
1. Apple Watch买不起?自己DIY就好啦!   2. 为了避免狗狗舔伤口,只好… 廣告1   3. 这信箱…邮差真的敢把信投进去吗?   4. 没有咖啡机,就用纸杯装滤纸来滤好了…? 廣告2   5. 妈妈说:「热一下就可以吃了!」 廣告3   6. 没有披萨刀?罐头盖赞啦!

April 4, 2016

1. Apple Watch买不起?自己DIY就好啦!

DIY apple watch.


2. 为了避免狗狗舔伤口,只好…

This is way less shameful than the cone.


3. 这信箱…邮差真的敢把信投进去吗?

Would you put mail in this if you were a mailman?


4. 没有咖啡机,就用纸杯装滤纸来滤好了…?

Gotta get your coffee somehow.


5. 妈妈说:「热一下就可以吃了!」

No microwave needed here, nope.


6. 没有披萨刀?罐头盖赞啦!

Who knew the lid of a can could be so useful?


7. 是很方便啦。



8. 「大概是我目前大学生涯最鸟的一刻。」

A Sharpie, tape, and paper clips.


9. 住手啊!

You've got to think quick on your feet.


10. 自制充气帮浦!

Created his own proprietary pump for the air mattress.


11. 边除草边喝饮料?

Now you can mow the lawn AND enjoy a refreshing drink at the same time.


12. 虽然感觉很方便但不会很脏吗?!

Who uses metal hangers to hang up their clothes anymore? Put them to better use over a grill.


13. 一个防止电脑过热的概念。

Bootleg air conditioning.


14. 教你如何三秒修好吉他。

Quick fixes are the best.


15. 用这个黏最好是有用啦!

I definitely feel a level of security here.


16. 大学。有什么困难自己想办法解决就对了。

Got a problem? Be creative with the solution.


17. 衣服快速 (?) 除皱法。

The end result is wrinkle free.


18. 还真克难…

I find this more impressive than just settling for the duct tape.


19. 我知道很难看出来,但这是个键盘的脚踏板。

A keyboard sustain pedal made out of an old wire and two pieces of metal.


20. 有了轮胎,谁还需要买冰桶?

Why waste money on an ice cooler?


21. 绝对安全。

100% safe.


22. 受伤也阻止不了男人享受他的啤酒。

Don't let an injured hand ruin your night.


23. 马桶的链子断掉后…

The solution to a broken chain in the back of the toilet..


24. 绝对高效铲雪车。

A highly effective plower.


25. 轮子?轮子不过是辅助。

No wheel no problem.


26. 笔电冷却,简单无比。

Cooling down a laptop has never been so easy.


27. 胶带可以搞定一切。

Sometimes duct tape is all you need.


28. 汤太烫,所以…

Innovative ways of cooling down hot water.


29. 只要能除毛就好啦。

Whatever helps you get your hair off.




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