
1. 她的名字是萝拉 (Laura Gordon),她的Instagram帐号cttchickentuna有超过50万粉丝。   2. 她时常在网路上发布运动、健身相关的照片或短片。 廣告1   3. 她会在网路上回答有关健身的问题。   4. 各种不同年龄层的人都被他鼓舞开始健身 廣告2   5. 她拥有完美的腹肌跟

January 22, 2016

1. 她的名字是萝拉 (Laura Gordon),她的Instagram帐号cttchickentuna有超过50万粉丝。

Meet Laura Gordon. Gordon has found fame through her Instagram account, cttchickentuna. She frequently posts pictures of her slim, muscular body and even short video clips of her workout routines for her 512,000 followers. And it's no wonder why people are looking to her for fitness advice: Gordon's physique would be considered impressive at any age. Chances are, you'll never be able to guess how old she actually is...


2. 她时常在网路上发布运动、健身相关的照片或短片。

1171074 258298990990283 174178224 n Who thinks they can guess her age correctly? (17 Photos)


3. 她会在网路上回答有关健身的问题。

928172 681972111852930 1085549372 n Who thinks they can guess her age correctly? (17 Photos)


4. 各种不同年龄层的人都被他鼓舞开始健身

you would not believe how old she is 640 03 Who thinks they can guess her age correctly? (17 Photos)


5. 她拥有完美的腹肌跟臀部。

1663038 259851394178993 1442994189 n Who thinks they can guess her age correctly? (17 Photos)


6. 先来看几张性感美照,等下再继续猜!

1388998 177751129095167 829488482 n Who thinks they can guess her age correctly? (17 Photos)



10246144 721079761269751 1059748534 n Who thinks they can guess her age correctly? (17 Photos)



you would not believe how old she is 640 01 Who thinks they can guess her age correctly? (17 Photos)


9. 准备继续猜吧!

you would not believe how old she is 640 04 Who thinks they can guess her age correctly? (17 Photos)


10. 她从23岁就开始健身,每周健身三次。

you would not believe how old she is 640 08 Who thinks they can guess her age correctly? (17 Photos)


11. 她的工作跟健身完全没关系,是一名房地产经纪人。

you would not believe how old she is 640 10 Who thinks they can guess her age correctly? (17 Photos)


12. 她已经结婚了,但是没有小孩。

you would not believe how old she is 640 11 Who thinks they can guess her age correctly? (17 Photos)


13. 她除了健身之外也很注重饮食均衡。

you would not believe how old she is 640 13 Who thinks they can guess her age correctly? (17 Photos)


14. 并且自称从未动过手术跟使用任何减肥产品。

you would not believe how old she is 640 17 Who thinks they can guess her age correctly? (17 Photos)


15. 她不去健身房,但是在家里有专属的健身空间。

Give up?


16. 照片快看完了,猜出来她到底几岁了吗?

48-year-old Laura Gordon has been working on her figure for the past 23 year years and credits her gorgeous posterior to hourlong workouts three times a week. "I'm not a fitness professional or fitness model and I've never done anything fitness for a career," said Laura, who works as a real-estate broker. "I don't love working out. It is like a job. Being fit is your paycheck and the workout is the difficult job to do."


17. 答案是她已经48岁囉!

Laura has her own gym equipment at home as she finds it easier than driving to a gym. She completes three, one-hour sessions of weight training each week – one upper body, one lower, and one mixed. Although her body seems unbelievable for a woman of her age, Laura insists that none of her photos are doctored and that she does not use any products or supplements.

来源:the Chive


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