
1. 這張照片拍攝於1941年南叉橋重新開通時,猛一看還以為只是一張復古照,但仔細看就能看出被圈起來的男子打扮完全不符合當時時代,有人因此將這張照片當成時光旅行的證據。   2. 1964年攝影師Robert Serrec在澳洲拍下這張巨蛇的照片,雖然也有人說那只是一塊防水布,但

November 25, 2015

1. 這張照片拍攝於1941年南叉橋重新開通時,猛一看還以為只是一張復古照,但仔細看就能看出被圈起來的男子打扮完全不符合當時時代,有人因此將這張照片當成時光旅行的證據。

This photo was taken in 1941 at the reopening of the South Forks Bridge in Canada. At first glance it looks like any other picture from that period in time... But if you check out the details, something isn’t quite right. There seems to be one man dressed in modern clothing among the hats and suit jackets of the 1940s. He also seems to be holding a modern camera, wearing odd glasses and sporting a logo that doesn't quite fit the time period.


2. 1964年攝影師Robert Serrec在澳洲拍下這張巨蛇的照片,雖然也有人說那只是一塊防水布,但至今仍未有人提出可信度高的解釋。

In 1964, French photographer Robert Serrec spotted and took a quick picture of what resembles a giant snake-like creature resting on the sea floor off the coast of Queensland, Australia. While some have offered the idea that it's a giant tarp, no credible explanation has ever been found for this bizarre photo.


3. 早從1940年開始,就常有人在挪威的赫斯達倫谷拍到不明黃白亮光的照片,1981年到1984年出現的頻率最為頻繁,平均一週20次,但那段時間過後頻率就大幅減少,一年只發生10到20次。儘管有人對此現象提出眾多假說,但仍未出現有說服力的說法。

Since the 1940s (and possibly earlier) there has been a strange light phenomenon observed in the Hessdalen Valley, Norway. The spectacle has a form of white or yellow light of unknown origin standing or floating about ground level. Between 1981-1984, the lights were observed up to 20x per week, but have drastically reduced in frequency since then, only appearing about 10-20 times per year. Despite ongoing research and numerous hypothesis, there has yet to be a convincing explanation.


4. 2000年時,兩張由匿名女性拍下的疑似是傳說中的生物「臭鼬猿 (Skunk Ape)」 的照片被郵寄到佛羅里達州的警局。照片隨附一封信,拍下這兩張照片的女子在信中說這張照片是在她家後院拍下。 有人說這隻生物是黑熊,但是卻看不出有熊的特徵。

In 2000, two photographs said to be of a 'Skunk Ape' were taken by an anonymous woman and mailed to the Sarasota County, Florida, Sheriff’s Department. The photographs were accompanied by a letter from the woman in which she claims to have photographed an ape in her backyard. People claim that it's a black bear, but it doesn't share a resemblance.


5. 庫伯一家人搬入位於德州的新家後,全家人打算在客廳拍一張照片,沒想到竟然有一具屍體從天花板掉了下來。許多人曾針對此照片調查後,但也沒個令大家信服的答案。

As most family's would,  the Cooper’s moved into their new home in Texas and wanted to take a photograph of the family sitting together. However, as the photo was taken, a body appears to be falling from the ceiling. As further investigation has brought no plausible explanation, there are many speculations as to what is happening.


6. 幾乎所有文化圈都有巨人的傳說,但是從來沒有明確的證據。除非你把這個在1985年由Gregor Sporri拍下的照片算進去。他在埃及旅行時遇到一位年老的盜墓者,這名老人竟然有一根巨人的木乃伊手指,全長38公分,據推算身高至少有3.6高。

Nearly all human civilizations have legends of giants, men standing many feet taller than the average with titanic strength. But no fossil evidence has ever been found of one – unless you count the disturbing photographs taken by a man named Gregor Sporri in 1985. On a trip to Egypt, Sporri met an old grave robber who was in possession of a mummified finger measuring 15 inches long – one that would have had to come from a man at least 12 feet tall. Nobody's ever been able to explain or debunk the pictures he took.


