19個「貴到國王也買不起」的寶物排行榜 跟拇指一樣大的方塊就要8.7億!

1. 最貴的美國車:1968福特GT40 Gulf/Mirage Lightweight Racer跑車   價錢:$11,000,000 (約新台幣3.54億):美國打進歐洲賽車圈之中,可說就是靠這輛福特GT40,因為它可是打敗了當時連勝的法拉利,讓大家都跌破了眼鏡呢!   2. 最貴的手槍組:喬治華盛頓的鋼製「馬鞍」

August 19, 2015

1. 最貴的美國車:1968福特GT40 Gulf/Mirage Lightweight Racer跑車

Most Expensive American Car: 1968 Ford GT40 Gulf/Mirage Lightweight Racer
Price: $11,000,000

One of just 107 examples, the Ford GT40 is considered America’s most successful foray into European racing, emerging out of a grudge match between Henry Ford II and Enzo Ferrari following a failed acquisition of Ferrari by Ford.
價錢:$11,000,000 (約新台幣3.54億):美國打進歐洲賽車圈之中,可說就是靠這輛福特GT40,因為它可是打敗了當時連勝的法拉利,讓大家都跌破了眼鏡呢!


2. 最貴的手槍組:喬治華盛頓的鋼製「馬鞍」手槍

Most Expensive Pistol or Pistol Set: Pair of Steel-Mounted “Saddle” Pistols owned by George Washington
Price: $1,986,000

This pair of pistols, marked by Jacob Walster, were owned by President George Washington during America's Revolutionary War.
價錢:$1,986,000 (約新台幣6401萬):這對手槍當時是喬治華盛頓總統在美國獨立戰爭期間所持有的!


3. 最貴的私人飛機:瓦利德王子的空中巴士A380

Most Expensive Private Airplane/Jet: Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal’s Airbus A380
Price: $150,000,000

While the Airbus is conventionally a commercial airliner, when you’re a Saudi prince worth about $22 billion, you can afford to make it your own. Despite something of a scandal regarding the Prince’s purchase of the plane, including defaults on payments to Airbus and a rather quick resale, the aircraft still retains the spot as the most valuable plane bought privately.
價錢:$150,000,000 (約新台幣48億):當然這個空中巴士原本就跟一般客機沒什麼兩樣,但當你跟沙烏地阿拉伯王子一樣身價220億美金 (約新台幣7141億) 時,你絕對能把客機重新打造,想怎麼裝潢就怎麼裝潢,因此這架空中巴士就成了私人購買記錄之中價值最高的飛機。


4. 最貴的房屋:安迪利亞

Most Expensive House: Antilia
Price: $500,000,000 - $700,000,000

Though not a home in the traditional sense, Antilia is the name given to the residence of Mukesh Ambani, India’s richest man (at ~$23,000,000,000 net worth), who spent an unspecified amount, projected to conservatively be between $500,000,000 - $700,000,000, constructing this 27-story, 400,000 square-foot monolith in Mumbai, India. Containing, six underground parking floors (with space for 168 cars), three helicopter pads, a spa, terraced gardens, a ballroom, a 50-seat theater, and requiring a 600-person staff to maintain, Antilia is actually claimed to have risen in value to the $1,000,000,000 mark as the result of rising property values in south Mumbai.
價錢:$500,000,000 – $700,000,000 (約新台幣161 – 225億):印度首富砸下重金,就為了打造這個十分現代的家。27層樓高、6層地下停車場 (共168個停車位) 、3個直升機坪、Spa、花園、宴會廳、容納50個座椅的影廳等豪華設備應有盡有,整棟樓共需要600個人來管理呢,你說誇不誇張?!


5. 最貴的電影道具:007《金手指》與《霹靂彈》出現的Aston Martin DB5

Most Expensive Movie Prop: Aston Martin DB5, “Goldfinger” and “Thunderball”
Price: $4,600,000

The most iconic car in the history of spy films, making a reappearance in 2012’s “Skyfall”, the DB5 is the quintessential Bond car. This particular model, chassis number DB5/1486/R, was the car primarily used for driving shots and was as a result referred to as the “Road Car” , making appearances as the preferred method of transport for Sean Connery in both “Goldfinger” and “Thunderball.”
價錢:$4,600,000 (約新台幣1.48億):這部車其實也在《007:空降危機》中出現,堪稱是最經典的「龐德車」,配上之前史恩康納萊的紳士魅力,誰也無法抗拒啊!


