
1. 高級食鹽組合。   包括波斯藍晶鹽、黑火山海鹽、紅細鹽、維京煙燻鹽。   2. 給熱愛吃辣者的自製辣醬。 廣告1   3. 可攜帶及調整的調味料罐,能帶去任何餐廳使用。   4. 附刀具組的切起司砧板。 廣告2   5. 給美食家玩的Travia桌遊。 廣告3   6. 湯叉。   7. 能增強食

December 27, 2015

1. 高級食鹽組合。

Not all salts are the same. Try out this whole package.


2. 給熱愛吃辣者的自製辣醬。

A make your own hot sauce kit for all the spice lovers.


3. 可攜帶及調整的調味料罐,能帶去任何餐廳使用。

A mobile foodie survival kit for any restaurant that you go to.


4. 附刀具組的切起司砧板。

A cheese board that comes with knives.


5. 給美食家玩的Travia桌遊。

The perfect trivia game for a group of foodies.


6. 湯叉。

The ultimate spork.


7. 能增強食物香氣的叉子。

A fork kit that enhances your food's flavor.


8. 全世界最美的巧克力。

The most beautiful chocolate bar ever.


9. 能自製丹麥鬆餅的機器。

A pan that you can make Danish pancakes with.


10. 多功能雞尾酒用的瑞士刀。

A multitool for cocktails.


11. 自釀啤酒組。

Brew your own premium beer!


12. 添加純麥威士忌的焦糖醬。

A limited edition rye whiskey caramel sauce perfect to top off all your desserts.


13. 如果椰子油、椰子水滿足不了你,試試這個椰子醬吧。

Not getting enough fulfillment from coconut oil, coconut water, and coconut milk? It's time to try this coconut jam.


14. 10合一多功能烹飪機。

A 10-in1 multi cooker that lets you make almost everything.


15. 能貼在廚房的海報,上面有各種食譜。

A print to hang up in your kitchen that teaches you how to cook everything.


16. 多合一廚房工具組。

A all in one kitchen tool set.


17. 花草茶套組。

A beautiful set of green herbal teas.


18. 煙燻培根全套工具。

A bacon smoking kit for all the true bacon lovers.


19. 攜帶方便的環保袋。

Reusable bags that are neatly organized in a pouch and ready to go whenever you need them.


20. 能讓切開一半的水果保持新鮮的器具。

Food huggers that save the second half of your fruits and veggies.


21. 兼具美感的擀麵棍。

Some unique rolling pins for the bakers.


22. 還有有花紋的擀麵棍。

Or maybe these laser engraved rolling pins to put some creative prints into your pastries.


23. 藍芽烹煮器,能精確幫你控管料理時間跟狀態。

A bluetooth precision cooking tool that makes every home cook's life a lot easier.


24. 超方便使用的食物夾。

Snappi, the best tongs ever.


25. 烤肉用溫度計。

A smart thermometer for the barbecuers.




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分類:藝術, 美食, 世界
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