7. 在這段1928年拍攝的卓別林的宣傳影片中能看到一名拿著手機講電話的女子,雖然說這個說受到相當多人的攻擊,還是很難否認這名女子的肢體語言以及動作都相當類似拿著手機講電話的人。



8. 在1967年5月20日,Stefan Michalak 在加拿大曼尼托巴省的獵鷹湖附近散步時看到了兩個雪茄狀的UFO。其中一個飛船打開了門,Stefan聽到了一些聲音,並試圖與裡面的生物交流。他靠近飛船,但是卻無法分辨裡面的東西是什麼。突然,飛船的大門緊閉並且開始上升,並向他噴出讓他的襯衫燃燒的熱氣,留下了這些網格狀的燒傷痕跡。

On May 20, 1967, Stefan Michalak was in the woods near Falcon Lake, Manitoba, Canada when he saw two cigar shaped UFOs land close by. When a door on one of the crafts opened, Michalak heard voices, and then tried to communicate with the beings inside. He approached the door of the craft, but couldn't make out anything inside except for what he described to be a "maze of lights." Suddenly, the aircraft's door closed, and the object began to rise. It then expelled some sort of hot air at Michalak through a grid-like vent that caused his shirt to erupt in flames. At a local hospital, doctors were puzzled by the grided burn pattern all across Michalak's chest, which you can see in the photo above.


9. Jim Tepleton 跟女兒出門時替女兒拍了一張照片,當時他並沒有注意到任何不對勁的地方。但是照片沖洗出來發現有一個太空人站在女兒的身後,但他記得,當時周圍並沒有其他人,而且柯達公司跳出來還擔保這張照片並沒有做過特別處理。

Jim Templeton took this photo of his daughter while they were out for the day. At the time of the photo, Templeton didn't notice anything strange in the marsh area where they were. However, after the film was developed, he noticed what appeared to be a spaceman standing right behind his daughter. There was no one else around when the photo was taken, and Kodak even weighed in, saying that the film was not altered in any way.


10. 這是阿波羅7號於1972年12月拍下的照片,當時他們在前往月球的飛行路上。當初NASA認為這張照片是空白的,但是經過調整照片的對比度後可看到有個類似金字塔形狀的建築。NASA至今再也未對此張照片做過評論。

This image was taken by Apollo 17 in December of 1972, during its flight to the moon. NASA listed this image as 'blank', but after touching the photo up you can see it's anything but. By turning up the contrast, a pyramidal structure is revealed. NASA has not provided a statement as of today on the issue.


11. 大多數的靈異照片跟重複曝光或其他攝影手法有關,但是這張在北約克郡教堂內部拍下的照片顯現出的影像似乎不能用常理解釋,照片中能清楚看到一個穿著修道士服的人,曾有眾多專家研究過這張靈異照片卻都找不到合理的說詞,也因此這張照片成為史上最知名的靈異照片之一。

Most ghost pictures can be pretty easily explained away as the result of double exposures or other trickery. But this chilling shot snapped by the Reverend K.F. Lord in the interior of North Yorkshire's Newby Church has thus far defied any Earthly explanations, despite being examined by multiple experts. The shot shows a spectral figure wearing a cowl and standing by the altar, but Lord swears there were no people in the church when he took the shot in 1963. It's one of the most famous paranormal photographs of all time.


12. 這張畫像的重點當然是中間的聖母瑪莉亞,但是如果仔細看就能看到她的左肩上有一個不明物體,放大後的影像看起來似乎有點像幽浮,而左後方也能看到一名男子以及他的狗正抬頭看著這個盤狀物體。

This is one of the most famous unexplained images of all time. While the focus of the picture is on Mary, something creepy hovers above her left shoulder. There's an object that appears to be some sort of UFO hovering above the cliffs. Just below it you can see a man and his dog looking up at the saucer.


