
24岁来自印度的Bhanu Prakash最近决定挑战「一小时内拍出最多自拍照」的纪录,超越目前纪录持有者 - 美式足球员派翠克·彼得森 (Patrick Peterson) 的1,449张! Bhanu Prakash   就读G. Pulla Reddy药学院的Bhanu Prakash,8月中辞掉了医院研究助理的工作就为了追求这个

September 11, 2015

24岁来自印度的Bhanu Prakash最近决定挑战「一小时内拍出最多自拍照」的纪录,超越目前纪录持有者 - 美式足球员派翠克·彼得森 (Patrick Peterson) 的1,449张!

Bhanu Prakash, a 24-year-old from Hyderabad, India, recently decided to break the record for the most selfies taken in an hour, which is currently held by American football player Patrick Peterson, who took 1,449.
Bhanu Prakash


就读G. Pulla Reddy药学院的Bhanu Prakash,8月中辞掉了医院研究助理的工作就为了追求这个独一无二的梦想!

Prakash, who studied pharmacy at G. Pulla Reddy Pharmacy College, quit his job as a research assistant at a hospital in mid-August to pursue this unique dream.
Bhanu Prakash


他说:「我当时就在回家路上,有几个人就在聊巨石强森 (Dwayne Johnson) 在3分钟内拍了105张自拍照的事。当我到家的时候,我就做了些申请纪录的相关研究,就此爱上了自拍!」

"I was on my way back home, and a few guys were talking about Dwayne Johnson's record of 105 selfies in three minutes. When I reached home, I did some research work for the application process and fell in love with selfies," Prakash told BuzzFeed.
Bhanu Prakash


Bhanu Prakash说,现在他的纪录是大约一小时1,700张,但他的终极目标是想要在一小时内拍上1,800张自拍呢!

Prakash said that, as of now, his record is around 1,700 in one hour. But his final goal is to take 1,800 selfies in that time.
Bhanu Prakash



He explained that in order to prepare to break the record, he's been doing some hand and wrist exercises, and holding his phone up like a statue for hours. He has also bought a tripod stand and a selfie stick to practice various angles.
Bhanu Prakash


他告诉媒体BuzzFeed,他拍的第一张自拍照是3年前哥哥Rachha Pramod买了一支新手机送他当生日礼物时拍的!

Prakash told BuzzFeed that he took his first selfie three years ago, after his brother Rachha Pramod bought him a mobile phone for his birthday.
Bhanu Prakash



He also added that his parents were at first a bit sad that he had quit his job, but later on they were happy that he's trying something new and unique.
Bhanu Prakash



"My official attempt date is on Sept. 18," Prakash said.
Bhanu Prakash


大家都希望你能成功打破纪录啊,Bhanu Prakash加油啦!

This Dude Quit His Job To Train Full-Time To Break The World Record For Most Selfies In An Hour
Via youtube.com



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加入粉絲團! 这名男生竟辞去了自己原本在医院的工作,就为了成为全世界「最强最快的自拍大魔王」!留言按此 好友人數分享! 好友人數加入好友