這對正妹姊妹玩Pokemon GO居然「捕獲野生四腳獸」,結果激戰到一半的男子還真的被「收服」了…

三姊弟外出抓寶可夢,意外捕獲超稀有四腳獸!英國一名24歲女子勞倫 (Lauren Dua)、20歲的弟弟路易斯 (Lewis Overell) 與14歲的妹妹李畢 (Libby) 上週末一起前往倫敦一處公園綠地玩《Pokemon GO》抓寶時,意外在草地上捕捉到了一個奇景…   Caters News Agency   勞

August 31, 2016

三姊弟外出抓寶可夢,意外捕獲超稀有四腳獸!英國一名24歲女子勞倫 (Lauren Dua)、20歲的弟弟路易斯 (Lewis Overell) 與14歲的妹妹李畢 (Libby) 上週末一起前往倫敦一處公園綠地玩《Pokemon GO》抓寶時,意外在草地上捕捉到了一個奇景…

 PIC FROM MERCURY PRESS (PICTURED: LAUREN DUA, 24, WITH HER SIBLINGS, LIBBY MUNDAY, 14, AND LEWIS OVERELL, 20) A night-time Pokemon Go hunt turned sour for three siblings when they stumbled on a couple appearing to have SEX in a field.   Lauren Dua, 24, took sister Libby Munday, 14, and brother Lewis Overell, 20, to play the smash-hit app at Blackheath Common in south-east London at 11am on August 20 when they were met with an X-rated surprise.   The trio, who live near the greenbelt area, were stunned when they discovered a man dressed in just a silver shirt and blue Y-fronts lying on top of a woman who appeared to be completely starkers.   And Lauren insists the saucy pair were not put off by a gathering crowd at the spot, which is a Pokemon Go spawning nest, and carried on with their daring deeds regardless.SEE MERCURY COPY
Caters News Agency



Caters News Agency



Caters News Agency

來源:The Lad Bible

接著看→女子罹患重度憂鬱症5年,沒想到開始玩Pokemon Go之後醫生都被嚇到了!


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加入粉絲團! 這對正妹姊妹玩Pokemon GO居然「捕獲野生四腳獸」,結果激戰到一半的男子還真的被「收服」了…留言按此 好友人數分享! 好友人數加入好友