
又到了圣诞时节,每年到这时候,大家一定都很烦恼,就怕送到收礼者不喜欢的礼物。如果你还没挑好礼物,我们提供你几种实用的选择给你参考,或许能激发你的送礼灵感。 Bbc   1. 会提醒你有没有重要讯息或电话的桌灯。 廣告1   2. 携带式慢炖锅。   3. 携带式的加湿器瓶盖

December 22, 2015



1. 会提醒你有没有重要讯息或电话的桌灯。

This cool light lets you know when you have an important message or call so you can put your phone away.


2. 携带式慢炖锅。

A portable Crock-pot for the people who are always bringing food to gatherings and pot lucks.


3. 携带式的加湿器瓶盖,能将任何一瓶水变成加湿器。

A portable humidifier cap that can turn any water bottle into a humidifier.


4. 防水的蓝芽喇叭,让人在洗澡时能尽情唱歌跳舞。

A waterproof Bluetooth speaker for all the people who love to sing and dance in the shower.


5. 能收纳耳机的手机套。

A phone case that holds your earphones so you that you'll never lose them again.


6. 有插座的床脚套。

These bed risers not only creates more space for someone's room but also gives them more electricity outlets.


7. 用USB插孔的迷你冰箱。

A USB mini-fridge so that you can keep your drink cold the entire time you're at your desktop.


8. iPhone充电器的延长线。

An iPhone charger extension cord so you can freely be in the spot you want to be.


9. 便利贴、日历跟枕腕垫三合一。

A sticky note, calendar, and wrist pad all in one.


10. 任何爱好户外活动的人最需要的多功能工具组。

The greatest multitool for anyone who's outdoorsy.


11. 白噪音产生器。

Have a friend who's always having trouble sleeping due to loud neighbors or house mates? Get them this white noise machine.


12. 透明纸镇。

A transparent book weight for all the book worms who get tired of holding their books.


13. 剪刀胶带二合一。

A scissor and tape in one, the ultimate office supply.


14. 能让你立刻把不要的部分跟要的部分分开的砧板。

A cutting board that allows you to dispose of the unwanted pieces right away.


15. 自动加热床垫。

Heating mattress pads will not go unappreciated for anyone during the winter.


16. 携带式蒸汽熨斗。

A portable handheld steamer so that you can get rid of wrinkles whenever you need to.


17. 车上型旋转餐盘。

A car swivel tray for drivers who are always eating on the go.


18. 能让人打呼声音变小的用具。

Do EVERYONE a favor and get this for the people who snore loudest in your household.


19. 阳台用烤肉架。

A balcony barbecue grill for people who have a balcony but no back yard.


20. 手持式吸尘器。

Because who doesn't need a handheld vacuum cleaner in their household?


21. 家用护贝机。

An at-home laminator for the business people who always need to make their documents look more official.



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