
曾幾何時,我們看的都是大又沈重的箱型電視,但時至今日,LG已經推出了「如同壁紙般」的LG Wallpaper TV (LG壁紙電視),55吋的電視厚度不到 1mm、重量則只有1.9公斤。輕薄到只需要用磁鐵就可以讓電視附著在牆面上。   安裝方法相當簡單,就是先在牆面上安裝一個磁鐵板,

May 21, 2015

曾幾何時,我們看的都是大又沈重的箱型電視,但時至今日,LG已經推出了「如同壁紙般」的LG Wallpaper TV (LG壁紙電視),55吋的電視厚度不到 1mm、重量則只有1.9公斤。輕薄到只需要用磁鐵就可以讓電視附著在牆面上。

The ultrathin 'wallpaper TV' is less than 1mm thick, and at 1.9kg (4lbs) it is so light it can be attached to the wall using magnets. The concept set was unveiled at a press event in Korea


安裝方法相當簡單,就是先在牆面上安裝一個磁鐵板,然後就可以讓電視吸附上去。拆卸方法也很簡單,就直接把電視從牆面直接拔下即可。而正因為OLED 電視不像LCD電視需要背光組件,所以就能省下不少空間。

LG has revealed a working roll-up TV that is also transparent when not in use. The Ultra HD screen uses a special film instead of plastic as backing to allow screen to be rolled into a tight tube for transport



The display (pictured) is currently a prototype but LG is hoping the technology will become popular 



This latest prototype is the successor to a similar 55-inch set unveiled by LG in 2012 that was 4mm thick (pictured). TVs using OLEDs - organic light-emitting diodes - offer images with enhanced clarity, deeper colour saturation and sharper contrast than standard liquid crystal display (LCD) TVs

來源:Daily Mail



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