
1. 吉他之神和古典音乐家是邻居   吉他大师吉米汉醉克斯 (Jimi Hendrix) 和18世纪古典音乐家韩德尔 (George Handel) 分别住在伦敦布鲁克街的23号和25号,是相隔200年的跨时代邻居。   2. 迟来的子弹   一名女孩因为情伤自杀,女孩哥哥跑去对她的前男友开枪复仇,结果没

November 13, 2015

1. 吉他之神和古典音乐家是邻居

Musical neighbors  If not for the 200-year difference, rockstar Jimi Hendrix and composer George Handel would have been neighbors. They lived at 23 and 25 Brook Street, respectively, in London.
吉他大师吉米汉醉克斯 (Jimi Hendrix) 和18世纪古典音乐家韩德尔 (George Handel) 分别住在伦敦布鲁克街的23号和25号,是相隔200年的跨时代邻居。


2. 迟来的子弹

The patient bullet   When his sister committed suicide after a failed relationship, her brother vowed revenge against the man who'd broken her heart, Henry Zeigland.  The brother attempted to shoot Ziegland but missed, his bullet lodging in a nearby tree.  Years later, Ziegland was clearing that very land and used dynamite to remove the tree. The bullet, after being dislodged with considerable force, struck its initial target and killed him.



Mr. Bryson checks in twice  A Mr. George D. Bryson checked into the Brown Hotel in Louisville, Kentucky, only to find that the previous occupant was also a Mr. George D. Bryson.
一位名叫George D. Bryson的男子来到肯塔基州的某个饭店,登记入住时才发现上一位房客也叫George D. Bryson。


4. 父子诅咒

The Hoover Dam's first and last victims  The first worker to die during the dam's construction was J.G. Tierny on December 20, 1922. The last person to die there was J.G. Tierny's son, who died on December 20, 1935.
当初美国建造胡佛水坝的时候,J.G. Tierny是第一位不幸死于意外的工人 (死于1922年12月20日),而水坝完工时最后一位意外殉职的工人正好是J.G. Tierny的儿子…且那天是他爸爸的忌日 (1935年12月20日)。


5. 他是认真的

He wasn't kidding  On June 20, 1940, Soviet archaeologists uncovered the tomb of Tamerlane, a descendent of Genghis Khan. A warning inscription read "Whoever opens my tomb will unleash an invader more terrible than I." They opened it anyway. Germany invaded the Soviet Union two days later.


6. 车牌的神预言

The license plate that signaled more than anyone thought  The license plate number of Archduke Franz Ferdinand's car, in which he was assassinated, was A III118. Ferdinand's assassination is commonly regarded as the day WWI began.  The official end of WWI was Armistice Day, 11/11/18


7. 伪装大乱斗

A giant mess of disguised ships  During WWI, the British army turned a passenger ship, the RMS Carmania, into a battleship disguised as another passenger ship, the German SMS Trafalgar. Confused yet? It gets better. The disguised ship sank a German ship off Brazil in 1914. That ship was the real Trafalgar, which the Germans had disguised to look like the British Carmania.


8. 千万别让她上船

Don't bring her on a cruise  Violet Jessup was like a walking bad omen. She was on the HMS Olympic when it struck the HMS Hawke, she was on the HMHS Britannic when it hit a mine, and of course she was on the RMS Titanic, too. Jessup was actually a stewardess and nurse, so being on ships was her job. She'd be later known as "Miss Unsinkable." All three doomed ships were also "sister" ships.
1911年的9月20日,奥林匹克号邮轮和英国皇家海军霍克号巡洋舰相撞的时候,有一名叫做Violet Jessop的女子正在船上,而她没有受伤。1912年4月14日那一天,铁达尼号撞上冰山沉没,这名叫做Violet Jessop的女子一样在船上,而且她活了下来!在1916年的11月19日,当英国皇家医疗船不列颠号被德国潜水艇的鱼雷击中,在不到一小时的时间就沉没时,Violet Jessop也在这艘船上,而且同样存活下来了…


9. 小说情节成真

The book that came true  Edgar Allen Poe's only novel-length story, The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym, tells of an ill-fated Antarctic voyage. In one scene, four shipwrecked survivors, adrift on a raft, decide to eat the cabin boy, Richard Parker, to survive. In 1884, a ship called the Mignonette sank, leaving four survivors. They, too, decided to cannibalize the cabin boy to survive. The cabin boy's name? Richard Parker.
名作家艾伦坡唯一的长篇小说《The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym》里头,在讲一艘开往北极的船只不幸发生船难,船上四位生还者搭上救生艇逃难。途中为了求生存,决定吃了一位名为Richard Parker的男孩。而小说出版之后的1884年,一艘名叫Mignonette的船遇难,刚好留下四名生还者,他们也一样为了活下去而吃掉一位男孩。更恐怖的是,男孩的名字也叫Richard Parker。


10. 死亡计程车

We assume they tip either time  In 1975, a man was killed when he was struck by a taxi in Bermuda. An unlucky passenger had to witness it. A year later, the same taxi driver was driving the same passenger when the taxi struck and killed the original victim's brother.


