
參選2017年法國總統選舉、順利進入決選的39歲政治家埃瑪紐耶爾·馬克宏 (Emmanuel Macron),有一個比他大24年的64歲妻子布麗吉特·托涅 (Brigitte Trogneux)。   妻子布麗吉特是他高中時的法文老師,當時兩人掉入愛河後,不理父母反對,在2007年結婚,現在育有3個小孩。

April 25, 2017

參選2017年法國總統選舉、順利進入決選的39歲政治家埃瑪紐耶爾·馬克宏 (Emmanuel Macron),有一個比他大24年的64歲妻子布麗吉特·托涅 (Brigitte Trogneux)。

Emmanuel Macron and his wife Brigitte embrace as it emerged he has advanced to the run-off against Marine Le Pen



The relationship started after Mr Macron acted in Miss Trogneux’s theatre pieces when he was aged just 18 at a private Jesuit school in Amiens, northern France.


去年布麗吉特曾向《Paris Match》透露,馬克宏在17歲時向她承諾:「無論如何,我都會把你娶回來!」

Cover stars: Mr Macron and his wife appear on the front of Paris Match magazine. His wife explained how he told when he was aged 17 that they would end up marrying



Emmanuel Macron, who heads political movement En Marche! (Onwards!) with his wife Brigitte Trogneux



Mr Macron had told how he spent hours and hours on the phone to his future wife after moving to Paris for his last year of high school



Miss Trogneux is pictured with her daughter Laurence Auziere-Jourdan ahead of her husband speech to supporters



The couple are likely to be the next residents at the Elysee Palace with Mr Macron becoming the youngest leader of France in modern history



Brigitte Trogneux is pictured alongside her daughter Tiphaine Auziere as she listens to her husband, Emmanuel Macron, delivering a speech  at the Grand Palais in Lille, France, in January



Emmanuel Macron's stepdaughter Tiphaine Auziere was pictured campaigning earlier this month


Miss Trogneux (left with her daughter) married Macron in 2007 – although she did not take his name


事實上,中間派的馬克宏非常可能在第二輪投票中勝出,成為法國史上最年輕的總統。根據不少民調,他與極右派的對手瑪琳.雷朋 (Marine Le Pen) 的對決,最後很可能會是由馬克宏壓倒性地當選。

Macron (pictured celebrating the result at a restaurant last night) is clear favourite to become France's youngest president after topping Sunday's ballot with 23.75 per cent of votes, slightly ahead of National Front (FN) leader Le Pen on 21.53 per cent, according to final results


Macron pledged to unite 'patriots' behind his agenda to renew French politics and modernise the country against Le Pen and 'the threat of nationalists' as mainstream political leaders urged voters to back him and keep the far-right away from the Elysee Palace



In April last year he founded the En Marche! movement, meaning On The Move, saying he wanted it to unite the left and right


Macron is a former member of the Socialist Party, but became an independent politician in 2009



Throughout the campaign, Macron insisted France was 'contrarian' - ready to elect a pro-globalisation liberal at a time when right-wing nationalists are making gains around the world



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加入粉絲團! 最年輕法國總統的妻子比他大24歲「禁忌之戀」,64歲老婆曾是他高中老師「他17歲就向她求婚」!留言按此 好友人數分享! 好友人數加入好友