
1. 阿雷伊拉 (Aleira Avendaño) 是一名27歲的委內瑞拉女模,從18歲到現在,她全身一共動了超過25次的整形手術。   自從9年前做了隆乳手術,她就像吸毒一樣上癮、瘋狂追求所謂的完美外表。   2.「第一次動完手術的時候,大家都對我的改變投以驚豔的眼光,這讓我覺得自己

May 31, 2016

1. 阿雷伊拉 (Aleira Avendaño) 是一名27歲的委內瑞拉女模,從18歲到現在,她全身一共動了超過25次的整形手術。

After: Since then the 5ft 4in model, who weighs 62kg, said she has been 'chasing the rush' of that first procedure ever since, saying : 'Everyone stares in amazement at the change and you feel really sexy.'



Nip and tuck: Venezuelan model Aleira Avendaño is Latin America's most operated-on woman and has told how her addiction to plastic surgery has made her 'unrecognisable' from the woman she was a decade ago


3. 之前受訪時,她大方透露自己擁有38DD豪乳,也直言不諱地批評維多利亞貝克漢、碧昂絲、妮姬米娜的外表,因為她心目中的女神是金卡達夏,「她是純天然的,而且她很有錢。」

Surgery: Ms Avendaño, 27, has had more than 25 surgeries including four boob jobs, six liposuctions, four bottom injections, three nose jobs and all her teeth knocked out and replaced with false ones


4. 她稱自己是「拉丁芭比」,她的身上幾乎沒有地方是沒動過刀的,「我做過4次隆乳、6次抽脂、4次豐臀、3次隆鼻、2次豐唇手術,我也把原本的牙齒都換掉,改成完美無瑕的假牙。」

Not shy: 'My chin, neck, hips, gastric bands around my stomach, I've even had ribs removed for a more pronounced hourglass figure,' she told MailOnline in a candid interview


5. 原本只有B罩杯的她,不只動了胸部,下巴、脖子、臀部、胃袋也都有動刀,她更曾經為了維持20吋的蠻腰,拔掉肋骨。

Praise: Of Kardashian, Aleria, 27, says: 'What would I change about Kim? Nothing, because she¿s authentic and she has a lot of money.'


6. 她認為女人擁有像吉他一樣的身材是最美的。

'Rush': She said: 'When you have your first operation it's like, "Wow!", but after a while, when you've changed your implants a few times, you feel like nothing has changed. So you go after more extreme changes.'


7. 她從5年前開始每天24小時都穿著束身衣,「一開始是很痛苦,但現在我已經非常習慣了,只有在洗澡和愛愛的時候才會脫下來。」

Superstar: To promote her fledgling singing career, Aleira, with size 38DD breasts, will be touring act around the cockfighting rings of Mexico attended by narcos and drunken Mexican men


8. 在委內瑞拉,整形手術是很普遍常見的,很多爸媽送給女兒16歲的生日禮物就是隆乳手術。

Hourglass: Nicknamed the 'Latina Barbie', almost every single part of Aleira's body - including her backside - has been altered by surgery. She has an extreme diet to achieve her size 20 waist


9. 除了對外表追求,她的飲食也很極端,她一天吃六餐,每一餐都會帶著電子秤小心計算,以確保自己只吃了100克的蛋白質和碳水化合物。

Catty: But the self-confessed queen of cosmetic surgery, with her size 46 hips, has got her claws into other celebrity women over their appearance


10. 雖然她的粉絲很多,但批評她的人也不少,很多人都說她的心理不正常、已經偏差,但對阿雷伊拉來說,她很享受得到大家的注目,雖然有正面也有負面。

Style: She went on: 'Beyonce? I¿d change her hair, I don¿t like it... Nicki Minaj? Everything! I don¿t like her at all. Totally crude and low-class. There¿s nothing elegant about her. She voluptuous, but her style is awful.'


11. 「雖然走在街上時會接受很多人不友善的眼光,但我的個性很堅強,我不在乎別人怎麼看我,只要我自己過得開心就好。每個女人都應該去整形讓自己看起來更漂亮,只有那些沒有錢負擔的人才會批評我。」

Relevance: She added: 'Victoria Beckham? I¿d change everything, because she¿s not relevant any more. I like her style and I like her husband even more. I¿d change her body, because she has no boobs.' 
「我們活在一個可以任意改變自己外表的世界,我追求的是完美,我想要變得性感和獨特。」她和身為墨西哥律師的男友Julian Quintero交往三年,男友說,「阿雷亞拉就像是一台精緻的歐洲跑車」


12. 她也提供自己以前的照片,但很明顯,現在的她跟過去根本看起來完全是不同的人。

Before: Aleira, had her first cosmetic surgery nine years ago when she was 18. Since then she has undergone 25 operations and is unrecognisable 





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加入粉絲團! 這名整過25次的拉丁芭比擁有「比碗公還大的38DD豪乳」已經夠誇張,直到看到她的神級猛下半身…留言按此 好友人數分享! 好友人數加入好友