
一名饱受暴力感情所苦的女子因缘际会领养了一只哈士奇,没想到她的人生因此出现转机,不只远离恐怖情人,原本悲观的态度也转为积极正向,后来他们更一起携着相机、展开前所未有的人生旅程。而这段美丽故事的起源要回溯到三年前…   女网友Goldilocks与Kyro的背影。

February 5, 2016


"I found Kyro through an ad on Craigslist. His Mother had abandoned Kyro and his 9 siblings. The owner sent out a plea online for assistance in raising the puppies. I gladly volunteered and helped to bottle feed, raise and find the puppies homes. I ended up adopting Kyro, but we didn’t know he’d be the one who would end up rescuing me."  Via 'Goldilocks and the Wolf's' Instagram and Facebook.



"When I adopted Kyro I was trapped in an abusive relationship, in which I had lost all hope of escaping. Kyro became my excuse to go on adventures and escape the situation."



"Ultimately, I left my ex due to him beginning to target Kyro with his rage. Kyro was and is my world – I couldn’t bare to see anything happen to him."



"After several months of us being out of the situation and adventuring around – I found a deep passion for photography. Capturing our travels together became my inspiration and gave me the bravery to find my happiness and strength once again."



"Through the lens of my camera I tried to capture the ‘Fairy-tale’ moments we were seeing in our journeys together." 
i rescued a husky and later he saved me from an abusive relationship 4  880 1 Adopted husky saves his owner from a terribly abusive relationship (21 Photos)
i rescued a husky and later he saved me from an abusive relationship 5  880 Adopted husky saves his owner from a terribly abusive relationship (21 Photos)
i rescued a husky and later he saved me from an abusive relationship 14  880 Adopted husky saves his owner from a terribly abusive relationship (21 Photos)
Goldilocks表示,「Goldilocks and the Wolf (歌蒂拉与野狼)」是母亲帮她取的暱称,因为她有着一头长长的金发,而Kyro远远看起来就像是一只狼,后来这个绰号便成了她Instagram还有摄影事业的商标。



 "Fairy-tales certainly are better when you have a Knight in shining armor. Or, in my case, a blue-eyed hero covered in fur."
i rescued a husky and later he saved me from an abusive relationship 7  880 1 Adopted husky saves his owner from a terribly abusive relationship (21 Photos)
i rescued a husky and later he saved me from an abusive relationship 7  880 Adopted husky saves his owner from a terribly abusive relationship (21 Photos)
i rescued a husky and later he saved me from an abusive relationship 16  880 Adopted husky saves his owner from a terribly abusive relationship (21 Photos)



"Where would I be had Kyro not come into my life? I honestly can’t answer that question. Kyro raised a shroud from my life. He tore back all of my fears and really saw right into my soul."
"It has not be easy to relive the memories of the past abuse, but my goal is to help inspire others that are in (or were in) situations like mine. You will find yourself again. I found my four-legged Knight – who knows where yours is waiting."
"He showed me the person I couldn’t see inside myself. The person he saw and loved. His eyes are like looking into the eyes of someone who has lived a hundred life times."



Be sure to check out 'Goldilocks and the Wolf's' Instagram and Facebook.


看到 Kyro化身为白马王子守在Goldilocks身旁真的觉得很感动啊 QAQ 想要看更多他们一起冒险旅行的照片的人,可以到他们的脸书Instagram看看唷!


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分類:艺术, 世界, 动物
加入粉絲團! 她本来饱受男友家暴觉得人生很悲惨,但在领养这只哈士奇之后人生从地狱变成了最梦幻的天堂!留言按此 好友人數分享! 好友人數加入好友