she made sure to get rid of definitive evidence. "Chanel was a consummate opportunist. The Nazis were in power, and Chanel gravitated to power. It was the story of her life" Hal Vaughnan wrote in "Sleeping with the Enemy." F-7124 and "Westminster" were her codenames.
可可香奈兒曾是納粹特工,雖然說一直沒有找到相關明確證據。美國作家Hal Vaughan出版的書籍《與敵人共眠》中提到香奈兒是一名機會主義者,因此當時向最有權利的納粹黨並不意外。據說香奈兒使用的代號是 F-7124 以及 Westminster。


8. 丹妮絲·理查茲

Denise Richards supposedly took advantage of some "extra opportunities" while she was a model. Richards was allegedly an escort for Heidi Fleiss's secretive escort service, according to her ex Charlie Sheen.  Speaking of Charlie Sheen, word on the street is that he's dropping some shocking news tomorrow, any guesses?
丹妮絲·理查茲曾是一名衛Heidi Fleiss工作的應召女郎,據說她與前夫查理辛就是因此認識的。順到一提,查理辛於2015年11月17日承認自己從2011年就罹患愛滋病。


9. Thora Birch

Thora Birch's dad was not only her manager but also an expert creeper as well. Her parents were adult film actors, and her mother starred in "Deep Throat." As random as this sounds, it's not even the creepy part. Her father apparently gave her co-star tips during a sex-scene...specifically on how to expose the good sided of his daughter. WTF?!?

來源:the Chive


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