iPhone 8將有「超大5.8吋螢幕」,「最新科技太強」價格飆破30000「上市日延到10月」!

全球的果粉注意,iPhone 8最新的消息出來了!據國外媒體報導,蘋果今年預計發行3台新機,其中兩支是iPhone 7系列另一支則是10周年新機,也就是iPhone 8!   根據Nikkei Asian Review報導,接下來上市的iPhone有3支,其中7s 跟 7s Plus是液晶螢幕,早期情報指出7s跟7s Pl

March 7, 2017

全球的果粉注意,iPhone 8最新的消息出來了!據國外媒體報導,蘋果今年預計發行3台新機,其中兩支是iPhone 7系列另一支則是10周年新機,也就是iPhone 8!

It is believed that the iPhone 8 (artists impression) will boast a 5.8in OLED display, but with smaller top and bottom bezels to shrink the size of the device. Although it will have the largest display of any iPhone, rumors have suggested that it will also be the most expensive
根據Nikkei Asian Review報導,接下來上市的iPhone有3支,其中7s 跟 7s Plus是液晶螢幕,早期情報指出7s跟7s Plus的螢幕分別是4.7吋跟5.5吋。另一支iPhone8則是5.8吋的OLED螢幕,對喜愛大螢幕手機的人來說絕對是福音!


不過螢幕更大,標價上的數字也會變大…許多情報都證實iPhone 8的價格又會更貴,Fast Company甚至表示iPhone 8價格會超過美金$1,000 (約台幣31000)!如消息屬實,也代表iPhone 8將會是手機產品中最貴的一支。

Previous rumors have already identified an increase in price. Earlier this month it was revealed that the so-called iPhone 8 (artist impression) will costs more than $1,000 (£800) – making it the most expensive handset the firm has ever produced


不過對iPhone 8有興趣的果粉可能得等等了,因為這款新機可能不會在10月前上市。這是因為據傳蘋果要取消指紋辨識的Touch ID!而且蘋果也沒有要採用其他指紋辨識的Synaptic’s Natural ID跟Qualcomm’s Sense ID等等,而是要用自己研發的指紋辨識裝置!


蘋果的指紋辨識裝置結合奧森科技演算法跟Privaris的glass identification科技。也是因為要融入這套新的裝置,才使得iPhone 8的上市日期延後,大約在9月才會在工廠大量生產,最早10月才會上市。不過等待是值得的,因為這種新的裝置可以直接內建進觸控螢幕,所以能讓上下的邊框變小!

The firm is going with its own technology for a fingerprint recognition solution – Authentec algorithm combined with Privaris glass identification technology. It is speculated that this component will use biometric technologies




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