
13歲的印度男孩阿利瓦 (Mahendra Ahirwar) 在過去的12年中都過得很辛苦,因為罕見的先天性肌肉病變,導致他的頭只能180度掛在胸前。(之前的深入報導可以看這邊。)   之前阿利瓦幾乎無法自理生活,連吃飯、上廁所等等都需要爸媽幫忙,但多虧了遠在英國利物浦的茱莉 (Juli

October 11, 2016

13歲的印度男孩阿利瓦 (Mahendra Ahirwar) 在過去的12年中都過得很辛苦,因為罕見的先天性肌肉病變,導致他的頭只能180度掛在胸前。(之前的深入報導可以看這邊。)

 Crocked: Schoolboy Mahendra Ahirwar (pictured) has a rare condition which made his neck muscles so weak that his head hung to one side and he saw the world at a 180-degree angle
之前阿利瓦幾乎無法自理生活,連吃飯、上廁所等等都需要爸媽幫忙,但多虧了遠在英國利物浦的茱莉 (Julie Jones),他總算獲得手術需要的1.2萬英鎊 (約台幣57萬),也找到醫生幫他動手術了!



But thanks to life-changing surgery, Mahendra, 13, above, can now finally see the world the right way up after he had an operation to straighten his neck


阿利瓦的父親穆克什 (Mukesh Ahirwar) 說:「這是個奇蹟!他看起來棒極了,他的脖子也直了,生活變得很不一樣。他現在狀態很好。我以前看到他的時候都覺得心碎,我們差點就失去他了。他的脖子彎著的時候他總是害羞到不敢說話,但他現在覺得自己是個正常人了,我們都能看到他的自信增長。他現在非常開心,他說他能感覺到差別,而且他愛死了!」

Before the operation Mahendra, pictured, was unable to go to school. He was restricted to sitting as he was unable to stand or walk and needed help to eat and go to the toilet.
阿利瓦並不是從小頭部就無法抬起,但隨著年齡增長後骨頭變得脆弱,脖子漸漸無法支撐頭部,而且四處尋醫都沒有治好。阿利瓦的媽媽蘇米特拉 (Sumitra) 也曾說過:「我無法再看他受苦下去了。」覺得整天只能坐在角落的阿利瓦根本無法體驗人生,活著比死了還痛苦。


在手術前,阿利瓦的手足,11歲的蘇蘭特拉 (Surendra) 跟14歲的馬尼夏 (Manisha) 都在學校上學,17歲的哥哥拉利特 (Lalit) 則已經開始找工作了,只有阿利瓦只能待在家裡,就連他的朋友都不太愛搭理他。

Prior to surgery, his mother Sumitra, 36, said: 'I can't see Mahendra suffer anymore. Watching his life is devastating. He cannot do anything by himself.' She added: 'He just sits in a corner of the room all day. It's no life. I have to carry him like a baby everywhere.'


幸好消息傳到新德里醫院的頸椎外科醫生克里施南 (Rajagopalan Krishnan) 耳中,他也自信地表示能夠將阿利瓦的脖子治好,改善他的生活品質。

Before surgery Mahendra needed his mum to feed, bathe and dress him. His younger siblings Surendra, 11, and 14-year-old Manisha, both went to school. And his older brother Lalit, 17, tried to find work. Meanwhile he was left at home. Even his friends used to ignore him 



But his fortunes were changed when a mother-of-two living 4,000 miles away in the UK read about his plight and launched a crowd funding page to raise £12,000 for his surgery



In February Mahendra spent a fortnight in Apollo hospital before being allowed to go home to recover in the hope his neck would not bend again. Pictured: With Dr Rajagopalan Krishnan



In the first surgery of its kind, Dr Krishnan, who spent 15 years working for the NHS in the UK, had to operate on Mahendra¿s spine by opening up the front part of his neck. In theatre, the front of his cervical spine was left completely exposed because of his extraordinarily thin skin



Now, seven months on, his neck is still straight and Mahendra¿s future is looking much brighter. Pictured: The schooboy in hospital with Julie, who raised £12,000 for his operation 



Recovery: Mahendra's family are overjoyed that the teenager can finally go to school. His father Mukesh (back far right) told MailOnline: 'I can finally say we are a happy family now. Happiness has found our address after Mahendra¿s surgery. I feel so blessed.'





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加入粉絲團! 印度男孩原本「頭部只能掛胸前」連上學都沒辦法,經過手術7個月後終於拆下矯正器的模樣讓人感動到爆哭!留言按此 好友人數分享! 好友人數加入好友