
无论你是要找租屋、还是要买房,找房子的过程当中,一定都经历过那种到处看房子、到各个网站看图片的经验吧! 廣告1 来自苏格兰亚伯丁 (Aberdeen) 的Andy Donaldson就在要买房子的时候,发现了一大堆千奇百怪的图片,从里头冒出狗狗,到各种不合理的装饰,由于各种诡异

February 11, 2015



来自苏格兰亚伯丁 (Aberdeen) 的Andy Donaldson就在要买房子的时候,发现了一大堆千奇百怪的图片,从里头冒出狗狗,到各种不合理的装饰,由于各种诡异的图片实在太多了,他决定用部落格跟大家分享,结果还造成了超广大的回响..


1. 等等,阿狗请你不要入镜啊!

Peek-a-boo: This dog doesn't come with the house but wanted to make sure he was part of the picture as he popped up in this living room shot


2. 嗯…这张照片里头房间的格局是有拍出来,可是屋主你可以不要乱入吗?

Lounging about: This image has all the makings of a classic estate agent picture - except the resident has decided to take a seat for the shot


3. 这到底是什么鬼设计?!这样在洗衣服的时候,谁还敢在下头上厕所啊!

Unusual: This house has an interesting downstairs bathroom - it's in the utility cupboard with a precariously placed washing machine above it


4. 这个男人,即便是房仲业者已经到场拍照了,他还是不愿意起床啊…

This man didn't even have time to wake up before the estate agents arrived to take the picture as he laid in bed


5. 等等,哪来的猪啦!

A real pigsty: This peculiar room's main resident appears to be a huge pig, which rests its head on the sofa and lies across a rug while washing is suspended from the middle of the ceiling on an iron bar


6. 嗯…这个房间真的充满了复古的气息…但我到底该说它是间厕所还是寝室还是…

Multi-purpose: The bathroom in this house doesn't have to be used for its main function - one can also enjoy sitting in a comfy armchair


7. 这不是路边咖啡厅才会有的东西吗?!

Worried about the suns harsh penetrable rays? No worries, this kitchen has an outdoor garden table and chairs complete with a parasol 


8. 很明显…当房仲业者来拍照的时候,这个前屋主已经完全HOLD不住了。

Caught short: This man appears to have been unable to hold it in as he demonstrated the use of the bedroom's en-suite bathroom (far right)


9. 这一间房子…有4个前门啊…是嫌钥匙还不够大串吗?

Ways to confuse a burglar: This house comes with four front doors so the new owner will have to make sure they have a big enough key chain


10. 这绝对不是在浴室里头的一把手枪…这绝对不是在浴室里头的一把手枪…

Conspicuous: This probably wasn't the best place to hide a gun when estate agents are coming round to take pictures of your house


11. 这么阴森的小丑装饰,是要人怎么敢买下来啦!

Freaky: This projector room is not for the faint-hearted as it's surrounded by creepy looking clowns and features in Andy Donaldson's book


12. 甚至还有个深情款款看着你的小丑啊!

The clowns are running theme in some of these terrible estate agent pictures - let's hope the new buyer doesn't suffer from coulrophobia (the fear of clowns)


13. 娃娃也没好到哪去!一样恐怖!

Scary: Another frightening room that featured on an estate agent advert was this one with a Victorian theme - and dolls in plastic cases 


14. 嗯…看得出来这是一个相当有后现代风格的马桶…

Wonky: The photographer couldn't quite get the angle on this one as the showroom toilet has not been plumbed in and sits in the middle


15. 房仲业者,请你写3000字报告解释这张照片的清晰度发生了什么事情,傍晚5点前缴交到我的办公桌上。

This photographer has gone for the 'basement in an earthquake look' with a blurry shot that gives no perception of what the room is really like


15. 买房子…送小孩?

Mysterious window: This house comes with large bay windows in the front room which are attractive to small children, according to this advert


16. 还有这个也是啊!可以不要让小孩子乱入镜吗!?

A small child plays on the front lawn in this picture, which was used to used to advertise the sale of the house - although the child definitely isn't included

来源:Daily Mail


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