
1. 又到了我们最喜欢 (才怪) 的时间了!准备好要看看这些富二代怎么在我们面前挥霍根本不是他们赚到的钱吗?   这个男生说:「Aston Martin超跑撞坏了,所以只好开宾利」(对啦好惨喔)   2.「我爸只有一栋600万美金 (1.9亿台币) 的房子 :(」 廣告1   3. 原来是这样

July 28, 2015

1. 又到了我们最喜欢 (才怪) 的时间了!准备好要看看这些富二代怎么在我们面前挥霍根本不是他们赚到的钱吗?

Rich Kids of Snapchat is a Facebook page offering a glimpse into the luxurious lifestyles of a group of teens and 20-somethings - and the latest snaps of the wealthy childrens' lifestyles have been unveiled 
这个男生说:「Aston Martin超跑撞坏了,所以只好开宾利」(对啦好惨喔)


2.「我爸只有一栋600万美金 (1.9亿台币) 的房子 :(」

One user uploaded a picture of his father's palatial looking house with the caption: 'Dad's only got 6m dollar house'


3. 原来是这样用的…说明书里都没写!

Another snap shows an Apple mac being used to hold a window open and an iPhone being used in place of a coaster


4. 需要一个杯垫。



5. 美国运通的Centurion卡居然是个不错的尺!

The images have also seemingly been sent from school and show one student using an Amex credit card as a ruler


6. 「上课上到无聊了…」

One rich kid sketched all over his Apple mac because he 'got bored' in a lesson


7. 「我拿到驾照的礼物!」

The pictures on the site are of sports cars, private jets, luxury goods and lavish homes, all with captions revealing the kids' nonchalant attitude to money


8. 「手表比这台车还要贵呢。」



9. 「盘子用完了」

Many of the pictures show the rich kids using their gadgets in somewhat unconventional ways. One image shows slices of pizza atop iPads with the caption: 'we ran out of plates'


10. 「没有卫生纸了…」




12. 「睡不着,来做个钞票三明治吧」

One image shows a sandwich with a rather expensive filling in the form of wads of cash. The picture is accompanied by the caption: 'Can't sleep'


13. 「我回家的原因」

Another snap shows an envelope full of cash with the words: 'Why I come home'


14. 有钱人的叠叠乐。

A group of schoolchildren shared this snap playing jenga with their iPhones


15. 给狗狗喝最好的香槟。

Some of the more hilarious snaps show a woman pouring a bottle of Laurent Perrier rose, which costs around £50 a pop, into what looks like her dog's bowl - but it's just an optical illusion


16. 「我本来要一台游艇,但爸爸只给我超贵名表…谢啦老爸。」

One youngster uploaded a snap of two diamond encrusted watches with the caption: 'I asked for a yacht but k, thx dad'


17. 「没有纸了,只好用Macbook…」

Another 'ran out of paper' so used his laptop as a notepad







来源:Dailymail | Youtube | Instagram


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