
1.原本在意外发生前一天,船上预定举行一场演习,但不知为何,史密斯船长取消了预定计画。很多人相信如果事前有举行演习,就不会死那么多人。   2.在瞭望员打开警铃到铁达尼号撞上冰山之间,舰桥的长官只有37秒的反应时间。 廣告1   3.铁达尼号上竟然有发行报纸,叫做「

August 29, 2015


Originally, a lifeboat drill was scheduled to take place on board on April 14th, 1912- the day she hit the iceberg. For an unknown reason, Captain Smith cancelled the drill. Many believe a lot more lives would have been saved if this drill had occurred.



From the time the lookouts sounded the alert, the officers on the bridge only had 37 seconds to react before the  Titanic hit the iceberg.


3.铁达尼号上竟然有发行报纸,叫做「大西洋日报」 (Atlantic Daily Bulletin) ,上面有广告、股票价格、赛马结果、花边新闻及每日菜单。

The  Atlantic Daily Bulletin was a newspaper that was printed every day onboard. The newspaper included advertisements, stock prices, horse-racing results, gossip and the daily menu.



Third class had to share 2 bathtubs among 700 passengers.


5.在铁达尼号送出求救讯号时,加州人号 (Californian) 比赶去救援的卡柏西亚号 (Carpathia) 更近,但是,在命运之夜的12:45分,加州人号的船员通报船长看到奇特火光时,船长没有进行处理,无线电操作员也在睡觉,他们直到早上才发现讯号,但为时已晚…事件过后船长丢了工作。

Another boat, the Californian, was closer than the  Carpathia when the  Titanic began sending out distress calls. However, they didn’t respond until was much too late. At 12:45 am on the fateful night, crew members from the  Californian saw strange lights in the sky and woke up their captain. However, the captain did not issue an order, and since the ship’s wireless operator had already gone to bed, they were unaware of any distress signals until morning. The Captain lost his job over this mistake.



The  R.M.S. Titanic was a Royal Mail Ship, which meant it was responsible for delivering mail for the British Postal Service. 5 mail clerks onboard were in charge of 3,246 sacks of mail, or 7 million individual pieces. Although no mail has been discovered from the wreckage, the US Postal Service would still try to deliver it if the pieces were ever found.


7.细野正文是铁达尼号上唯一的日籍生还者 (也是船上唯一的日籍人士) ,他回国后却被指控是一名懦夫,因为他没有跟其他乘客一起死,甚至连学校教科书都把他描述为不名誉的范本。

Japanese survivor Masabumi Hosono was considered a coward when he returned to Japan for not dying with the other passengers. School textbooks even described him as an example of how to be dishonorable.


8.在铁达尼号沉船后一天,《世界报》 (The World) 跟《伦敦每日邮报》 (London Daily Mail) 在报导中写:「铁达尼号沉没,无人身亡。」

Several newspapers, such as “The World” and "London Daily Mail” initially reported “Titanic Sunk, No Lives Lost” on April 16,1912 (the day after the disaster).



However, “The New York Times” devoted 75 pages to coverage in the first week after the sinking.



The iceberg that sank the  Titanic began its journey into the North Atlantic somewhere around 1000 BC.


11.船上的乘客伊莉莎白‧夏慈 (Elizabeth Shutes) 在沉船当夜,因为冰块的味道而被烦到睡不着。她声称那味道让她想到以前去过的冰窟。

Passenger Elizabeth Shutes was so troubled by the smell of ice on the fateful night that she couldn’t sleep. She claimed it reminder her strongly of an ice cave she had once visited.


12.事件过后,美国和英国的的调查都指出船速过快,如果开慢一点的话它或许就能避过冰山。路易丝‧派顿 (Louise Patton) 指称她的外祖父,也就是二副查尔斯‧莱特霍德 (Charles Lightholler) 在侦讯时串供并隐瞒失误,担心会影响白金航运公司的名誉。

Immediately after the disaster, inquiries by both Britain and the US concluded the ship was traveling way too fast. At a slower speed the damage would have been lessened, or it might have been possible to avoid the iceberg completely. Louise Patton, granddaughter of second officer Charles Lightholler, claims her grandfather conspired to cover this mistake up during the inquiries, believing the truth would destroy the White Star Line’s reputation.


13.德州大学的两名天文学家发现,「超级月亮」可能是害冰山移动的原因。在1912年 (铁达尼号沉船当年) 的1月4日发生了超级月亮,月球离地球的距离是1400年来最近的一次。月球与太阳对齐造成超大浪,造成大量冰山逐渐移动到铁达尼号的航线上。

Two astronomers from Texas State University have speculated that a rare “supermoon” may have been to blame for setting the iceberg in motion. This occurs when the Moon reaches its closest point to Earth at the same time as a full moon. January 4, 1912 saw a remarkable example, with the Moon coming closer to the Earth than at any point in the last 1,400 years.   The Moon and Sun were also aligned, causing an extremely strong tide. These events could have set the disaster in motion, with an extreme tide bringing a high number of icebergs in the  Titanic’s path.


14.在铁达尼号上真的有一颗很像「海洋之心」的蓝宝石,是凯特 (Kate Florence Philips) 的爱慕者亨利 (Henry Morley) 送她的礼物。19岁的凯特跟她40岁的老板坠入爱河,亨利抛家弃子并决定跟她逃到加州开始新生活,但亨利不幸没搭到救生艇。

A valuable sapphire necklace much like the “Heart of the Ocean" actually was on the  Titanic.  Passenger Kate Florence Philips received it from her secret lover, Henry Morley. Kate was a 19-year-old passenger who had fallen in love with her 40-year-old employer. Morley had left his wife and daughter and the couple planned to elope on the ship and start a life together in California. When the iceberg hit, Kate had a seat on the last lifeboat, but Morley did not.  Kate gave birth to a baby girl named Ellen, and her story became known in 1989 when she arrived at  Worcester News looking for a picture of her father. She also revealed that she still had the sapphire necklace and a cabin key from the ship.
后来凯特生下女儿,取名艾伦 (Ellen) ,她说她仍保有那条项链,还有铁达尼号客舱的钥匙。


15.船长爱德华‧约翰‧史密斯 (Edward John Smith) 第一次做海军测验时,其实没有通过,但他终于通过后,还赢得了「百万富翁的船长」的称号,因为他良好的名声,上流阶层的人常指名坐他开的船。

Captain Edward John Smith actually failed his navigation exams the first time he took them. He eventually passed, but ironically had earned the nickname “the millionaire’s captain” before the disaster due to his reputation for reliability.




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