
1. 害我还有点期待…(要亲亲吗?) Disney / thumbpress.com   2. 忽然腹泻了… Disney / tumblr.com 廣告1   3. 尼可拉斯凯吉饰演…贝儿…饶了我吧! BuzzFeed/Jen Lewis   4. 有点帅耶,其实… Disney / i.imgur.com 廣告2   5. 这真的会把小

August 6, 2015

1. 害我还有点期待…(要亲亲吗?)

18 Horrific Altered Disney GIFs That Will Give You Nightmares


2. 忽然腹泻了…

18 Horrific Altered Disney GIFs That Will Give You Nightmares
Disney / tumblr.com


3. 尼可拉斯凯吉饰演…贝儿…饶了我吧!

18 Horrific Altered Disney GIFs That Will Give You Nightmares
BuzzFeed/Jen Lewis


4. 有点帅耶,其实…

18 Horrific Altered Disney GIFs That Will Give You Nightmares
Disney / i.imgur.com


5. 这真的会把小动物给吓跑…

18 Horrific Altered Disney GIFs That Will Give You Nightmares
Disney / wordpress.com


6. 「快,我们去那爱爱!」

18 Horrific Altered Disney GIFs That Will Give You Nightmares
Disney / tumblr.com


7. 不…不要啊!

18 Horrific Altered Disney GIFs That Will Give You Nightmares
Disney / i.imgur.com


8. 变成树懒姑娘?!

18 Horrific Altered Disney GIFs That Will Give You Nightmares
BuzzFeed/Jen Lewis


9. 这不是我想要看到的小美人鱼…

18 Horrific Altered Disney GIFs That Will Give You Nightmares
Disney / tumblr.com


10. 「我TMD超HIGH」

18 Horrific Altered Disney GIFs That Will Give You Nightmares
Disney / tumblr.com


11. 「古柯碱」(这样才能到梦游仙境吗?)

18 Horrific Altered Disney GIFs That Will Give You Nightmares
Disney / ohmygodfacts.com


12. 「X我吧,辛巴」「好的 :D」

18 Horrific Altered Disney GIFs That Will Give You Nightmares


13. 「你是个臭女人」

18 Horrific Altered Disney GIFs That Will Give You Nightmares
Disney / i.imgur.com


14. 真实的情况。

18 Horrific Altered Disney GIFs That Will Give You Nightmares


15. 喔不!

18 Horrific Altered Disney GIFs That Will Give You Nightmares


16. 我早就知道那个睡美人有点古怪了…

18 Horrific Altered Disney GIFs That Will Give You Nightmares
Disney / tumblr.com


17. 不。

18 Horrific Altered Disney GIFs That Will Give You Nightmares
Disney / i.imgur.com






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