13. Freddy Jackson在維修飛機時不幸死於飛機螺旋槳意外,兩天後他服役的小隊拍了團體合照,當照片洗出來後卻看到Freddy從某人身後探頭出來的樣子。照片中探頭出來的男子是Freddy的身份已經被同隊隊員證實,而且拍照當天其實是Freddy的葬禮。

Freddy Jackson was accidentally killed by an airplane propeller while working as a mechanic. Two days later, his squadron took a group photo. Whenever the photo was finally developed, Freddy seemed to appear in the photo. Too add to the mystery of the photo, not only did the entire crew openly admit that this was Jackson, but this photo was taken on the day of his funeral.


14. 1997年3月13日,在亞利桑那州鳳凰城的上空出現了一串不明來源的亮光持續了幾個小時。空軍解釋說燈光是訓練演習投擲的照明彈。但是離奇的是這串亮光在2007年和2008年接連出現,直到現在鳳凰城也沒有給出合理的解釋。

On March 13, 1997, a series of bright unidentified lights appeared over the city of Phoenix, Arizona and remained there, completely stationary, for hours. The Air Force said that the lights were flares dropped for a training exercise. However, the lights reappeared over Phoenix in 2007 and 2008. They still have not been explained.


15. 洛杉磯之戰 (洛杉磯大空襲) 1942年2月,洛杉磯聖塔莫尼卡地區上空出現不明飛行物,根據現代幽浮專家們的解釋,這張本來大家以為是敵軍來襲的照片可能其實是外星飛行器的蹤跡。

The Battle of Los Angeles (also known as the Great Los Angeles Air Raid) was a rumored enemy attack and subsequent anti-aircraft artillery barrage which took place in February of 1942. According to some modern UFO-logists, the picture of the supposed attack might actually show an extraterrestrial aircraft.


16. 這是史上最有名神蹟顯靈照片之一,據說從1968年開始每兩年就會發生一次這種現象。第一位目擊者是穆斯林的公車修理員,教堂頂部的聖母瑪莉亞還一度被認為是準備跳樓的女子,但經過警方調查後發現當時並沒有任何人站在屋頂上,後來在同一星期又發生好幾次一樣的事情。

One of the most famous religious apparitions of all time, Our Lady of Zeitoun was observed over a staggering two-year period starting in 1968. First spotted by a Muslim bus mechanic, the glowing form of the Virgin Mary was mistaken for a woman preparing to jump from the roof of the Church of St. Mary. Police investigated and found nobody on the roof, but from that point forward the glowing ghost of Jesus's mother appeared multiple times a week, being photographed many times without any real explanation as to the cause of the phenomenon.


17. 兇案現場的照片通常有助於警方辦案,但是1951年發生在佛羅里達州聖彼得堡的這起兇殺案照片困擾了社會大眾超過半個世紀。受害者的名字是Mary Reeser,她的全身身體都被起火的沙發吞食,只留下一隻左腳。高溫使得她的頭骨萎縮,但是房間的其它部位都完好無缺。

Murder scene photos typically help investigators put together the pieces surrounding a death, but what St. Petersburg, Florida cops snapped in 1951 has baffled us for over half a century. The death scene of Mary Reeser was a grim and bizarre one – the woman's entire body had been engulfed by flame in her armchair, consuming everything but her left foot, which was intact. The intense heat had actually shrunken her skull, but bizarrely nothing else in the room was touched. The pictures baffle forensic investigators to this day.


