
1. 你最想买的东西放在架子的最上方。(还是最里面!)   2. 当你用一些奇怪的方法拿到那个东西时,发现旁边的人用怪异的眼光看着你。 廣告1   3. 第一次跟你见面的人总是说你矮,好像以为你不知道似的。   「为什么?你也太矮了吧!笑死我了!」   4. 把手肘放在你的头上

March 7, 2017

1. 你最想买的东西放在架子的最上方。(还是最里面!)

When the one thing you really want from a shop is on the top shelf.


2. 当你用一些奇怪的方法拿到那个东西时,发现旁边的人用怪异的眼光看着你。



3. 第一次跟你见面的人总是说你矮,好像以为你不知道似的。

Someone pointing out your height as if you didn't know about it.


4. 把手肘放在你的头上!

Or worse, resting their elbow on your head.


5. 把行李放到飞机的行李放置处总是一件非常艰难的事。

Trying, and failing, to put your luggage in an overhead compartment without injuring yourself.


6. 在镜子里自拍得出的结果。

Wanting to see how you look in the mirror, but it not being positioned with your height in mind.


7. 试穿裤子时,大部份都会像图中的海绵宝宝一样。

When you go shopping for new jeans but most of them look like this.


8. 当你在网店看到喜欢的衣服时,必需要算一下衣服穿在你身上会变成怎么。

And when something you like online isn't available in petite, so you have to work out how long it would look on you.


9. 发现比你年轻的表弟妹比你高。

Finding out a younger relative is already taller than you.


10. 买7分裤回来后…变成9分裤。


11. 穿睡衣时总是很怕会被绊倒。

And getting pyjamas but then living in fear of tripping over them.


12. 总是很容易撞到东西。

When you sustain this terrible injury.


13. 跟很多人自拍的结果…只有半边脸!


14. 当你去演唱会时,前面的人比你高很多。

When you go to a theatre or concert and have someone significantly taller in front of you.


15. 你要花一点时间调整健身器材的高度。



16. 搭乘公共交通工具时,你的鼻子总是对着别人的腋下。

19 Little Things That Ruin Your Day If You're A Girl Under 5'3"


17. 或者是陌生人不小心把你当成扶手,然后很抱歉地说「我刚刚没看到你」。



18. 因为你太小只了,其他人总是很轻易就可以抱起你。

When people think they can pick you up because you're "so little".


19. 最后,酒吧的椅子对你来说就如高山一样。

And finally, any time you have to try to get on a bar stool.

来源 : Buzzfeed


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