
1.「如果在路上想聯絡別人,你必須找路邊的公用電話打給他們,重點是…他們不一定會接。」   2. 綿延到天邊的電話線。 廣告1   3. 發現接起電話的是你正在交往的女生她爸…   我…那個…我打錯了!   4. 因為身上沒零錢打付費電話,只好打對方付費

December 22, 2015


"Having to find a payphone to call someone if you were on the street. Also they may not answer." -Pokemon_Jesus


2. 綿延到天邊的電話線。

"Phone cords." -Themosthumble


3. 發現接起電話的是你正在交往的女生她爸…

"Sweating buckets when [the] father [of the girl you're dating] answers the phone." -forcebubble


4. 因為身上沒零錢打付費電話,只好打對方付費電話,然後把要說的話快速地說完這樣就可以免費!

"Not having money for a payphone so you call collect and say whatever you gotta say real quick so it's free" -ChipperbrownXO444


5. 在加油站中停看電話簿,這樣就不用打給查號台了!

"Stopping [into] a gas station to use the phone book so you don't have to spend the money to call 411." -AcuteAppendagitis


6. 想再看一次最愛的電視秀?祈禱你今年還能在電視上看到重播吧!

"Miss your show? Tough luck, better hope they rerun it later in the year!" -zerbey 471


7. 或是你抱著食物坐下準備好好欣賞最愛的節目的時候,發現時刻表好像變了?回去查節目時刻表結果發現是昨天播出的…於是又回到第6點無限鬼打牆。 

"Or worse you sit down to watch your show, but it's time slot was moved. Now you have to flip through the TV Guide to figure out when it's on. Only to realize it was on last night." -MjrJWPowell


8. 旅行前記得拿旅行社地圖啊!

"Making sure you order your triptik from AAA in time for vacation." -AcuteAppendagitis


9. 拍照時指揮大家站好,結果照片洗出來才發現手指在中間。

"Developing your vacation pictures just to realize you had your finger on half the pictures." -TtoxRS


10. 在圖書館裡用圖書卡盒裡的目錄卡找書。

"The card catalog in the library. Use that thing or just wander over in the direction of where you think books are that you like or need." -saatana


11. 最愛的卡帶打結,只好跟最愛的歌講掰掰。

"Cassette tape jammed and got crinkled in the middle of your favorite song. (Yes this actually happened. More often that I'd like)" -Dirtydeedsinc


12. 當年的電玩遊戲有時候需要狂按A和B鈕,站起來才可以速度更快!

"Having to get up and push the A/B switch when you wanted to play Atari." -AcuteAppendagitis


13. 卡帶隨身聽超容易沒電!

"The batteries of my walk man run empty too fast..." -KittyPitty



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