
這個世界到底有多美?我們都知道很美,但身處地表上的我們可能很難俯瞰整個壯觀的風景,偶爾只能透過搭飛機的時候鳥瞰這個世界 (連結)。不過多虧了AirPano,他們的空拍攝影團隊帶回來了許多壯麗的景色,從杜拜的天際線、到聖母峰全都記錄下來了。 廣告1 他們的團隊包括

March 23, 2015

這個世界到底有多美?我們都知道很美,但身處地表上的我們可能很難俯瞰整個壯觀的風景,偶爾只能透過搭飛機的時候鳥瞰這個世界 (連結)。不過多虧了AirPano,他們的空拍攝影團隊帶回來了許多壯麗的景色,從杜拜的天際線、到聖母峰全都記錄下來了。




1. 杜拜 (Dubai)

Dubai never ceases to impress, but this aerial shot of the skyline by AirPano shows the city in an incredible new light


2. 委內瑞拉 (Venezuela) 安赫爾瀑布 (Angel Falls)

Only a photograph from above like this one can demonstrate the vast size of the Angel Falls in Venezuela


3. 西班牙巴塞隆納 (Barcelona)

This perfectly ordered city is Barcelona in Spain - captured in the middle is the famous Sagrada Familia church
中間的突出物還是特別有名的聖家堂 (Sagrada Familia church)。


4. 尚比亞 (Zambia) 莫西奧圖尼亞瀑布 (Mosi-oa-Tuny)

Is there a pot of gold? A rainbow perfectly captured at the Victoria Falls in Zambia


5. 南美洲伊瓜蘇瀑布 (Iguasu Fall)

Iguasu Falls, Argentina is just one of the stunning aerial shots shown off in AirPano's spectacular collection


6. 令人驚艷的聖母峰 (Mount Everest)

Winter wonderland! A stunning photo of Mount Everest, Earth's highest mountain, located in the Mahalangur section of the Himalayas


7. 法國巴黎凱旋門 (Arc de Triomphe)

New perspective! It could confuse at first, but this is actually the Arc de Triomphe in Paris, photographed entirely from above


8. 美國紐約曼哈頓 (Manhattan)

Concrete jungle lit up! A magical panoramic shot of Manhattan City Line at night, with the Empire State Building gleaming to the left and the Chrysler building towards the centre


9. 俄羅斯堪察加半島 (Kamchatka) 扎爾巴奇克火山 (Volcano Plosky Tolbachik)

AirPano captured the unique moment Volcano Plosky Tolbachik spurted lava in Kamchatka, Russia


10. 美國紐約曼哈頓

AirPano perfectly shot Manhattan in New York, with views for miles stretching out in the background


11. 澳洲大堡礁

Looking down, down under! Australia's barrier reef looks a brilliant shade of turquoise in this landscape capture


12. 印度泰姬瑪哈陵 (Taj Mahal)

See the Taj Mahal from a new angle! The Indian landmark has been captured many times before, but the team took a new perspective


13. 越南下龍灣 (Halong Bay)

One of the spectacular wonders of the world from above. The Ha Long island dotted in the Vietnamese bay


14. 結冰的冰島海洋

Flecks of white in the blue ocean, frozen Iceland as you have never seen it before. The team mainly use drones to take their photographs


15. 德國新天鵝堡 (Neuschwanstein Castle)

Looking like something out of a fairy tale is Neuschwanstein Castle in Germany, captured in the midst of the rolling mountains


16. 埃及金字塔

The Pyramids in Egypt made AirPano's 100 Best Places on the Planet list, which the team set out to capture over the years since they started in 2006


17. 新加坡摩天觀景輪 (Singapore Flyer)

Pictured here is the Singapore Flyer - other city shots include New York, Paris and Barcelona


18. 多米尼加共和國 (Dominican Republic )


來源:Daily Mail

真是太美麗了啊!原來當鳥都是這種景觀啊~想要探索更多世界壯麗美景,你可以上他們的官方網站 (連結)。


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