
1. 當佛地魔在《哈利波特-死神的聖物》死亡時,已經71歲了。   2. 亞瑟衛斯理和哈利要前往魔法部時,在電話輸入了的「62442」,在傳統電話鍵盤上可以拼出「Magic」(魔法)。 廣告1   3. 魁地奇 (Quidditch) 是歐洲巫師很流行的運動。但在美國,巫師進行的是「Quodpot」

January 6, 2017

1. 當佛地魔在《哈利波特-死神的聖物》死亡時,已經71歲了。

When Voldemort died in the Battle of Hogwarts, he was 71 years old.


2. 亞瑟衛斯理和哈利要前往魔法部時,在電話輸入了的「62442」,在傳統電話鍵盤上可以拼出「Magic」(魔法)。

The number that Arthur Weasley enters in the phone booth to get to the Ministry of Magic with Harry is 6-2-4-4-2. The letters underneath those numbers on a standard telephone keypad spell out "magic."


3. 魁地奇 (Quidditch) 是歐洲巫師很流行的運動。但在美國,巫師進行的是「Quodpot」,魁地奇的一種變體。

Quidditch is the most popular sport among witches and wizards only in Europe. In America, however, the game Quodpot is preferred.


4. 國王十字車站的7½軌道,是所有在歐洲巫師村莊停靠的長途火車出發點。

Track 7½ in King's Cross Station is the departure point for a long-distance train that stops at all wizard-only European villages.


5. 石內卜的原型是J.K.羅琳的化學老師。

Professor Snape is based in large part on J.K. Rowling's old chemistry teacher.


6. 妙麗長大後在魔法部的魔法生物管理及控制部門工作,協助家庭小精靈和其他魔法生物爭取權利,後來則轉去魔法執法部門。

After Hogwarts, Hermione worked for the Ministry of Magic in the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures to gain more rights for house elves and other magical creatures. Later she switched to the Department of Magical Law Enforcement.


7. 哈利和榮恩最後成為了正氣師,對魔法部進行改革。

Harry and Ron both became Aurors and completely changed the department.


8. 哈利很快就成為了正氣師的局長,然後是整個魔法執法部門。他偶爾也會在霍格華茲教學生如何防禦黑魔法。

Harry quickly became head of the Auror Department and then later of the entire Department of Magical Law Enforcement. He also gave occasional lectures on Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts.


9. 榮恩很快就沒有再當正氣師,他辭職後幫助喬治管理越來越成功的衛氏巫師法寶店。

Ron later left his job in the ministry and joined his brother George in managing the increasingly successful Weasley's Wizard Wheezes.


10. 金妮成為了職業魁地奇球員,當她和哈利有了第一個兒子之後,改行當了《預言家日報》的專業體育記者。

After Hogwarts, Ginny Weasley became a professional Quidditch player. When she later had her first son with Harry, she joined the sports editorial staff of the Daily Prophet.


11. 哈利和金妮,用哈利父母、鄧不利多、天狼星、石內卜及露娜的名字為子女命名,分別是詹姆·天狼星·波特、阿不思·賽佛勒斯·波特、莉莉·露娜·波特。

Harry and Ginny named their children after Harry's parents, Lily and James, as well as Albus Dumbledore, Sirius Black, Severus Snape, and Luna Lovegood.


12. 喬治最後和莉娜強生結為夫妻,有兩個小孩,分別是弗雷·衛斯理和羅克珊·衛斯理。

George Weasley married Angelina Johnson. Together, they have two children: Fred and Roxanne.


13. 弗雷和喬治的生日是4月1日,愚人節。

George and Fred Weasley's birthday is April 1.


14. 哈利、妙麗和榮恩也出現在巧克力蛙的收藏卡上,證明他們對魔法界的貢獻。


15. 在一個手寫的哈利波特評論上,著名作家斯蒂芬金表示桃樂絲·恩不里居是繼漢尼拔·萊克特後最好的奸角。

In a handwritten (!!!) review of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix for Entertainment Weekly, Stephen King called Professor Umbridge the best fictional villain since Hannibal Lecter.


16. 霍格華茲的校訓是「Draco dormiens nunquam titillandus」,意思是「眠龍勿擾」。

The Hogwarts School motto is "Draco dormiens nunquam titillandus," which means "Never tickle a sleeping dragon."


17. 在葛林戴華德還沒有成為佛地魔出現前「最危險的黑巫師」時,鄧不利多非常友好。

When he was young, Dumbledore fell in love with Gellert Grindelwald, before he became the most terrible black magic wizard before Voldemort.


18. 麥教授年輕時曾經和一位麻瓜有過不愉快的愛情,因此她後來到了倫敦,在魔法部工作。

Minerva McGonagall was unhappily in love with a Muggle in her youth, but then fled to London for a job in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement.


