「真人版長髮公主」17年沒剪過頭髮 洗髮精1個禮拜就會用完!

1. 來自英國諾丁漢郡的28歲全職媽媽羅賓遜 (Lianne Robinson),從11歲開始就沒有再剪過頭髮。   2. 這把留長了17年的秀髮,長達122公分! 廣告1   3. 許多小孩看到她長長的頭髮後,都會問她是不是《魔髮奇緣》中的長髮公主樂佩!   也有人以為這只是假髮!   4. 要照顧

May 20, 2017

1. 來自英國諾丁漢郡的28歲全職媽媽羅賓遜 (Lianne Robinson),從11歲開始就沒有再剪過頭髮。

Lianne Robinson, 28, from Retford, Nottinghamshire, claims she can't leave the house without being stopped in the street because her 4ft mane makes children think she's Rapunzel


2. 這把留長了17年的秀髮,長達122公分!

Lianne takes hours to get anywhere, because her almost 4ft long hair is such a talking point with fairy tale-obsessed youngsters


3. 許多小孩看到她長長的頭髮後,都會問她是不是《魔髮奇緣》中的長髮公主樂佩!

Speaking about her locks, she said: 'My own little girl, Faith has just turned three and I think she's too young to understand but my friend's kids are mesmerized by my princess hair'


4. 要照顧這把長長的頭髮,其實也不太容易。

Having such a long mane can be a hazard, according to stay-at-home-mum Lianne, who sometimes catches it in the car door when she pops to the shops


5. 每一次她都要花20分鐘吹乾頭髮,而且洗髮精和護髮霜幾乎一個禮拜就會用完。

She was 11 when she first started growing it


6. 因為髮長及膝,搭車時她的頭髮常常會被夾住。

Videos of Lianne swishing her hair around have helped her gain tens of thousands of followers on Instagram


7. 因此,她通常都會把頭髮盤起後才出門。

She became popular on social media after her hairdresser persuaded her to start showing off her tresses


8. 雖然有很多麻煩,但她還是非常喜歡自己的頭髮。

She now takes selfies capturing how long her hair is and shows off the different ways of wearing it


9. 她每年會修剪頭髮兩次,覺得長至膝蓋就最完美了。

She said the last time her hair was shoulder length was when she was 11


10. 這把長髮也讓她成為了網紅,現在她的Instagram上有過萬名粉絲。

She explained that she hasn't coloured it and doesn't put much heat on it so she believes it's very healthy as a result 



Lianne, left, now, and, right, as a child, said: 'It doesn't take a lot of work'


12. 小時候還沒開始留長頭髮的她!頭髮就已經很美了!

She said: 'I wash it every day and go through a bottle of Dove shampoo and condition each week'



Despite the length, Lianne has grown used to her long hair, barely noticing it's there if she does let it down


14. 他的男友也是被她的頭髮所吸引,「他應該永遠都不想我把頭髮剪短吧!」她笑說。

Lianne, pictured with her boyfriend Ryan, who loves her long locks 



Lianne said of her boyfriend: 'He's always liked it and noticed it the moment we met. I don't think he'd ever want me to get it cut'



Despite its length, the only maintenance Lianne's locks require is a daily wash with shampoo and conditioner and she's always kept it her natural colour


17. 她在影片中只是輕拂頭髮,讚數就接近3萬!

Her hair has helped her amass over 12,200 followers with one video of Lianne flicking her head backwards receiving over 26,000 views



She said: 'The other day, there was a little girl who saw me in the street and said, "Look Mummy, it's Rapunzel."



Lianne with her partner Ryan and daughter Faith



With all the attention she gets on social media, Lianne doesn't think she'll cut it off any time soon





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