
1. 2011年,來自美國德州的攝影師Diego Huerta到墨西哥旅行,拍下了很多自然又美麗的墨西哥女性和風景。   他一開始的目的,是想引起大眾對墨西哥毒品戰爭的關注。   2. 他對墨西哥的原住民特別感興趣。 廣告1   3. 在旅行中,他到了恰帕斯州科帕蘭卡鎮 (Copainalá) 的

May 26, 2017

1. 2011年,來自美國德州的攝影師Diego Huerta到墨西哥旅行,拍下了很多自然又美麗的墨西哥女性和風景。

In 2011, photographer Diego Huerta trekked around Mexico with his camera.


2. 他對墨西哥的原住民特別感興趣。

He took special interest on the indigenous people of Mexico in the series 31 Mil Retratos Por La Paz.


3. 在旅行中,他到了恰帕斯州科帕蘭卡鎮 (Copainalá) 的一個市場。他也從來沒想到,會在這裡遇到自己看過最迷人的女性。

During his trip, the Texas resident found himself in a market in the town of Copainalá in Chiapas.


4. 「在我穿過南墨西哥的旅途中,在位於恰帕斯山脈中間的一個城市,我發現了我見過最輝煌的眼睛。她是聾的,我只能跟她用一些標示溝通。真正的墨西哥女人的美麗,遠勝於所有的選美大賽,這並沒有什麼奇怪。」他把女孩Adriana稱為「墨西哥最美的女子」。

"In my journey through South Mexico, in a town located in the middle of the Chiapas' mountains I found the most brilliant eyes that I have ever seen," he wrote of the encounter.


5. 不過很多人認為,她不配成為「墨西哥最美的女子」,他給她這樣的名號只是因為她的藍眼睛。

Huerta dubbed her "La niña mas bonita de México."


6. 有人更提醒他,墨西哥原住民在遭征服時被西班牙人「強姦」,才會導致藍眼睛的出現。

His captivating image of the little girl named Adriana earned him a backlash.


7. 儘管如此,該張照片仍然在網路上爆紅,有些人甚至稱她為世界上最美的女性。

Nonetheless, the little girl's photo went viral around the world.


8. 攝影師也拍下了很多原住民的生活照。

Huerta's latest project is ambitious.


9. 他在社交媒體上分享了他的旅行照,Instagram上更有超過11萬位追隨者。

He photographed over 50 of Mexico's indigenous groups. He has already shared his travel throughout the country on social media.


10. 現在,他正在計畫出版攝影集。

Huerta plans to release a book of his most stunning photographs.


11. 他打算籌集30000美元 (約90萬新台幣),發行一本300頁的攝影書。

He set up a Kickstarter to raise $30,000 to publish a 300-page book.


12. 對他來說,出版這本書的目的,是想保存文化和歷史。

He self-financed the year he spent in Mexico.


13. 他指出其中一些城鎮幾乎已經滅絕,沒有什麼東西能夠幫助他們保護習俗。

For Huerta, publishing this book is about preserving culture and history.


14. 他表示,墨西哥有超過57種本土文化,但我們所知的少於一半。

He found his journey through Mexico was educational.


15. 「墨西哥超越了我們的想像。」

He also hopes his images will showcase how diverse, colourful, and stunning Mexico really is.


16.  「希望通過我的攝影,能夠表現當地文化的美好。」

Huerta's photography is colourful and vibrant.


17. 「我希望我們可以通過攝影,來認識和尊重這些文化。」

"I hope that I am able to show the greatness of the native cultures through my photography," Huerta admits.


18. 由於他在社交媒體上的分享,他跟最美女孩Adriana聯絡上了。

His approach is simple when it comes to earning the indigenous people's trust.


19. Adriana的姐姐是他的追蹤者之一,他們也決定了再次碰面。

It was Huerta's sharing of his trips throughout Mexico on social media that Huerta was able to reconnect with Adriana.


20. 攝影師於是重回這個美麗的國家。

He finally reunited with Adriana who has grown into a stunning young woman.


21. 6年後的重遇,他發現Adriana已經是一名成熟的女子。

For Huerta, he still believes Adriana is the most beautiful girl in Mexico.


22. 在他的心中,她仍然是墨西哥最美麗的女孩。

"Her eye colour is not because the Spaniards came and took our women like someone stupidly said," Huerta wrote on Facebook.



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