
在2013年4月,来自英国苏格兰、只有24岁的斯蒂芬妮·迪克森 (Stephanie Dickson) 离开了人间。在逝世的前一阵子,她的头和脖子一直非常疼痛,还会头晕,痛苦的状况维持了9个月。她曾经看过14次不同的医生,但都是告诉她同样的事情:只是偏头痛和紧张性头痛而已。医生们告

February 6, 2017

在2013年4月,来自英国苏格兰、只有24岁的斯蒂芬妮·迪克森 (Stephanie Dickson) 离开了人间。在逝世的前一阵子,她的头和脖子一直非常疼痛,还会头晕,痛苦的状况维持了9个月。她曾经看过14次不同的医生,但都是告诉她同样的事情:只是偏头痛和紧张性头痛而已。医生们告诉她不要担心,只是开了止痛药就让她回去,但她的情况却越来越糟。

Just like many young women her age, Stephanie Dickson had headaches. But when they continued to get worse, she visited countless doctors. They all told her not to worry.



On April 5, her symptoms got so bad that she went to the hospital.  Again, doctors told her that she was just having another migraine and discharged her the following morning.  Later that day, she died in her bed.



What's more heartbreaking is that she would likely still be alive today if she had been properly diagnosed and treated.



After Dickson died, her family found out that she had a  benign brain tumor that caused a buildup of pressure in her skull.  They were told that if she had been treated -- even up to the night before she died -- she would have had a 98 percent chance of survival.


她最好的朋友、27岁的劳拉 (Laura Aberdour) 愤怒地表示:「我们一直相信着专业的医疗人士,但是当她觉得诊断有误时,没有人认真地对待她。她其实并不需要死的。」

"We have all been left broken by what&rsquo;s happened. It&rsquo;s truly devastating," her best friend, 27-year-old Laura Aberdour <a href="http://metro.co.uk/2017/01/31/woman-turned-away-by-doctors-14-times-died-from-undiagnosed-tumour-6416881/#ixzz4XLcTbKSN" target="_blank">said</a>.  "We put faith in medical professionals but nobody took Steph seriously when she thought something was wrong. She didn&rsquo;t need to die."



In the wake of this devastating loss, Aberdour and a few of Dickson's other friends have started raising money for  a <a href="https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/Laura-Aberdour1" target="_blank">fundraiser</a> event in Edinburgh on March 18.  All donations will be given to the <a href="https://www.thebraintumourcharity.org/" target="_blank">The Brain Tumour Charity</a>, which funds medical research to fight brain tumors.



"The aim of the Ladies Day is to keep Steph alive and fight for her.  We need to do all we can to raise awareness of brain tumours and to get the message out there that if someone thinks they have one, don&rsquo;t back down," Aberdour <a href="http://metro.co.uk/2017/01/31/woman-turned-away-by-doctors-14-times-died-from-undiagnosed-tumour-6416881/#ixzz4XLcTbKSN" target="_blank">said</a>.

来源 : Viralnova


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