6. 以重量單位來看最貴的物質:鉲

Most Expensive Substance by Weight: Californium 
Price: $27,000,000/gram

Californium, which does not occur naturally except in very small quantities, can only be synthesized at a few locations, including the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (US) and the Research Institute of Atomic Reactors (Russia). Highly radioactive and unstable, some consider it a strong candidate for the development of nuclear fission.
價錢:$27,000,000/克 (約新台幣8.7億):自然界中的鉲少之又少,而要合成的話只有在特定幾個地方才行。而高放射性、不穩定的它,利用價值就在於核分裂研發領域中是個潛力要角!


7. 最貴的傢俱:Badminton櫃子

Most Expensive Piece of Furniture: The Badminton Cabinet
Price: $36,662,106

This piece is not actually used for the sport of Badminton in any way, but draws its name from the home of the Dukes of Beaufort, for whom it was made. The Badminton Cabinet was made for Henry Somerset, 3rd Duke of Beaufort, by the Grand Ducal workshops in Florence, from 1720-1732, under the supervision of the Foggini family. The Cabinet incorporates an amazing wealth of materials, from lapis lazuli, agate and Sicilian red and green jasper, to chalcedony and amethyst quartz. It was purchased at a Christie’s auction in 2004 by Dr. Johan Kraeftner, Director of the Liechtenstein Museum in Vienna, on behalf of Prinz Hans-Adam II of Liechtenstein for the same museum.
價錢:$36,662,106 (約新台幣11.8億):Badminton的中文是羽球的意思,但事實上,這個櫃子可不是用來放羽毛球的,而是為了訂做櫃子的公爵而命名。特別的是,裡面藏有豐富的珠寶,從青金石、瑪瑙、西西里紅碧玉到玉髓與紫水晶都有,有了這個應該好幾輩子都不愁吃穿用吧!


8. 最貴的刀鋒武器:拿破侖的馬倫哥騎兵軍刀

Most Expensive Bladed Weapon: Napoleon Bonaparte’s Marengo Cavalry Saber
Price: $6,500,000

The most expensive antique weapon to have ever sold at auction is a gold encrusted sword used by Napoleon Bonaparte in battle around 200 years ago. The 32-inch sword brought 4.8m ($6.5m) against a 1.2m pre-sale estimate at an Osenat auction in Fontainebleau, France in 2007. Napoleon used the sword at the Battle of Marengo in 1800 to take control of northern Italy from Austria.
價錢:$6,500,000 (約新台幣2.09億):這是拍賣會場上賣過最貴的古董武器,以金鑲嵌的軍刀是拿破侖200年前曾在馬倫哥戰役中使用的。


9. 最貴的紙鈔貨幣:1890年美國小庫印$1000鈔票

Most Expensive Piece of Paper Currency: 1890 United States Small Seal $1000 Treasury Note
Price: $3,290,000

This piece, the only copy in private hands, is referred to as the “Grand Watermelon” design due to the unusual resemblance of the zeroes on the reverse of the note to watermelons. The piece was such an unusual issue when printed, numbering less than 200 original pieces, that the selection of historical figures to put on the front of the bill was limited from Presidents and Founding Fathers to U.S. Civil War general George Meade, commanding officer of the victorious Army of the Potomac at Gettysburg, but a figure that was constantly overshadowed by the General in Chief, and future President, Ulysses S. Grant. The note’s rarity, high denomination, and condition grade led to the record-setting sale by Heritage Auctions in early 2014.
價錢:$3,290,000 (約新台幣1.06億):這張紙鈔,因為背面的1000元數字樣子有著西瓜般的紋路,所以也被稱作「大西瓜」。而之所以這麼珍貴,是因為當時印製數量少於200張。而這又剛好是唯一一張私人珍藏品,所以依據稀有性、高面額與保存完整度,就在2014年出遺產拍賣會創下高價新紀錄。


