
30歲的科迪 (Cody Harman) 來自美國加州,在20歲時為了配合社會價值觀、讓有宗教信仰的父母高興而結婚。在2008年,當科迪與亞當 (Adam) 結為夫妻時,科迪雖然笑著,但事實上卻一點都不開心,因為科迪的內心覺得自己是男性。   「身邊的人都結婚了,我為了跟其他人一樣,

February 9, 2017

30歲的科迪 (Cody Harman) 來自美國加州,在20歲時為了配合社會價值觀、讓有宗教信仰的父母高興而結婚。在2008年,當科迪與亞當 (Adam) 結為夫妻時,科迪雖然笑著,但事實上卻一點都不開心,因為科迪的內心覺得自己是男性。

Cody Harman, 30, from California got married in 2008 to Adam after they met online



Cody on his wedding day to Adam - he tried to make his marriage work but it ended in divorce after he realised his true feelings



Cody was born a girl, but he knew he wanted to become a man. He explains how he found it difficult to go through puberty as female



After coming out as transgender in 2012 to his family and friends, Cody went on to have a mastectomy (pictured here after surgery) and began taking male hormones



Cody was a size 6 as a woman, but after he began the transition process he took up Crossfit in a bid to become a rippling hunk 



After coming out as transgender Cody went onto transition and has become a body builder



Cody has put in a hard work over the seven years since he started his transition changing his diet to achieve his muscly figure



No longer a slim housewife, Cody has been on a journey of transformation and will be fully transitioning later this year will phallophasty surgery



The keen bodybuilder took part in his first Female to Male Transgender bodybuilding competition in October 2016 and was thrilled to come in second

來源 : Dailymail


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