
1. Keow Wee Loong是一名馬來西亞攝影師,他跟許多到日本旅行的人不同,沒有選擇那些熱門景點,而是選擇了5年前爆發核災的福島。他到了之後得知若要進入紅色警戒區,他必須向當地議會申請通過,討厭繁文縟節的他於是決定跟日本友人偷偷潛入紅色警戒區。   2. 他走訪了大

July 14, 2016

1. Keow Wee Loong是一名馬來西亞攝影師,他跟許多到日本旅行的人不同,沒有選擇那些熱門景點,而是選擇了5年前爆發核災的福島。他到了之後得知若要進入紅色警戒區,他必須向當地議會申請通過,討厭繁文縟節的他於是決定跟日本友人偷偷潛入紅色警戒區。

Never seen before photo of the fukushima exclusion zone. When i enter the red zone, i can feel a burning sensation in my eyes and thick chemical smell in the air. before i went there the authority told me that i need a special permit to visit this town and it take 3-4 weeks to get the approval from the local council,, well too much bureaucracy bullshit for me..so i just sneak in the forest to avoid cops on the road …AND IT WAS AMAZING !!!!!, I still remember what is like to only have a GPS and google map walking in the wood at 2am in the morning to get into the town of okuma,futaba and namie. Have you ever wonder what is like in fukushima exclusion zone now ??? . to feel what is like to be the only person walking in the town when you have 100% full access to every shop and explore??. when i was young i always had a dream like this, If i’m alone in a supermarket i will eat all the chocolate up XD …. everything is exactly where it is after the earthquake struck this town . the reident started to evacuate the town when tsunami warning came in ….hours later the fukushima daichi power plant exploded that lead to harmful radiation leaked. The radiation level is still very high in the red zone. not many people seen this town for the last 5 years…is like it vanished … i can find food,money,gold,laptop and other valuable in the red zone….I’m amaze that nobody looted this town clean. unlike chernobyl the entire town is been looted clean. this is the difference between chernobyl disaster and the fukushima disaster


2. 他走訪了大熊町、雙葉町及浪江町這三個受災最嚴重的區域,用相機記錄核災5年後的狀況。他說這樣的經驗非常不可思議,因為在核災後人們就撤離了這些區域,而這三個町也被封鎖,5年來就好像不存在一樣。他還在裡面找到錢、金子、筆電等貴重品,很驚訝當地沒有像車諾比一樣被洗劫一空。

the Empty ghost town of fukushima,


3. 這是還在黃色警戒區內的房子。

abandon home in the yellow zone.


4. 這裡原本是一間鞋店。

inside a shoe stall in the ghost town


5. 街道上完全沒有車,但紅綠燈卻還在繼續運轉,這是種非常詭異的感受。Keow Wee Loong一進入紅色警戒區,立刻覺得眼睛有燒灼感,空氣中也有濃濃的化學味。

eerie feeling in this ghost town, even there is no car in this town but the traffic light is still working


6. 這間超市從2011年之後就荒廢了,很多動物會到裡面來找食物,因為他們被主人拋棄了。

the abandon supermarket since 2011, alot of wild animal came into the mall to look for food because some owner abandon their animal when the tsunami hit back in 2011


7. 當時出版的色情雜誌也還完好地留在架上。

found alot of porno magazine in the book store at fukushima exclusion zone, march 2011 edition


8. 書店有非常多的書散落,但其他書還是好好地留在架上。

The book store


9. 從2011年留到現在的日用品。

listerine mouthwash since 2011


10. DVD出租店外還貼著2011年當紅的電影海報,店內大約有一半的空間是色情影片的。

the video rental store, with 2011 movie poster out side the shop , half of the store is selling hentai video


11. 很多人連拿去乾洗的衣服都沒拿走,就這樣留在那邊,店內也有很多日幣100元硬幣。

laundry left behind in fukushima red zone since march 2011, people left so quickly they forgot their landry… 5 years later is still here , i found alot of 100 yen coin all around this shop.


12. 蔬果市場聞起來有花朵枯萎的味道。

in the florist shop…. it smell like dead flower here


13. 很多建築物都因地震損毀。

building destroy due to the earthquake


14. 為了保護民眾,日本政府將核電廠周圍20公里劃為管制區,5年後的今天仍需要當地議會的特殊許可才能進入。

While most people visit a country to see its sight and sounds, Malaysian photographer Keow Wee Loong chose an unexpected “tourist” destination – the Fukushima exclusion zone in Japan.
That’s right, the town that suffered the worst nuclear disaster since Chernobyl. Located only an hour and a half away from Tokyo, Fukushima was once a popular tourist destination with its hot spring villages (onsen) and traditional kokeshi dolls. The 2011 Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant triple meltdown devasted the affected towns into a ghost town. 470,000 people were evacuated from the area. They dropped everything and left immediately, leaving their possessions behind. To protect people from radiation poisoning, the government designated a 20KM radius around the power plant that is until now still prohibited without a special permit from the local council. 
Keow snuck into the Fukushima Exclusion Zone with a Japanese friend and photographed the eerie scenes of the abandoned town. The photos, reminiscent of a post-apocalyptic wasteland, are haunting. All the items, from parked cars to half-folded laundry, are still exactly where they left them five years ago.


15. 當地的時光徹底停止在2011年3月。

Time stop on march 2011 in the town okuma,namie,futaba,tamioka


16. 這是浪江町內的大型賣場。

another huge super market in Namie , york benimaru.


17. 浪江町的車站當然也徹底廢棄了。

Abandon train station of namie


18. 這是一間廢棄的夜店。

abandon pub in namie


19. 廢棄的停車場已經長出雜草。

abandon car lot,, this car is here since 2011


20. 這是大雄町的其中一個柵欄。

at one of the barricade in okuma town .


21. 廢棄的全家便利商店孤零零地佇立。

abandon family mart


22. 還有賣場跟跟廢棄的車。

abandon mall and car at tomioka





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加入粉絲團! 他冒著生命危險偷偷潛入福島核災最嚴重地區拍下「5年來沒人駐足的角落」,但一走進去後他就已經後悔了…留言按此 好友人數分享! 好友人數加入好友