
塞爾維亞一名25歲媽媽寇薇賽維琪 (Danijela Kovacevic),2009年在產下女嬰瑪莉嘉 (Marija) 過程中因敗血症,陷入昏迷狀態,儘管雙眼全開卻無意識,七年的時間,她的家人從來沒有放棄希望,也全心照顧她。   原本醫生宣判寇薇賽維琪終生成植物人,但奇蹟卻在去年出現:寇

March 12, 2017

塞爾維亞一名25歲媽媽寇薇賽維琪 (Danijela Kovacevic),2009年在產下女嬰瑪莉嘉 (Marija) 過程中因敗血症,陷入昏迷狀態,儘管雙眼全開卻無意識,七年的時間,她的家人從來沒有放棄希望,也全心照顧她。

Pic shows: Danijela Kovacevic with her daughter.nnA woman who went into a coma following a traumatic labour seven years ago has startled doctors by waking up.nnDanijela Kovacevic gave birth to a baby girl in 2009 and went into a coma after contracting blood poisoning.nnThe 25-year-old, from Indjija in the province of Vojvodina in the northern part of Serbia, gave birth to her daughter Marija, in the hospital in the city of Novi Sad but contracted sepsis and because of the inflammation, fell into a coma and since then had remained in a vegetative state but with her eyes open.nnIt is reported she is longest survivor of being in that type of coma in the country but doctors have been left astounded as she has awoken and has started to slowly respond to treatment.nnDoctors say she can now hold a tablet and pen in her hand as well as sit up and follow conversations.nnHer dad, Djordje Kovacevic, said: "These are minor recoveries, but Danijela is much better that before. She has put on weight, she is more aware and more alive. She reacts, smiles and also gets angry."nnIn a rehabilitation centre in Germany, Danijela is doing physical and specialist speech therapies that stimulate the function of brain cells.nnThe family needs a further 50,000 EUR (43,000 GBP) for her treatment to continue.nnHer dad said: "The recovery of three months is really short. A man who breaks an arm needs more than three months of recovery, imagine how much time my daughter needs.nn"That is because you are teaching a kid to do certain things. She had very hard trainings. She walked 800 metres and that is a big achievement."nnFriends and family have started a collection for Danijela¿s treatment, but he fears it will not be enough.nnMr Kovacevic said: "They organised a competition in taekwondo and all the money they gathered was for Danijela¿s recovery. They gave us 10,000 EUR (8,700 GBP), but we need 50,000 more."nn(ends)



Pic shows: Danijela Kovacevic.nnA woman who went into a coma following a traumatic labour seven years ago has startled doctors by waking up.nnDanijela Kovacevic gave birth to a baby girl in 2009 and went into a coma after contracting blood poisoning.nnThe 25-year-old, from Indjija in the province of Vojvodina in the northern part of Serbia, gave birth to her daughter Marija, in the hospital in the city of Novi Sad but contracted sepsis and because of the inflammation, fell into a coma and since then had remained in a vegetative state but with her eyes open.nnIt is reported she is longest survivor of being in that type of coma in the country but doctors have been left astounded as she has awoken and has started to slowly respond to treatment.nnDoctors say she can now hold a tablet and pen in her hand as well as sit up and follow conversations.nnHer dad, Djordje Kovacevic, said: "These are minor recoveries, but Danijela is much better that before. She has put on weight, she is more aware and more alive. She reacts, smiles and also gets angry."nnIn a rehabilitation centre in Germany, Danijela is doing physical and specialist speech therapies that stimulate the function of brain cells.nnThe family needs a further 50,000 EUR (43,000 GBP) for her treatment to continue.nnHer dad said: "The recovery of three months is really short. A man who breaks an arm needs more than three months of recovery, imagine how much time my daughter needs.nn"That is because you are teaching a kid to do certain things. She had very hard trainings. She walked 800 metres and that is a big achievement."nnFriends and family have started a collection for Danijela¿s treatment, but he fears it will not be enough.nnMr Kovacevic said: "They organised a competition in taekwondo and all the money they gathered was for Danijela¿s recovery. They gave us 10,000 EUR (8,700 GBP), but we need 50,000 more."nn(ends)





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