救起狗狗時以為是斑鬣狗 洗完澡發現「最美麗的模樣」!

1. 幾週前,一名洛杉磯女生注意到一隻在路上的流浪狗,她立刻將照片傳給了拯救團體希望爪子 (Hope for Paws)。   2. 希望爪子立刻出動找到了可憐的茱莉亞 (Julia),她因為流浪而凌亂的外表很難判斷她是什麼品種。 廣告1   3. 當救援團體抵達時發現她的狀況比

July 18, 2018

1. 幾週前,一名洛杉磯女生注意到一隻在路上的流浪狗,她立刻將照片傳給了拯救團體希望爪子 (Hope for Paws)。

A few weeks ago, a Los Angeles woman noticed a homeless dog wandering the streets. She snapped a photo and immediately sent it to a local rescue group Hope for Paws. While the animal was in serious distress and poor health, there was something else curious about her - her species.


2. 希望爪子立刻出動找到了可憐的茱莉亞 (Julia),她因為流浪而凌亂的外表很難判斷她是什麼品種。

The disheveled animal appeared to be a wolf hybrid, a first for the local rescue. Nevertheless, the team jumped in the car and raced to find her.


3. 當救援團體抵達時發現她的狀況比想像中要糟糕。「可憐的她因為感染的關係,身上有不斷留著膿跟血,身上瘦到只剩皮包骨。」

Upon arrival, the found the animal (later named Julia) entering a fenced yard and were fortunate enough to close the gate behind her. Unfortunately as they approached, they learned the situation was much worse than they thought. 
According to Hope for Paws founder Eldad Hagar Julia was in dismal shape. "This poor girl was so swollen from infections. She was bleeding, pus was oozing from everywhere, and it's hard to see because of this coat, but she is just skin and bones."


4. 雖然餓到都見骨了,但她吃東西的模樣仍然非常乖巧,讓人看了相當心疼…

The only sign of Julia's past was a worn rope tied around her neck, indicating she'd likely been neglected to at a criminal level. She was initially very wary of the rescuers, but warmed up to them as they gave her treats.


5. 他們發現茱莉亞帶著舊項圈,猜測她是被主人遺棄,她一開始有些害怕救難人員,不過個性乖巧得她很快就慢慢接受人員給的點心。

Eventually, the team was able to get a rope around her neck and worked to calm her down.



"Even though Julia was so skinny and starved, she took food so gently."
After a while, she even tentatively accepted gentle pets.


7. 也許是知道自己的狗生將會有所改變,她乖乖得跟著人員上車~

"Julia was so confused, so tired, and it was so nice that she accepted our touch almost instantly."



Sadly, Julias full state of neglect became apparent on the car ride back.


9. 醫生經過一連串檢查後發現她得到了「毛囊蟲症」,所以她身上才會有多處掉毛、結痂的狀況。

After a series of tests, they learned that Julia had demodectic mange, a condition which caused her to lose and and have inflamed skin.


10. 因為長久都沒有接受到照顧,她的指甲早已長過長,腳掌也已經腫了起來…

She also had severely overgrown nails, with sore and swollen paws.





12. 協會人員決定要幫她好好洗個澡!




"When we got the water running, we noticed right away how skinny she was. Just awful to see."


14. 她身上因為許多結痂的血塊也因為洗澡的關係一一被沖落。

The sores and filth covering her body had also been hidden by her fur. Once the water hit her, it began to break down her scabs.



"Julia started bleeding from everywhere. As dirt and blood was coming down into the tub, Julia changed color from a grey and red to a black and yellow."


16. 經過了冗長的第一天之後,茱莉亞開始慢慢恢復,她開始吃得更多、而且更親人了~「儘管遭遇了那麼多不幸,茱莉亞還是搖著尾巴不斷跟我們撒嬌。」

After that first long day, Julia quickly began to improve. She started to eat well and regain her strength, and became even more affectionate toward the people who saved her life.


19. 茱莉亞被洗淨後,協會人員才發現她是非常特殊的「半狼、半狗混血」,野性的眼睛配上愛撒嬌的個性溫暖了所有希望爪子人的心~

"Julia has special, calm, wise eyes. I don't know how to explain it, but it's something so special." 
Once she's recovered, Julia will likely be placed in a foster home through A.R.T.N Paws Animal Rescue, alongside other wolf-hybrids.


20. 儘管她的治療是一條漫漫長路,由於感染已經延伸到了她的全身,過程中她曾經丟了胃口、發燒,但她仍然撐了過來。

"Julia is still not wagging her tail — she just shows her appreciation by rubbing her head on me. What a special girl."


21. 但在愛和細心照顧之下,現在她已經恢復許多。

Julia's recovery with more than likely be a long process. "The infection is taking a toll on her body, she lost her appetite, she has fever, but she is of course getting the best supportive care at the hospital. I am sure she will be OK — she just needs more time to heal, and gain strength. When we found her she was in a total state of starvation."



"I am sure you can already tell how beautiful and majestic she is."


23. 還交了不少好朋友! 現在希望爪子正努力為他尋找領養家庭,希望在未來能替他找到一個溫暖的家!

螢幕快照 2016-04-27 下午6.07.23


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分類:世界, 動物
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