
1. 一般的玻璃杯就是最好的拨芒果利器!     2. 水煮蛋也是! 廣告1   3. 可爱的包装纸别丢,对炎炎夏日的饮品不但最好的装饰,还能挡灰尘跟虫子~   4. 只要两个盘子跟一把刀就能将所有蕃茄一次切好! 廣告2   5. 如果你冰冰块前先将水滚好,就能

July 18, 2018

1. 一般的玻璃杯就是最好的拨芒果利器!



2. 水煮蛋也是!

21 Kitchen Hacks That Will Make Your Life Easier


3. 可爱的包装纸别丢,对炎炎夏日的饮品不但最好的装饰,还能挡灰尘跟虫子~

Here's a surefire way to keep wasps out of those sweet drinks during the summer.


4. 只要两个盘子跟一把刀就能将所有蕃茄一次切好!

Slicing all those cherry tomatoes can be tiring, but you can take care of all of them in one slice with this trick.


5. 如果你冰冰块前先将水滚好,就能得到全透明的冰块~左边是煮沸过的、右边则是一般的水。

If you boil your water before you freeze it, you'll have crystal-clear ice cubes.


6. 在锅子里面加入水,就不会在煎培根时溅得到处都是。

Adding a bit of water to your pan will keep your bacon from splattering too much.


7. 用吸管就能将草莓蒂轻松剔除!

21 Kitchen Hacks That Will Make Your Life Easier


8. 不知道酪梨是不是已经过熟?偷偷看一下茎下的颜色吧!如果是黄色或绿色那就完全没问题,但如果是棕色,那就表示酪梨已经过熟了!

Think your avocado might be past its prime? There's an easy way to check!


9. 轻轻挤压空的保特瓶罐就能轻易将蛋黄跟蛋白分离。

You can easily separate egg yolks from egg whites using a plastic bottle.


10. 把木汤匙放在锅子上避免过度沸腾。

Balancing a wooden spoon across a pot of water keeps it from boiling over.


11. 用这个方法切西瓜就再也不会弄得到处都是,而且很多朋友来作客时也很方便拿取!



12. 切苹果器还如果用来切马铃薯,切出来就会刚好就是炸薯条的大小!

Here's something I bet you never considered: You can use an apple slicer to make fry-sized slices of potato.


13. 线比刀子更能切出完美的蛋糕!

Looking for a fast and clean way to cut up a cake? Try floss.


14. 如果你真的很急得开酒、手边又没有开瓶器的话…

21 Kitchen Hacks That Will Make Your Life Easier


15. 用竹筷排好黏上胶带,你也能自己制作寿司垫!

You can make your own your own sushi-rolling mat using wooden kabob sticks and duct tape.


16. 只要直立切就能够轻松切下玉米粒!

If you need corn OFF the cob, here's an easy way to do it without making your kitchen a disaster.


17. 想迅速增添酒的风味,可以倒进搅拌机里,虽然看起来有些古怪,但对风味的确有帮助,尤其对新酒更有用喔!

For a convenient way to improve aroma and bouquet, try aerating your wine in a blender.


18. 想要煮出完美水煮蛋,只要在蛋上插上图钉就能让水煮蛋更好剥~

For perfectly boiled eggs, punch a hole in the base of the egg with a thumbtack BEFORE you boil it. It sounds crazy, but it works!


19. 如果你想快速帮好几个马铃薯剥皮的话,只要干净的厕所刷加上莲蓬头就可以囉!



20. 需要一次削好大量苹果?那就用电钻来加速吧!(使用时记得小心安全喔!)



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