11. 双重死亡

The twin deaths  In 2002, a man in Finland was struck and killed while trying to cross Highway 8 on his bike. Two hours later, his twin brother attempted the same crossing, and was also struck and killed, so they were killed about one-and-a-half kilometers from one another, two hours apart.


12. 同病相连

More twin mortality  On May 22, 1975, twins John and Arthur Mowforth both suffered from heart attacks. Living 120 km apart, they were admitted to separate hospitals and were not aware of the other's condition. They each died shortly after.


13. 让宝宝远离窗户有那么难吗?

You guys really need to keep the baby away from the window  Someone on this street obviously had it in for this baby, because during the 1930s, a man named Joseph Figlock was surprised by a falling baby landing on his shoulders. The same day the next year, the same baby fell on him again at the same spot. Neither Figlock nor the baby were harmed, but we hope someone got this family a screen.
1930年有一名叫做Joseph Figlock的男子正走在人行道上,没想到从上面掉下来一个宝宝,打中他的肩膀,幸好他和宝宝都没有受伤。一年之后,他在同一条人行道的同一个地点,又被天上掉下来的宝宝打中肩膀,幸好他们两个这次也都一样没事。


14. 搭乘彗星来去的马克吐温

Mark Twain's comet-framed life  Halley's Comet passes Earth about once every 76 years, making it actually not that unlikely that someone's life could be measured by it. One such person is Mark Twain, who was born during its 1835 pass, and died the day of its appearance in 1910. He even predicted it in 1909.
哈雷彗星每76年都会和地球擦身而过,因此用它的出现来记录一个人的一生并不无可能。拿作家马克吐温来说,他刚好在1835年彗星经过时出生,更巧的是彗星下一次经过时 (1910年) 也带走了他的生命。他甚至在1909年就开玩笑预言了这件事,没想到真的一语成谶!


15. 双重人生

Even more weird twins  Man, twins are weird! Separated at birth, a set of twins from Ohio each grew up knowing nothing of the other's existence. They were both named James on their adoptions (which might be a weirder coincidence of their respective families), both grew up to be police officers and marry women named Linda. They each had a son, one named James Alan and one named James Allan. They also each had a dog named Toy. They both got divorced, but later each remarried women named Betty.
史上最强大的双胞胎巧合案例!这对来自美国俄亥俄州的双胞胎一出生就被不同人领养,完全不知道对方的存在。他们被各自的领养人取名为James、长大都当了警察、且都和名为Linda的女人结婚,生下的小孩一个名为James Alan、一个名为James Allan,他们都养了只名叫Toy的狗,后来都离了婚、都和名为Betty的女人再婚。我的天啊!


16. 史上最珍贵的车祸

We wonder what their insurance was like  There were only two cars in the state of Ohio in 1895. They ran into each other. Then, for a brief period, there were no cars in the state of Ohio.


17. 历史超夸张重演

History repeats itself  Hitler was born 129 years after Napoleon. He also came to power 129 years after Napoleon, invaded Russia 129 years after Napoleon, and was defeated 129 years after Napoleon.


18. 活教材

The case for taking your own advice  South African astronomer Danie du Toit was giving a lecture at the age of 49 about how death could come at any time. On finishing, he popped a mint into his mouth with a little too much vigor, and choked to death.
当时49岁的南非太空人Danie du Toit正在大学教书,刚好讲到人随时都有可能死亡。上完课,他随手拿了一颗薄荷糖吃,同时又一口气喝下太多提神饮料,当场窒息而死。


19. 风水?

Maybe there's something in the water  Stalin, Hitler, and Franz Josef, who are collectively responsible for about 80 million deaths, all lived in Vienna at the same time.


20. 永远的邻居

The eternal neighbors  The first British soldier killed in WWII is buried only several meters from the last British soldier killed in WWII. This was not intentional.


21. 罗马的开始与结束

The name that began and ended Rome  Rome was, in legend, founded by Romulus, who was said to have been raised by a wolf along with his brother, Remus. The last emperor of Rome was named Romulus Augustus.
传说中罗马是罗幕路斯 (Romulus) 建造的,而据说罗幕路斯和哥哥雷幕斯 (Remus) 都是被一匹狼抚养长大的,而罗马最后一位皇帝刚好也叫罗幕路,全名罗幕路奥古斯都。


22. 失而复得

Jack Frost  American writer Anne Parrish found a book of fairy tales, Jack Frost and Other Stories, and proceeded to tell her husband about how much she'd loved the book as a child. On opening it, she discovered this written on the inside cover: "Anne Parrish, 209 N Weber Street, Colorado."
美国作家Anne Parrish在巴黎某二手书店找到一本小时候最喜欢的童话故事书《Jack Frost and Other Stories》,翻开一看封面竟写着自己小时候留下的签名:「Anne Parrish, 209 N Weber Street, Colorado.」!童年爱书失而复得…这真的太扯了!


23. 不是双胞胎但同年同月同日生和死。

Not quite twins, but twin deaths  King Umberto I of Italy had a weird dining experience when he found that he and the owner of a restaurant at which he was eating were born on the same day in the same town and had both married a woman named Margherita. On July 29, 1900, the king learned that the restaurant owner had been shot and killed in the street. Later that day, the king was also assassinated.  Via List25

来源:The Chive



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