
1. 能够做出3D奶泡的奶泡机。   2. 能让你永远跟猫咪待在一起的连身衣。 廣告1   3. 内建电风扇的衬衫,让你外出跑业务的时候也能随时保持干爽。   4. 能让你大吼大叫却不会被别人听见的花瓶。 廣告2   5. 可以在泡澡的时候使用的防水天象仪。 廣告3   6. 给小朋友带的

December 11, 2015

1. 能够做出3D奶泡的奶泡机。

This 3d latte art maker that allows you to create creative sculptures from the foam.


2. 能让你永远跟猫咪待在一起的连身衣。

A onesie that allows your cat to be with you at all times.


3. 内建电风扇的衬衫,让你外出跑业务的时候也能随时保持干爽。

An air-conditioned work shirt for the people who always find themselves sweating at work.


4. 能让你大吼大叫却不会被别人听见的花瓶。

A vase you can scream all your frustration into. Talk about discreet.


5. 可以在泡澡的时候使用的防水天象仪。

Your own at home aqua waterproof planetarium so you can enjoy a beautiful view of the stars during a nice long bath.


6. 给小朋友带的智慧型手表Docotch,让你随时了解他们的位置跟状况。 

Docotch - a smart watch specifically for your kids to wear that lets you know where they are at all times along with what condition they may be in.


7. 蛋黄哥会在你不小心把冰箱门开太久的时候跳出来提醒你该关门囉~ 

This one is for the people who leave their refrigerator doors open for too long. Place this egg in your fridge and the lazy yolk will pop out if you've left the door open for too long.


8. 泡澡时可以使用的充气枕头帮忙架着你的智慧型手机。

An inflatable bath pillow that can hold your smartphone.


9. 泡脚用的木桶。

Enjoy a hot spring bath just for your feet because we all know they deserve it.


10. 想要托腮但却想要空出两手做事的时候就要靠这个手型架子帮你啦!

A handy rest arm that you can relax your chin or face on.


11. 能把旧式卡带转换成MP3的小道具。

A wonderful gadget that turns all the tunes in your old cassettes into MP3s.


12. 自动卷寿司的小工具!

A machine that rolls sushi for you!


13. 会发光的雨伞。

An umbrella that lights up.


14. 能随身携带的小型列表机,可以直接透过wifi连线把你手机上的画面印出来喔!

A portable mini printer that can print whatever is on your iPhone screen via wifi.


15. 让你在家就能简单做出面类的机器!

Your very own noodle maker at home! Udon, ramen, soba, you name it.


16. 让够隐藏你的尿尿和便便时会发出的声音的按钮。

A button you place in your bathroom to block out all the potential sounds you'd usually make in there.


17. 把废纸变成厕所纸的机器。

A machine that turns shredded office paper into toilet paper.


18. 猫咪语言翻译机。

A good gift for a cat owner. This device will translate what your cat is meowing to you.


19. 能够计算出你现在挖的一口米饭有多少卡路里的汤匙。

A rice spoon that will tell you how many calories of rice you're scooping up.


20. 防止打鼾的胶带。

Anti-snoring tape, need we say more?


21. 把米饭变成麻糬的可爱小机器。

A cute little machine that turns your rice into rice cakes.


22. 这个万用平板电脑架能让你在各种角度各种情况下使用!

A versatile laptop desk that can be used in any situation/environment.


23. 这个家用地震仪能让你看出何时会有地震发生。台湾的每个人都需要啊!

A home seismograph that lets you know when an earthquake is happening. A must for anyone who lives in California.


24. 会「立即」把水吸干的脚踏垫。

A bathroom mat that absorbs water almost instantly.


25. 能拍下高画质照片的眼镜。

A pair of glasses that can capture HD camera photos.



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