
在乌克兰 (Ukraine) 的普里彼特 (Pripyat),因车诺比核灾而成为一座废弃的鬼城。 giphy   来自奥地利的 35 岁业余摄影师罗兰 (Roland Verant) 勇敢进到这片禁区,并记录下鬼城现在的模样。 廣告1   在核灾发生前,该地居住了约 5 万名人口。   但在1986年车诺比核灾发生

July 29, 2015

在乌克兰 (Ukraine) 的普里彼特 (Pripyat),因车诺比核灾而成为一座废弃的鬼城。



来自奥地利的 35 岁业余摄影师罗兰 (Roland Verant) 勇敢进到这片禁区,并记录下鬼城现在的模样。

Desolate remains: Photographer Roland Verant, 35, from Vienna, captured a series of stunning images of the Ukrainian town of Pripyat, 30 years after the Chernobyl nuclear disaster that decimated the town


在核灾发生前,该地居住了约 5 万名人口。

Remains of a life: The once-bustling town of Pripyat sprang up just three kilometres from Ukraine's first nuclear power plant, which exploded on April 26 1986



Sinister: Pripyat is still a no-go zone because of the high levels of radiation, but graffiti artists have broken the rules and used the abandoned town as a blank canvas


罗兰在五年前便曾来过此处,但踏进此地之后,她发现自己不得不再回来,前后总共来了 7 次。

No-go zone: It wasn't until the next day that the government realised the extent of the disaster, and ordered the evacuation of the town's 50,000 residents 


在探索完毕后,她在隔离区里待了 42 天。

Ghost town: The scientists, workers and military personnel that staffed the power plant upped and left, taking their families with them, but leaving behind almost all their possessions


她说:「我有一位得力的导游,会在这趟旅途中带着他的盖革计数器 (一种用来侦测电离辐射的粒子探测器)。」

School's out: Most had no idea they would never return to the town that they had once called home, before the world's worst nuclear disaster struck



Left behind: The series of photographs reveal what Pripyat has now become, nearly 30 years after the disaster that forced the evacuation of 50,000 residents



Abandoned: Chernobyl was Soviet Ukraine's first nuclear power plant, but on April 26 1986, a reactor deep inside the plant went into meltdown



Growing again: Nature has reclaimed the once-thriving city, that was hailed as a vision of the future with progressive town-planning and modern architecture



Rusted: The town was even home to a fairground, complete with bumper cars and a Ferris wheel to entertain the families of the workers


车诺比事件发生在 1986 年 4 月 26 日凌晨,隔天仅有 3 小时可以撤离当地 5 万住户。

Then and now: Photographer Roland Verant, from Vienna, holds up a photograph of the power plant after the explosion on April 26 1986 against a backdrop of the plant as it stands today


原本预计在事件后的七个月办一次大规模的清洁工作,让超过 50 万的人来净化受灾地区。

Shattered: Buildings today still stand as they were left during the emergency evacuation, with paint peelings and glass long gone from the windows



Peeling paint: Families were forced to abandon their homes during the government evacuation, which lasted just three hours, on the day following the explosion



In the frame: Photographer Roland Verant (pictured), from Vienna, managed to gain access to the no-go site, accompanied by a trained guide


意外之后, 1、2、3号核反应炉依然还有在重新启动。

Lives left behind: Families were forced to leave nearly all of their possessions behind when the town was evacuated. Today, houses still stand with food in the cupboards and sheets on the unmade beds


车诺比核电厂继续供电到 2000 年 12 月为止,从此永远不再运作。

Devastation: Masks litter the floor of the factory in the ghost town that Pripyat has become since the disaster, nearly 30 years ago



Families at play: An abandoned swimming pool remains, with layers of dust over the diving board and pool where workers and their families once played



Signs of life: Footprints in the layers of dust that now cover the town's swimming pool, evidence that it was once a place that thousands of people called home



Lookout: Shattered glass and fragments of furniture litter the floor, with a view looking out over the ghost town that Pripyat has become



Overcast: An abandoned boat lies in a lake in the town. Russia, Ukraine and Belarus suffered the worst of the contamination from the blast, but increased radiation levels were detected across Europe



Damaged decorations: The red paint on a balcony flakes off, as nature reclaims the Pripyat site, where factory workers lived with their families 


原本预计在 1984 年 5 月运作的摩天轮,还来不及带给孩子与情侣美好记忆,便因核灾而永远被冻结,盼不到旋转的那天。

Ground to a halt: A Ferris wheel had been erected in the town, due to be opened to the public in May. But the explosion put an end to the plans



Back to nature: The sun sets over Pripyat, in Ukraine, with the town's much-anticipated Ferris wheel in the foreground



Shell of a town: Although the external structures of buildings still stand, the insides are littered with broken glass, fragments of furniture, and the remnants of the lives of people who called Pripyat home


事件至今已过了 30 年,太阳依旧照耀着这块受伤的土地,而我们也将永远记住曾经的可怕过去。

Strangely beautiful: The sun shines over the trees of Pripyat, which has slowly been reclaimed by nature in the 30 years since the catastrophe



来源:Daily Mail



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