
哥伦比亚总统桑托斯 (Juan Manuel Santos) 于12月4日在推特发文表示,哥伦比亚在卡他赫纳 (Cartagena) 外海发现了一艘西班牙大帆船「圣荷西号」战舰 (San Jose galleon)的残骸。船上货物估计价值至少170亿美金 (5585亿台币),据说这是「史上最值钱」的一批沉船宝藏。  

December 8, 2015

哥伦比亚总统桑托斯 (Juan Manuel Santos) 于12月4日在推特发文表示,哥伦比亚在卡他赫纳 (Cartagena) 外海发现了一艘西班牙大帆船「圣荷西号」战舰 (San Jose galleon)的残骸。船上货物估计价值至少170亿美金 (5585亿台币),据说这是「史上最值钱」的一批沉船宝藏。



圣荷西号有「沉船中的圣杯」的称号,在1708年运送大批黄金、白银和宝石从美洲航向西班牙,目的是要资助西班牙国王飞利浦五世 (King Philip V) 为了争夺法国王位继承权。这场王位争夺起因是法国国王路易十四在法国王位继承人名单里,保留了有法国王室血统的飞利浦五世,他认为万一自己遇害,飞利浦可以继承法国王位,延续波旁家族的血统。




This undated handout picture released on December 5, 2105 by the Colombian Culture Ministry's press office shows the remains of the Spanish galleon San Jose sunk off the Caribbean coast of Cartagena de Indias, Colombia. Colombia's President Juan Manuel Santos, announced in a press conference in Cartagena, on December 5, 2015, that on 27 November, the Colombian Institute of Anthropology and History of Colombia, with the support of the Navy and of international scientists found in the vicinity of the Colombian Caribbean Coast a archaeological site which corresponds to the San Jose galleon sunk with a cargo of gold and silver off the coast of Cartagena in June 1708.  AFP PHOTO/Culture Ministry  RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE - MANDATORY CREDIT "AFP PHOTO/Culture Ministry" - NO MARKETING NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS - DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTSHO/AFP/Getty Images


美国的打捞公司「海艘舰队」(Sea Search Armada) 宣称他们早在1981就在卡他赫纳附近海域找到了圣荷西号的残骸,并声称为该船残骸的所有权人。为了所有权的归属,他们与哥伦比亚打了很久的官司,最终在2011年被美国法院判决败诉。

This undated handout picture released on December 5, 2105 by the Colombian Culture Ministry's press office shows the remains of the Spanish galleon San Jose sunk off the Caribbean coast of Cartagena de Indias, Colombia. Colombia's President Juan Manuel Santos, announced in a press conference in Cartagena, on December 5, 2015, that on 27 November, the Colombian Institute of Anthropology and History of Colombia, with the support of the Navy and of international scientists found in the vicinity of the Colombian Caribbean Coast a archaeological site which corresponds to the San Jose galleon sunk with a cargo of gold and silver off the coast of Cartagena in June 1708.  AFP PHOTO/Culture Ministry  RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE - MANDATORY CREDIT "AFP PHOTO/Culture Ministry" - NO MARKETING NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS - DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTSHO/AFP/Getty Images

来源:Elite Readers


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