
1. 奧利維亞·魏爾德 (Olivia Wilde) :「大家都會想像迷人又浪漫的場面,但我總是笑場,因為事實上大概會有50個人在同一個房間,你一下要停下來、一下又要重新開始,還會有人大叫『你的手可以移動一些嗎、肩膀可以放下來一些嗎、很好、再來…』之類的。」   2. 傑

September 7, 2015

1. 奧利維亞·魏爾德 (Olivia Wilde) :「大家都會想像迷人又浪漫的場面,但我總是笑場,因為事實上大概會有50個人在同一個房間,你一下要停下來、一下又要重新開始,還會有人大叫『你的手可以移動一些嗎、肩膀可以放下來一些嗎、很好、再來…』之類的。」

Olivia Wilde
"There is always a particularly large and hairy man holding a boom wearing a crop top. I don't know if they're like, 'Ooh, sex scene, where's my crop top because I need to hover above Olivia, make sure my hairy belly is somewhere in the vicinity of her face.' People imagine it's this really glamorous and sexy thing, but I always laugh because in reality there are 50 people in the room. You are stopping and starting. There is someone yelling, like, 'Can you move your hand, can you just put your shoulder down, OK, good, more, more …’"


2. 傑米‧多南 (Jamie Dornan) :「你的重要部位可以原封不動,因為會用一個肉色的小袋子把它藏起來…」

Jamie Dornan
'Your dignity is intact as much as it's all tucked away in a little flesh-coloured bag... As a guy you put all your essentials in a little bag and you tie it up like a little bag of grapes and it's tucked away,'


3. 阿曼達·塞佛瑞 (Amanda Seyfried) :「床戲很不錯啊。我很多合作對象都是同齡的性感男星,所以何樂而不為?我才不會做作說那樣不好玩。」

Amanda Seyfried
“Sex scenes are great. A lot of my co-stars have been sexy guys my age, and so, why not? I’m not going to pretend it’s not fun,”


4. 班‧史提勒 (Ben Stiller) :「在拍的時候,感覺比較像是例行公事,必須符合劇情、盡可能拍得逼真且融入、照辦所有要求。」

Ben Stiller
"You kind of just have to, when you're doing it, serve the story and try and be as real and in the moment and do what's required.”


5. 喬瑟夫‧高登‧李維 (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) :「那是個技術性的過程,是由很多小片段構成的,並不是我們在那邊親熱,然後有人在旁邊拍而已。」

Joseph Gordon-Levitt
"It's a pretty technical process. It's built out of lots of little pieces. It's not as if we're over there just making out and someone's shooting.”


6. 達珂塔·強生 (Dakota Johnson) :「拍床戲的場景一點也不性感或愉悅,就只是很熱。而且不是那種慾火焚身的熱,只是滿身大汗,一點也不舒服。」

Dakota Johnson
"Filming a sex scene is not a sensual or pleasurable environment. It's really hot - not in a steamy, sexual way. It's just sweaty and it's not very comfortable."


7. 麥克·道格拉斯 (Michael Douglas) :「床戲最難的部分就是每個人都是評審。」

Michael Douglas
"The hardest thing about sex scenes is that everybody is a judge. I don't know the last time you murdered somebody or blew anyone's brains out, but everyone has had sex and probably this morning, which means everyone has an opinion on how it should be done."


8. 戴夫·法蘭科 (Dave Franco) 談《惡鄰纏身》的床戲:「那是我第一次真的拍需要露屁屁的床戲,你在看大螢幕的時候不會有那種反應,但我真的很緊張。」

Dave Franco on Neighbors
"It was my first real sex scene where I show my butt. You're not going to have that reaction when you see it on the big screen. It was nerve-wracking. I was pretty nervous. I met the girl the day before, and she was beautiful and very sweet. But it's awkward. You meet each other and then you're grinding. You don't even know her name … barely.”


9. 莉娜·丹恩 (Lena Dunham) 談到《女孩我最大》的床戲:「我躺在那裡,感覺只是被一個人的裸體衝撞,心想著『我想要離開這張床、這個場景、這段人生,到底是誰逼我這麼做?』」

Lena Dunham on Girls
“I will be lying there, kind of being slammed by a naked body, thinking, ‘I want out of this bed. I want out of this scene. I want out of this life. Who did this to me?’ And I realized, I’m my own boss. I’ve written it. I’m directing it. I’m the person holding myself in sexual slavery.”


10. 賈斯汀·提姆布萊克 (Justin Timberlake) :「這其實很惱人,你得在那邊待上12個小時,這讓人筋疲力竭。」

Justin Timberlake
“It’s actually kind of annoying, you’re there for 12 hours, it’s exhausting.”


11. 馬丁·史柯西斯 (Martin Scorsese) :「我認為在70年代,性更加強悍、強烈,有些事情充滿了力度,像是《浪蕩子》或《轟雷任務》。」

Martin Scorsese
“In the ‘70s, sex was tougher, stronger, I think. Certain things were very powerful, and I mean movies like Five Easy Pieces or Drive… They were so strange. Now, to a certain extent, with the exception of Crash, which I think is an extraordinary movie, and the very powerful way that Breaking the Waves goes about sexuality — there is a kind of scrubbed-clean quality that is not even sensual anymore. They are fake images and fake bodies. How do you shoot a sex scene? What would you do? I personally don’t know how anymore… It really is tougher.”


12. 凡妮莎·哈金斯 (Vanessa Hudgens) 談到《放浪青春》的床戲:「那讓我非常頭痛,我跟我的經紀人說我再也不想拍床戲了。」

Vanessa Hudgens on Spring Breakers
"It was very nerve-wracking for me. I told my agent I never want to ever do it again.”


13. 萊恩‧雷諾斯 (Ryan Reynolds) 談到《玩咖尬宅爸》的床戲:「在那個場景中,她 (奧莉維亞·魏爾德) 坐在那裡,脫了她的上衣,我把她的內衣脫掉,她貼了胸貼,但她在上面畫了兩個可愛的笑臉。」

Ryan Reynolds on The Change-Up
"So in the scene she's (Olivia Wilde) sitting there, and I take her top off, I take her bra off, and she has those pasties on, but she's drawn these adorable little smiley faces on them. And I forget every line in the scene. Not just from this movie, from every movie I've done.”


14. 麥可‧法斯賓達 (Michael Fassbender) :「拍床戲非常詭異。身為男性,你首先要做的就是確定你沒有趁機吃豆腐,你不會希望女方覺得你突然忘情演出之類的。」

Michael Fassbender
"Sex scenes can be quite awkward. As a guy, the first thing you want to do is make sure you're not taking advantage. You don't want the girl to feel like you're getting a free feel or something. I try to make a fool of myself in one way or another to lighten the mood and then just go for it, because you don't want to be doing take after take.”


15. 蜜拉·庫妮絲 (Mila Kunis) :「拍床戲超難的,句點。這跟對象是不是朋友,是男是女都無關。現場會有大概100個工作人員幫你打光、調整你的姿勢,絕對不會有舒適度這回事。」

Mila Kunis
"It's hard to have a sex scene, period. It doesn't matter if it's a friend, a male, a female. You're with 100-something crew members, lighting you, repositioning you, there's no comfort whatsoever.”



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