
1.《The Cannibal That Walked Free》(無罪釋放的食人魔),2007。   這部片講述佐川一政的故事,他是一位在法國留學時殺害、姦屍並吃了一名女性的殺人犯。他因為在棄屍的過程中被發現而被逮捕,不過因為當時心理學家認為他精神錯亂而被釋放。後來他被引渡回日本,甚至還

April 8, 2017

1.《The Cannibal That Walked Free》(無罪釋放的食人魔),2007。

'It's about Issei Sagawa, a Japanese man who was caught murdering and eating a young woman, but the police couldn't hold him since his crime was committed outside of his home country. Scary part? He's still out there walking the streets, and he doesn't hide how much he still craves human meat.'– Lena Liu, Facebook


2.《毀滅倒數計時》(Countdown to Zero),2010。

'I've watched it several times over the years. It's chilling to know just how many close calls there have been to a nuclear attack over the years.'– Marie Suzanne Todd, Facebook


3.《Dreams of a Life》(生活的夢想),2011。

'It's not so much creepy as it is desperately sad. It's about Joyce Vincent, a woman who died alone in her flat and wasn't found for three years. She died of an unknown cause, with the TV on, surrounded by half-wrapped Christmas presents.'– isabellem49a01e24a
比起恐怖來說,這部片更讓人哀傷。這部片紀錄一名叫Joyce Vincent的女性因為不知名原因陳屍家中,3年後才被發現的故事。她死去時電視還是開著,身旁都是拆開一半的聖誕禮物包裝紙。



Tickled follows the story of a New Zealand journalist who delves deep into the strange yet compelling world of competitive endurance tickling. What starts as a quirky news piece slowly turns into something much darker.– Suggested by elizabethm4a45b1b93


5.《Just, Melvin: Just Evil》(正義、梅爾文:純粹邪惡),2000。

'It's so disturbing! It's about incest, child abuse, and molestation in a family by one man who is truly evil. Plus, the abuser's grandson is the one who made and narrated the documentary. It's heartbreaking.'– Sarah Rebecca Anastasia Andrews, Facebook


6.《The Nightmare》(鬼壓床),2015。

'It's a phenomenal documentary, but it's also horrifying. It's about sleep paralysis and I was so scared to go to sleep after watching it.'– korinewton13
這部片試圖以科學的方式記錄鬼壓床 (醫學名詞為睡眠癱瘓) 的成因。但看完後卻會讓你難以入睡。這部片甚至被稱為「最恐怖的紀錄片之一」。


7.《Child of Rage》(雙面天使):1992。

'It's about a little girl who was abused so severely when she was young that she had no conscience, and enjoyed seeing things suffer. It was so off-putting to see such a soft-spoken, sweet looking girl admit to killing multiple pets and wanting to see her parents dead.'– rasbwrry
這部紀錄片是關於Beth Thomas的故事,她在年幼的時候就遭受性侵,導致她毫無道德感,喜歡看人受苦。看到一個講話輕聲細語的小女孩坦承自己殺害了許多寵物,還希望養父養母死掉非常令人不舒服。



Directed by Morgan Spurlock, Rats chronicles rat infestations around the world and details their success as a species. Be warned though, this does include graphic scenes of rats being killed. – Suggested by Catoya Lundy, Facebook


9.《Jesus Camp》(耶穌營):2006。

'Jesus Camp is incredibly disturbing. It's about how Evangelical Christianity affects children. The kids seem brainwashed. As a Christian, seeing the effects of Biblical literalism made me scared of where my religion is headed. If you watch it, remember not all Christians are like that; it's not a representation of all of us.'– maggiek


10.《Into Eternity》(進入永恆),2010。

'It's about the construction of Onkalo, a nuclear waste storage facility. Sounds bland, but here's the thing: The people involved are still trying to figure out how to tell humans thousands of years in the future not to open it up. If pondering the vastness of time, the concept of your own mortality, and the insignificance of our current cultures and languages in the face of millennia is something that terrifies you as much as it does me, then you'll find this to be a real head-fuck. Enjoy.'– TessInSpace



'I had never heard of the urban legend around Cropsey before I watched this documentary. It's filled with so many eerie twists and turns, it'll be hard to sleep soundly after watching.'– Kelsey Loesch, Facebook


12.《鬼店之237號房》(Room 237),2012。

Ever since Stanley Kubrick's The Shining was released in 1980, people have come up with hundreds of different theories about the messages and meanings hidden in the movie. Room 237 focuses on all of the different interpretations for the iconic horror film. – Suggested by siobhansands


13.《Beware the Slenderman》(小心瘦削人),2016。

'It's an HBO documentary about two pre-teens who stabbed their friend to appease the fictional horror character Slenderman. It goes into the lore around Slenderman and the stabbing itself. Most eerily, it explores the muddy differences between fantasy and reality for children, and for people suffering from certain mental illnesses. It will momentarily make you question how strong your connection to reality really is.'– christineantoinetter



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