19. 在麥教授還是學生時,是一位天才魁地奇選手,但在一次意外後放棄了。

In her school days, McGonagall was a talented Quidditch player. However, she gave up playing after a particularly nasty injury.


20. 哈利和J.K.羅琳同一天生日,7月31日。

Harry and Rowling share a birthday: July 31.


21. 畢業後,露娜成為了奇獸飼育學家,在工作中遇見了羅夫·卡曼德並結婚。 羅夫·卡曼德的祖父是紐特·卡曼德,正是《怪獸與牠們的產地》的主角。

After Hogwarts, Luna Lovegood became a naturalist and during her work met Rolf Scamander, whom she later married. Rolf Scamander's grandfather is Newt Scamander, the hero of the film Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.


22. 奈威與成為破釜酒吧新老闆娘的漢娜·艾寶結婚,在當了短暫的正氣師後成為了霍格華茲藥草學教授,

After getting married, Neville Longbottom and Hannah Abbott moved to London. Neville worked for a short time as an Auror, but then became a teacher of Herbology at Hogwarts. Hannah, as the new innkeeper, ran the Leaky Cauldron, where the couple also lived together.


23. 妙麗的原型是作者自己,妙麗的守護動物也是J.K.羅琳最喜歡的動物:水獺。

Rowling modeled the young Hermione more or less on herself. She even gave her her own favorite animal as a Patronus: an otter.


24. 跩哥馬份的爸爸本來想他去唸德姆蘭學院,但媽媽覺得太遠了。

If it had been up to his father, Draco Malfoy would have gone to school at the Durmstrang Institute. However, his mother did not want to send him so far away.


25. 催狂魔的原型是作者母親死後所面對的憂鬱症。

J.K. Rowling used her depression following the death of her mother as the model for the Dementors and the feeling that they trigger in you.


26. 主角三人是在1991年入學。

Harry, Ron, and Hermione were sent to school in 1991.


27. 《哈利波特-火盃的考驗》中,在鄧不利多辦公室的一幕,有一個死神聖物的暗示和閃爍著的話語。

In Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, there is a scene in Dumbledore's office in which there is a clear allusion to the Deathly Hallows, along with a winking dialogue.


28. 在拍攝《哈利波特與阿茲卡班的逃犯》前,導演艾方索·柯朗請三位主角為自己的角色寫一篇文章。艾瑪華森寫了16頁,丹尼爾寫了1頁,魯伯特一句都沒有寫。

Before the filming of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, director Alfonso Cuarón had his three main actors write an essay about their characters. Emma Watson wrote 16 pages about Hermione, Daniel Radcliffe wrote a page about Harry, and Rupert Grint never delivered even a single sentence.


29. 在電影片尾,有意想不到的彩蛋:

37 Facts You Never Knew About "Harry Potter"


30. 出演馬份的湯姆·費爾頓本來是應試哈利和榮恩這兩個角色。

Tom Felton first read for the parts of Harry and Ron, but was finally cast as Draco Malfoy.


31. 在拍攝《哈利波特與阿茲卡班的逃犯》時,湯姆·費爾頓的斗篷口袋被縫上了,因為他不斷地偷偷地把食物偷走。

During the filming of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, the pockets of Tom Felton's Hogwarts cloak were sewn shut, because he kept trying to smuggle food onto the set.


32. 當這幕拍攝時,魯伯特需要被隔離,因為他一直笑到失控。

When the Horcrux kissing scene with Harry and Hermione was filmed, Rupert Grint had to be sent off the set, because he couldn't stop giggling.


33. 在愛丁堡Greyfriars Kirk的墓地裡,有三個墓碑名字分別是Thomas Riddle,William McGonagall和Elizabeth Moodie。據說,作者為角色命名時有參考到這個。

In the churchyard of Greyfriars Kirk in Edinburgh, there are three gravestones with the names Thomas Riddle, William McGonagall, and Elizabeth Moodie, which are said to have served J.K. Rowling as the basis for her characters' names.





34. 由於不少讀者不會唸妙麗的英文名字「Hermione」,因此作者特地寫了一幕她向維克多·喀浪解釋自己名字的情節。

Because readers of the books had problems pronouncing Hermione's name, Rowling wrote a scene in which she explained her name to Viktor Krum.


35. 麥克傑克遜曾想拍哈利波特的音樂劇,但被J.K.羅琳拒絕了。

J.K. Rowling rejected a request from Michael Jackson, who wanted to produce a Harry Potter musical with her.


36. 鄧不利多的左膝上有一個疤痕,是倫敦地鐵地圖的形狀。

Professor Dumbledore has a scar over his left knee which is in the shape of the London Underground map.


37. 有很長一段時,J.K.羅琳想以「疤痕」這個字作為故事的完結,但最後還是決定用「一切都好」。


來源 : Buzzfeed




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