
1. 當GG比你想像中大很多時,你有一點被嚇到:   2. 當你張開口準備口愛愛: 廣告1   3. 但沒多久你的下顎開始很酸,所以轉去玩蛋蛋:   4. 當你在黑暗中找GG時: 廣告2   5. 你開始把臉慢慢移向GG: 廣告3   6. 呃…你發現他還沒洗澡:   7. 當他在享受深.喉時,

January 24, 2017

1. 當GG比你想像中大很多時,你有一點被嚇到:

When he's much bigger than you expected and you're a little scared:


2. 當你張開口準備口愛愛:

When you try to prepare your jaw:


3. 但沒多久你的下顎開始很酸,所以轉去玩蛋蛋:

And when your jaw gets tired so you play with his balls instead:


4. 當你在黑暗中找GG時:

When you do it in the dark and play Marco Polo with his dick:


5. 你開始把臉慢慢移向GG:

When you start to put your face towards it...


6. 呃…你發現他還沒洗澡:

...and then realize he hasn't showered:


7. 當他在享受深.喉時,你很想吐,但嘗試保持性感:

When he hits your gag reflex and your eyes start to water but you're still trying to be sexy:


8. 你發現一些陰毛掉進嘴裡,你很想把它弄出來:

When you can feel a pube floating around and you're trying so hard to fish it out:


9. 當你很High,有點得意忘形時:

When you start to get a little carried away:


10. 口愛愛太久,你需要呼吸新鮮空氣時:

When you’ve been sucking for way too long and you have to come up for air:


11. 當你的牙齒不小心弄到他:

When you accidentally use teeth:


12. 你想跟他有一些性感的眼神接觸,但結果是:

When you try to make sexy eye contact but it doesn't quite end up that way:


13. 當他顏.射時:

When he's shooting towards your face and you have to protect the goods:


14. 當他在沒有警告的情況下口.爆:

Or when he gives you no warning at all:


15. 當你告訴他「不要噴臉」,但他還是噴了一點:

When you specifically told him NO FACE and he STILL got some on your face:


16. 有時候口愛愛太久,你都沒有性.趣了:

When it took longer than expected and you're trying to regain composure:


17. 最後,他滿足地告訴你「超棒超舒服的」,然後你一臉「該輪到我了吧」:

And finally, when he says "that was really great" and you're like "it's my turn now":

來源 : Buzzfeed


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