10. 最貴的電影海報:1931年大都會國際版 (《大都會》為佛列茲‧朗Fritz Lang創作出的表現主義經典作品)

Most Expensive Movie Poster: 1931 “Metropolis”, International Version
Price: $690,000 - $1,200,000 

One of four copies of the international version of this poster believed to exist, advertising Fritz Lang’s influential science fiction film about a highly stylized futuristic city where a beautiful and cultured utopia exists above a bleak underworld populated by mistreated workers, was auctioned by the United States Bankruptcy Court in 2012. Of the remaining three examples of this, the “crown jewel of the poster world”, only one is in private hands (anonymously held, though popularly believed to be Leonardo DiCaprio), the other two residing in the United States Museum of Modern Art and the Austrian National Library.
價錢:$690,000 – $1,200,000 (約新台幣2224 – 3868萬):這張國際版海報據說還存在的共有4張,這就是當時法拍會上拍賣掉的其中一張。其他3張,有一張在美國現代藝術博物館,另一張在奧地利國家圖書館,最後一張則是私人珍藏品,有許多人認為是李奧納多狄卡皮歐所持有的呢!


11. 最貴的一瓶酒:1992年嘯鷹

Most Expensive Bottle of Wine: Screaming Eagle Cabernet Sauvignon 1992
Price: $500,000

Sold in 2000, a six-liter bottle of Screaming Eagle Cabernet currently holds the unofficial title of most expensive bottle of wine ever sold at auction. It went under the hammer at a charity wine auction in Napa for the staggering sum of $500,000, and was reported to have been purchased by Chase Bailey, a former Cisco Systems executive.
價錢:$500,000 (約新台幣1611萬):2000年6公升的嘯鷹卡本內在一場拍賣會賣出就取下了「最貴的一瓶酒」的頭銜。


12. 最貴的一瓶香檳:鑽石殿限量版香檳

Most Expensive Bottle of Champagne: Goût de Diamants (Taste of Diamonds) Limited Edition
Price: $1,867,000

Made from 100% Grand Cru grapes, Goût de Diamants is produced at the 8-hectare, family-owned, Champagne Chapuy in Oger, and some varieties are aged for a minimum of 40 months. But don’t go looking for this in stores, you won’t find it. This brand sells exclusively to high-end bars, restaurants, hotels, and private clients. Each bottle of Goût de Diamants is adorned with a brilliant cut Swarovski crystal in the centre of a diamond-shaped pewter design resembling the Superman logo.
價錢:$1,867,000 (約新台幣6018萬):是由100%Grand Cru優質酒莊葡萄園製造而成,有些品種最少也放上了40個月。而這在一般賣酒的店面是找不到的,他們只賣給高檔酒吧、餐廳、飯店與私人客戶!


13. 最貴的雕像:行走的人I

Most Expensive Sculpture: “L’homme au doigt”, Alberto Giacometti
Price: $141,300,000

Considered one of the most important sculptors in history, with three of his works holding positions on the top ten most valuable pieces of art of all time, Giacometti is in a category all his own, called both a Surrealist and a Formalist, and this piece (translated to “Man pointing” or “Pointing Man”) is considered to be his most iconic and evocative sculpture.
價錢:$141,300,000 (約新台幣45.5億):這是歷史上最重要的雕刻作品之一,瑞士創作者阿爾伯托·賈科梅蒂 (Alberto Giacometti) 的3件作品目前列入了史上前十大最有價值藝術品名單中,可見出自他手,絕對是傑作中的傑作。


14. 最貴的古董:葛諾母獅

Most Expensive Antiquity: The Guennol Lioness
Price: $57,161,000

Diminutive in size, but monumental in conception, The Guennol Lioness  is of Elamite origin and is thought to have been made between 3000 and 2800 BCE—the same period in which writing systems were being developed, the wheel was being invented, and cities were beginning to rise in the region of ancient Mesopotamia.
價錢:$57,161,000 (約新台幣18.4億):雖然尺寸不大,卻非常有價值。葛諾母獅是出自西亞古國埃蘭,據說是在約公元前3000–公元前2800年之間製造的,也就是美索不達米亞時期書寫系統正在發展、輪子被發明出來、城市開始興起的那段時間。


