
1. 这些住在喜马拉雅山的小孩要走过冰层去寄宿学校。   2. 印尼廖内省的学生划独木舟上学。 廣告1   3. 在中国的贵州,学生需要走5个小时的险峻山路上学。   山路最窄的地方只有30公分宽。 廣告2   廣告3   4. 在中国湖南省的张家湾村,学童必须爬这些几乎垂直的木梯上

December 2, 2015

1. 这些住在喜马拉雅山的小孩要走过冰层去寄宿学校。

These kids are walking over ice to a boarding school in the Himalayas.


2. 印尼廖内省的学生划独木舟上学。

Kids canoeing to school in Riau, Indonesia.


3. 在中国的贵州,学生需要走5个小时的险峻山路上学。

Students take a 5-hour journey into the mountains on a 1 foot wide path to probably the most remote school in world, in Gulu, China.





Looks like a bag of nopes on that donkey.


4. 在中国湖南省的张家湾村,学童必须爬这些几乎垂直的木梯上学。

Students must climb an unsecured wooden ladder in Zhang Jiawan Village, Souther China, to get to class.



Guess the kids don't mind heights.


5. 印尼Lebak的小孩必须爬过这条近乎断裂的吊桥才能上学,有些还需要靠父母帮忙。

Kids have to crossed a damaged suspension bridge in Lebak, Indonesia to get to class. At least some of the parents are there to help out.



Just don't drop your lunch kid.


6. 哥伦比亚的学生必须滑过超过800公尺的吊索,横越内格罗河才能上学。

These pupils fly over 800m on a steel cable, 400m above the Rio Negro River in Columbia to get to school.



No thank you.


7. 这些印度学生必须穿越森林,走过这些树根桥梁才能上学。

Students travel through a forest and across a tree root bridge to get to class in India.


8. 缅甸的孩子要骑牛上学。

Who needs a bus when you have a bull? This little girl rides a bull in Myanmar.


9. 在印度的贝尔当格阿,孩子们挤在人力车上去上学。

In Beldanga, India, kids ride  Tuktuk or 'Auto RickShaw' to school.


10. 在中国的都江堰,学童必须在雪中走过摇摇欲坠的断桥上学。

This student has to cross a broken bridge in the snow to get to school in Dujiangyan, Sichuan Province, China.


11. 印尼邦古鲁兰的学生站在木船的屋顶上上学。

Children take the roof of a wooden boat to get to school in Pangururan, Indonesia.


12. 斯里兰卡的学生走过这个架在16世纪古堡上的木板上学。

School girls walk across a plank on the wall of a 16th century fort in Sri Lanka.


13. 印度喀拉拉邦的学生挤在小木舟上上学。

These students pack a tiny row boat to get to class in Kerala, India.


14. 在印度德里的学生挤在马车上上下学。

If it has wheels, you ride it to school. Children in Delhi, India love riding the horse cart to school.


15. 在印尼的Cilangkap村,学生必须踩在竹筏上渡河上学。

Kids must cross the Ciherang River on  makeshift bamboo raft in Cilangkap Village, Indonesia.


16. 新疆喀什皮里村的孩童必须走过200公里的险峻道路才能抵达寄宿学校。

Just another 125-mile journey to boarding school in Pili, China.


17. 在印尼苏门答腊的巴东,学生必须横跨9公尺高的绳索才能上学。

Try not to be late while having to walk the tightrope 30 feet above a river in Padang, Sumatra, Indonesia.


I'll take an F as opposed to risking my life thank you very much.


18. 菲律宾黎刹省的孩子搭著轮胎渡河上学。

Elementary school students cross a river on inflated tire tubes to school in Rizal Province, Philippines.



As difficult as these journeys may seem, parents know that the way to a better life is through a proper education. Stay in school, don't do drugs.



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