
情人节就快要到了,在浪漫的约会后可能有很多人期待能以爱爱做结尾,这也是为什么我们今天要把这个当成借口好好谈一下有关于「高潮」的一些小知识。   2. 史上最常自慰到高潮的时间是,六个半小时的女性以及八个半小时的男性。他们还真是充分运用时间啊。 廣告1   3. 约

February 13, 2016


Valentines day is coming up, so we're going to use that as an excuse to talk about orgasms. Not that we really need one. Here are some things you might not have known about the best experience you can have for free.


2. 史上最常自慰到高潮的时间是,六个半小时的女性以及八个半小时的男性。他们还真是充分运用时间啊。

The world record for the longest time spent masturbating to orgasm is 6 hours 30 minutes for a woman, and 8 hours 30 minutes for a man. Time well wasted.


3. 约有0.06%的男性可以只靠幻想就达到高潮,完全不用触碰GG或身体其他部位。

About 0.06% of men can orgasm through fantasizing alone, without touching their penis or any other part of their body.


4. 根据研究显示有48%时常头痛的民众能经由高潮解决头痛,而且效果远比止痛药来得快。

A recent study found that 48% of regular headache sufferers had their pain cured by orgasm. Not only that, but it actually worked much faster than painkillers.


5. 有些女性在高潮后会暂时昏迷,甚至曾经发生过心脏衰竭、死亡的极少数案例。难怪法国人要将高潮称为「小小的死亡 (le petit mort)」。

Some women faint when they orgasm and, in very rare cases, have had heart failure and died - which might explain why the French refer to orgasm as '/le petit mort/' (the little death).


6. 在二十世纪初,身为「家庭必须用品」的震动按摩棒就被发明出来了,其他家庭用品例如吸尘器和电子熨斗比它晚了十年才出现。

At the start of the 20th Century, the first electric home vibrators hit the market before many other household 'essentials' - people had to wait nine more years for the vacuum cleaner and 10 years for the electric iron.


7. 男人高潮过后,大脑会释放让身体疲累的化学物质 (包含催乳素)。

When men orgasm, their brains release chemicals (including prolactin) that can bring on tiredness. That's our excuse and we're sticking to it.


8. 一般来说,女性高潮可维持6到10秒,但有些幸运的女孩儿可以维持长达20秒。

The average female orgasm lasts between six and 10 seconds - although for some lucky girls it can last up to 20 seconds.


9. 进行「我♥女性高潮 (I ♥ Female Orgasm)」的性爱教育计画的性爱教育学家Dorian Solot及Marshall Miller表示,约有1%的女性能够只靠刺激胸部就达到高潮。

Sex educators' Dorian Solot and Marshall Miller, who run the 'I ♥ Female Orgasm' sex education programme on US college campuses, say that around 1% of women can orgasm from breast stimulation alone.


10. 在一段自慰时间中达到最多次高潮的纪录是49次,在2006年由一位女性达成。

The most female orgasms achieved in a single masturbation session was allegedly 49, from a London woman in 2006.


11. 男人的高潮对大脑产生的影响,和海洛因对瘾君子产生的影响相同。

Men's orgasms have the same impact on them as heroin on an addict's brain.


12. 少于三分之一的女性经常在爱爱时高潮,但是高于四分之三的男性每次都能从爱爱时达到高潮。但是重点来了,只要另一半在前戏花费21分钟或以上,就有九成的女性能达到高潮!

Less than a third of all women regularly orgasm during sex, while three-quarters of men always do. But if their partners spend more than 21 minutes on foreplay, the stats zoom up to produce nine out of 10 fully satisfied women.


13. 根据一份最近的研究显示,一个礼拜有两次或以上高潮的男性比较长寿。

A recent study found that men who have two or more orgasms a week are likely to live longer.


14. 刺激G点能让你对疼痛的忍耐度提升到107%。

Stimulation of the G-spot can raise your pain threshold by 107% at orgasm.




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