100億的「鐵達尼號完美復製品」即將要啟航 傑克跟蘿絲約好見面的樓梯太美!

1. 鐵達尼號重現!「鐵達尼號II號」將完全仿照「鐵達尼號」設計,包括小型游泳池、土耳其浴和舊式健身室。最著名的主樓梯也保留當時的特色,就像1912年當時的樓梯重新上色一樣~     2. 男性專用的商務艙的吸煙區則保持一貫的倫敦俱樂部風味。   廣告1   3.

August 8, 2018

1. 鐵達尼號重現!「鐵達尼號II號」將完全仿照「鐵達尼號」設計,包括小型游泳池、土耳其浴和舊式健身室。最著名的主樓梯也保留當時的特色,就像1912年當時的樓梯重新上色一樣~

The grand staircase on White Star Line ships, including the Titanic and Olympic, was reserved for first class passengers only
The grand staircase, recreated in this rendering, remains one of the most famous features of the original ship, which set sail in April 1912


2. 男性專用的商務艙的吸煙區則保持一貫的倫敦俱樂部風味。

The first class smoking room was a private space for male passengers
This rendering shows the smoking room


3. 咖啡廳的設計理念是來自法國街頭的咖啡廳。

Café Parisien, for first class passengers, was designed to have the appearance and feel of a sidewalk cafe in the French capital
Café Parisien, one of the original Titanic's dining options for wealthier passengers, will be recreated on the replica ship 


4. 鐵達尼的6英尺 (約1.8公尺) 游泳池。

Titanic's 6ft deep pool was filled with salt water
The replica's pool will stay true to that on board the original


5. 臥房是以桃心木、橡木打造而成。

First class staterooms were decorated with walnut, sycamore, mahogany and oak panelling
Some of the world's wealthiest people stayed in first class staterooms


6. 頭等艙餐廳長達115英尺 (約35公尺)。

With white panelling throughout, the first class dining room was nearly 115ft long and spanned the entire width of the ship
Plans for the first class dining saloon on board Titanic II call for it to be designed in the same Jacobean style as the original


7. 普通餐廳則是長桌。

Third class passengers chose from menus which changed daily
Third class passengers on board the replica will eat in a communal-style dining room



Second class staterooms on board the Titanic featured wardrobes, mahogany bunk beds and a sofa that converted into a bed
Titanic II's second class rooms will feature replicas of old wardrobes


9. 負責建造的藍星航運 (Blue Star Line) 表示有許多元素純粹是因為忠於原型而被保留,並不會有功能性。

Edward Smith was the captain of the RMS Titanic on its maiden voyage
On Titanic II, some of the elements will be retained purely for historic significance but will not be functional


10. 電報室。

Titanic's Marconi Room had a state-of-the-art system that allowed passengers to send electronic messages to those on land
Titanic II will recreate the original's Marconi Room


11. 澳洲富商兼政客帕爾默 (Clive Palmer) 擁有的藍星航運(Blue Star Line),計劃在中國金陵造船廠 (Jinling Shipyard) 打造「鐵達尼號II號」(Titanic II),總造價估計約3億到4億英鎊 (約台幣140億到190億)。

The original Titanic was the largest ship in the world when it set sail on its ill-fated maiden voyage from Southampton to New York in 1912
Titanic II (pictured in a rendering) has had its launch pushed back to 2018, with a planned journey from Jiangsu, China, to Dubai


12. 他在2012年首次宣布這個消息,估計2018年鐵達尼號II號會於中國江蘇處女航到杜拜。 

Blue Star Line, owned by Australian businessman Clive Palmer, will stick to the original detail of the Titanic (pictured: Turkish bath)


13. 鐵達尼號II號比原本的鐵達尼號寬13英尺 (約4公尺),但其長度885英尺(約269公尺)、高度174英尺(約53公尺) 和4萬頓的排水量都相似。 

While modern cruise ships boast robot bartenders and giant slides, the Titanic II will feature a gym with Edwardian equipment


14. 客房也分為三等,共有840間,總共可載2,435名乘客和900名船員。 

Like the original, first class cabins on board Titanic II will feature beds with curtains, wood panelling and his and hers sinks 



First class passengers on board the Titanic sailed in the lap of luxury and had access to electric lifts with attendants and sofas



While many of today's hulking cruise ships boast multiple swimming pools and slides, Titanic II would offer just one indoor pool 


17. 雖然就內部設計上以貼近舊鐵達尼為主軸,但鐵達尼號II號將會引進柴油電力推動系統及先進導航儀器,而船上也會備有足夠的救生衣及現代標準的疏散系統。

The bridge on Titanic II will be designed according to modern regulations and feature state-of-the-art technology



The launch of the fully functioning Titanic II, the brainchild of Australian businessman Clive Palmer, has been pushed back to 2018



Second class cabins featured bunk beds and wardrobes with washing facilities, and could accommodate up to four passengers each



Passengers who book a ticket in third class will eat their meals in a communal-style setting with long tables that can seat about a dozen



The Titanic, and in particular its grand staircase, has a place in pop culture thanks to the film starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet
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