15. 最貴的錶:亨利葛瑞夫茲超複雜 (Henry Graves Supercomplication)

Most Expensive Watch: Henry Graves 'Supercomplication', by Patek Phillips 
Price: $24,000,000

One of the most complicated watches ever created, and by far the most complex design conceived without computer assistance. It took three years to design the watch, and another five years to manufacture it, before being delivered to Graves in 1933. The Supercomplication had long been the world’s most complicated timepiece ever assembled with a total of 24 different functions, including Westminster chimes, a perpetual calendar, sunrise and sunset times, and a celestial map of New York as seen from the Graves's apartment on New York's Fifth Avenue, and contains 920 individual parts.
價錢:$24,000,000 (約新台幣7.7億):這是世上最複雜的手錶,也是不靠電腦幫助而設計精工最繁複的一個。光是設計這個手錶就花上了3年的時間,製造時間又花了5年。其中,手錶共有24個不同功能,包括永恆不止的日曆、日升日落時間等等。920個獨立零件加總,就成了這個永恆的極致藝術品。


16. 最貴的一本書:達文西萊斯特抄本

Most Expensive Book/Manuscript: Codex Leicester (Codex Hammer), Leonardo Da Vinci
Price: $30,800,000

Codex Leicester was written around 1508, and is one of 30 or so similar books produced by Da Vinci across his lifetime. Within the Codex Leicester's 72 loose pages are around 300 notes and detailed drawings rendered in chalk and brown ink, alongside Leonardo's famed 'mirror writing'. All of these sketches are based around a common theme: water and how it moved. Codex Leicester's historical importance is further bolstered by the fact that Da Vinci is thought to have used its contents as research to paint the background of his masterwork, the Mona Lisa.
價錢:$30,800,000 (約新台幣9.9億):這是約1508年左右寫出來的,也是30幾本達文西一生當中創作書籍中的其中一本。這本書的主題是在講述水與其流動方式。據說,達文西就是靠這些研究結果才畫出了《蒙娜麗莎的微笑》的背景。


17. 最貴的一幅畫:你何時結婚?

Most Expensive Painting: “Nafea Faa Ipoipo”, Paul Gauguin
Price: $300,000,000

Part of an extremely valuable collection assembled by the grandfather of retired Sotheby’s executive Rudolf Staechlin, this piece was painted by famed French Impressionist Gauguin in 1892 during his first visit to Tahiti, aged 43-44, where he travelled to escape "everything that is artificial and conventional" in Europe.
價錢:$300,000,000 (約新台幣96.7億):印象派代表人物保羅·高更畫出這幅巨作是在1892年第一次拜訪大溪地時所作。


18. 最貴的摩托車:逍遙騎士Easy Rider美式機車

Most Expensive Motorcycle: “Easy Rider” Chopper
Price: $1,350,000

This Harley-Davidson was a pivotal piece in the 1969 film “Easy Rider”, a counterculture classic. Sold by California-based auction company Profiles in History in 2014, this piece of movie memorabilia maintains the title of the most valuable motorcycle in existence.
價錢:$1,350,000 (約新台幣4351.6萬):這是1969年存在主義式公路電影《逍遙騎士》中重要的靈魂哈雷機車,十分有代表性!


19. 最貴的一台車:1962法拉利250 GTO

Most Expensive Car: 1962 Ferrari 250 GTO
Price: $34,650,000

Considered the dominant race cars of the mid-1960’s, just 36 examples of the Ferrari GTO rolled out of the factory (39 if you include those with slight variations) in the production run between 1962 and 1964.
價錢:$34,650,000 (約新台幣11億):1960年代中期,法拉利是當時主宰市場的跑車。而在1962-1964年之間,只有36個法拉利GTO模型製造出廠,而如果要算入那些有些微差異的款式,那也只有39個。所以依據物以稀為貴的道理,當然價值就高到不行啦。


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