18. 藍可兒死亡事件指的是加拿大籍華人藍可兒於2013年1月至2月間在美國加利福尼亞州洛杉磯市中心塞西爾酒店屋頂水塔內的溺死事件。因其死亡地點離奇,加上其失蹤前被監視器拍攝到在酒店電梯內作出一系列古怪動作,因此成為關注焦點。

The death of Elisa Lam has been a mystery ever since it happened in 2013. The 21-year-old student was found dead in a rooftop water tank at Hotel Cecil - where she had been staying. It's not entirely known how she got onto the roof, which was barricaded at the time, but there is a very bizarre elevator video tape showing her the hotel the day she went missing. In the footage, Lam is seen exiting and re-entering the elevator, talking and gesturing to the hallway outside, and sometimes seen hiding within the elevator, which was oddly malfunctioning that day.


19. 這位穿著黑色大衣的女士在甘迺迪總統被暗殺時就站在她的旁邊,根據目擊者說詞,這位女士錄下了整段過程。這位女士搞不好就是能解答案件疑點的唯一證人,但是FBI始終找不到她的下落,她的身份仍是個謎。

The woman in the brown coat, or the Babushka Lady as she was later called by the FBI, was very close to JFK when he was assassinated in Dallas. According to eyewitnesses, this woman filmed the entire thing. It's thought that from her vantage point, she may have been able to answer some critical questions about what really happened that day. However, the FBI was never able to track her down, and no one has since been able to figure out the identity of this mystery observer.


20. 1975年時,黛安娜跟彼得來到了英國沃斯泰德教堂,彼得在教堂內部拍了一張黛安娜坐著祈禱的照片。但當照片沖洗出來後,卻發現黛安娜身後出現一個靈體。他們再度回到教堂,當地的牧師說靈體的身份是一直都在教堂中的治癒鬼魂白女士。

In 1975, Diane and Peter Berthelot visited the Worstead Church in Norfolk, UK. While at the church, Peter took a photo of his wife sitting and praying on one of the church benches. Whenever they developed the film, there was a bizarre ghostly figure sitting behind Diane. When they went back to the church, a local vicar told them it was the White lady, the ghost of a healer who was believed to haunt the church.


21. 大多數大氣現象都能用沼澤氣或其它自然現象來解釋,但是這張在越南湄公河上方所拍到的照片中出現的娜迦燈卻連科學家都不知道是怎麼回事。這些漂浮在半空中的火球從水面浮出,在消失不見之前持續在天空持續攀升好幾十公尺。

Most atmospheric phenomena are easily attributed to swamp gas or other natural phenomenon, but this photo of the Naga lights over the Mekong River in Vietnam has baffled scientists for decades. The red-hot fireballs jet out of the water and ascend hundreds of feet into the air before disappearing, and can be seen in the hundreds some night. What's bizarre about these is that they rise so high – typically these phenomena are fixed at ground level. There are plenty of local superstitions as to what causes them but no definitive explanation.


22. Dean Corll又被稱為Candy Man (糖果男),他是一名會施行綁架、強暴、虐待的連續殺人犯,1970年到1973年間就有28名年輕男孩受害。40年後的2012年,有人在糖果男的照片蒐藏中發現這張小男孩被上了手銬的神秘照片。最令人心疼的是,這個男孩並不符合他們當初找到的28名受害者。

Dean Corll, later dubbed as the 'Candy Man', was a serial killer who abducted, raped, tortured and killed 28 young boys between 1970 and 1973. However, in 2012, 40 years after these gruesome crimes, a mysterious photo of a terrified handcuffed boy was found in one of Corll's accomplice's possession. As scary as the photo is itself, things got much more agonizing when it was found out that the boy was not any of the original 28.


23. 這顆被稱為「黑色騎士衛星」的不明物體據說已經在地球上方巡航超過13000年,沒人知道他真正的來源,但是很多人猜測這是世界上存在外星人的另一個證據。

Supposedly, there is an ancient, dark object that has been orbiting Earth for the last 13,000 years called the "Black Knight Satellite." No one knows how it got there, its purpose, or even who started calling it the "Black Knight." The photo above was taken during an American space shuttle mission to the International Space Station in 1998.

來源:the Chive



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