
1. 因为实在太懒了,所以你有时候会用脚夹东西。 NBC / rebloggy.com   2. 即时朋友在旁边,你还是会传讯息给他,因为懒得开口跟他说话。 TLC / giphy.com 廣告1   3. 你切完蛋糕会直接用刀子吃,也不装盘,能洗越少餐具越好! VH1 / giphy.com   4. 懒

January 16, 2015

1. 因为实在太懒了,所以你有时候会用脚夹东西。

21 Signs Your Laziness Has Gotten Totally Out Of Control
NBC / rebloggy.com


2. 即时朋友在旁边,你还是会传讯息给他,因为懒得开口跟他说话。

21 Signs Your Laziness Has Gotten Totally Out Of Control
TLC / giphy.com


3. 你切完蛋糕会直接用刀子吃,也不装盘,能洗越少餐具越好!

21 Signs Your Laziness Has Gotten Totally Out Of Control
VH1 / giphy.com


4. 懒得洗内裤因此直接买新的。

21 Signs Your Laziness Has Gotten Totally Out Of Control
NBC / fanpop.com


5. 你根本无法完成一个句子,因为你懒得将语意完整表达。

21 Signs Your Laziness Has Gotten Totally Out Of Control
The CW / virtualteen.org


6. 整理房间的方法就是把所有东西都推进床底下。

21 Signs Your Laziness Has Gotten Totally Out Of Control
Paramount Pictures / lifeofanarchizombie.tumblr.com


7. 懒得去厕所,所以你已经开始找瓶子尿在里面…

You've peed in water bottles instead of getting up to go to the bathroom.
NBC / Netflix


8. 即便家里有某本书,你也会懒得把它找出来而从手机上下载电子书来看。

You've downloaded something on your Kindle instead of searching through your house for the actual hard copy.
Thinkstock / lofilolo


9. 你会在客厅刮腿毛因为这样就能边看电视。

You've shaved your legs in the living room so you could watch TV.
Fox / Netflix


10. 你会把掉在身上的食物碎屑吃掉,因为懒得捡去丢。

21 Signs Your Laziness Has Gotten Totally Out Of Control
NBC / giphy.com


11. 你会训练家里的狗狗如何找出电视遥控器。

You've taught your dog how to fetch the remote control.
Thinkstock / suemack


12. 你曾用离子夹来烫衣服…

21 Signs Your Laziness Has Gotten Totally Out Of Control


13. 为了要别人帮你带早餐到你家,你可以饿著肚子在家等上数个小时。

21 Signs Your Laziness Has Gotten Totally Out Of Control
Nickelodeon / giphy.com


14. 你曾因为书桌太乱了所以趴在地上写字…

21 Signs Your Laziness Has Gotten Totally Out Of Control
Toho / mashable.com


15. 你已经懒得烹煮罐头食物了,直接吃就好啦!

You've eaten cold food out of the can instead of cooking it.
Thinkstock / HandmadePictures


16. 你会找朋友一起来家里组IKEA家具,完成后就立马把他们赶回家。

21 Signs Your Laziness Has Gotten Totally Out Of Control
youtube.com / vibin4life.tumblr.com


17. 你在房间摆了一个小冰箱,如此一来起床就不用千里迢迢走到厨房了。

You've had a mini fridge in your room so you didn't have to get up and walk to the kitchen.
MBS / funnyjunk.com


18. 就算网路很缓慢也要继续等电影下载完,因为你懒得出门去电影院看。

21 Signs Your Laziness Has Gotten Totally Out Of Control
CBS / reactiongifs.com


19. 自从搬新家到现在还有些东西根本没从箱子里拿出来整理…

You've still not fully unpacked after moving out of college.
Thinkstock / monkeybusinessimages


20. 最扯的是,就连是你家楼下的餐厅你也要叫外送!

21 Signs Your Laziness Has Gotten Totally Out Of Control
Paramount Pictures / giphy.com





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